Package: RandomPkg


comment out following 3 lines with VHDL-2008. Leave in for VHDL-2002
library ieee_proposed ; -- remove with VHDL-2008
use ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; -- remove with VHDL-2008
use ieee_proposed.standard_textio_additions.all ; -- remove with VHDL-2008


Name Type Description
DistRecType Supports DistValInt functionality
DistType array (natural range <>) of DistRecType
NaturalVBoolType array (boolean range <>) of natural Weight vectors not indexed by integers
NaturalVSlType array (std_logic range <>) of natural
NaturalVBitType array (bit range <>) of natural
RandomPType - /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - RandomPType - - /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////