not used for this minimal example Read/Write Access ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we are reading/writing from/to the interface registers of the module. Please note that the peripheral/IO modules of the NEORV32 can only be written in full word mode (32-bit). Any other write access (half-word or byte) will trigger a store bus access fault exception. The CFS provides up to 32 memory-mapped 32-bit interface register. For instance, these could be used to provide a for global control of the unit, a for reading/writing from/to a data FIFO, a for issuing commands and a for status information. Following the interface protocol, each read or write access has to be acknowledged in the following cycle using the ack_o signal (or even later if the module needs additional time; the maximum latency until an unacknowledged access will trigger a bus exception is defined via the package's global "bus_timeout_c" constant). If no ACK is generated, the bus access will time out and cause a store bus access fault exception. Host access: Read and write access to the interface registers + bus transfer acknowledge. This example only implements four physical r/w register (the four lowest CF register). The remaining addresses of the CFS are not associated with any writable or readable register - an access to those is simply ignored but still acknowledged.
cfs_core: ( cfs_reg_wr )
CFS Function Core ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is where the actual functionality can be implemented. In this example we are just implementing four r/w registers that invert any value written to them.