Entity: soc_reset


integer PLL_RESET_BITS integer SOC_RESET_BITS boolean RESET_LOW std_ulogic ext_clk std_ulogic pll_clk std_ulogic pll_locked_in std_ulogic ext_rst_in std_ulogic pll_rst_out std_ulogic rst_out


Generic name Type Value Description
PLL_RESET_BITS integer 5
SOC_RESET_BITS integer 5
RESET_LOW boolean true


Port name Direction Type Description
ext_clk in std_ulogic
pll_clk in std_ulogic
pll_locked_in in std_ulogic
ext_rst_in in std_ulogic
pll_rst_out out std_ulogic
rst_out out std_ulogic


Name Type Description
ext_rst0_n std_ulogic
ext_rst1_n std_ulogic
ext_rst2_n std_ulogic
rst0_n std_ulogic
rst1_n std_ulogic
rst2_n std_ulogic
pll_rst_cnt std_ulogic_vector(PLL_RESET_BITS downto 0)
soc_rst_cnt std_ulogic_vector(SOC_RESET_BITS downto 0)


Wait for external clock to become stable before starting the PLL By the time the FPGA has been loaded the clock should be well and truly stable, but lets give it a few cycles to be sure.
[BenH] Some designs seem to require a lot more..

Once our clock is stable and the external reset button isn't being pressed, assert the SOC reset for long enough for the CPU pipeline to clear completely.