Entity: longbimpy


IAW wire i_clk wire i_ce wire [(IAW-1):0] i_a_unsorted wire [(IBW-1):0] i_b_unsorted i_clk i_ce i_a_unsorted i_b_unsorted o_r FORMAL f_past_a_unsorted f_past_b_unsorted [(AW+BW-1):0] o_r wire [(IAW-1):0] f_past_a_unsorted wire [(IBW-1):0] f_past_b_unsorted



Filename: ../../ifft64/longbimpy.v

Project: A General Purpose Pipelined FFT Implementation

Purpose: A portable shift and add multiply, built with the knowledge of the existence of a six bit LUT and carry chain. That knowledge allows us to multiply two bits from one value at a time against all of the bits of the other value. This sub multiply is called the bimpy.

For minimal processing delay, make the first parameter the one with the least bits, so that AWIDTH <= BWIDTH.

Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D. Gisselquist Technology, LLC


Copyright (C) 2015-2019, Gisselquist Technology, LLC

This file is part of the general purpose pipelined FFT project.

The pipelined FFT project is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The pipelined FFT project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for a copy.

License: LGPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html


`default_nettype none


Generic name Type Value Description
IAW 8 The width of i_a, min width is 5


Port name Direction Type Description
i_clk output
i_ce output
i_a_unsorted output
i_b_unsorted output
FORMAL output o_r
f_past_a_unsorted output
f_past_b_unsorted output
i_clk input wire Nmbr of rows in our tableau
i_ce input wire Nmbr of rows in our tableau
i_a_unsorted input wire [(IAW-1):0]
i_b_unsorted input wire [(IBW-1):0]
o_r output [(AW+BW-1):0]
f_past_a_unsorted output wire [(IAW-1):0]
f_past_b_unsorted output wire [(IBW-1):0]


Name Type Description
i_a wire [AW-1:0] Swap parameter order, so that AW <= BW -- for performance reasons
i_b wire [BW-1:0]
u_a reg [(IW-1):0]
u_b reg [(BW-1):0]
sgn reg
r_a reg [(IW-1-2*(LUTB)):0]
r_b reg [(BW-1):0]
r_s reg [(TLEN-1):0]
acc reg [(IW+BW-1):0]
pr_a wire [(BW+LUTB-1):0]
pr_b wire [(BW+LUTB-1):0]
w_r wire [(IW+BW-1):0]
f_past_valid reg
f_past_a reg [AW-1:0]
f_past_b reg [BW-1:0]
f_sgn_a reg [TLEN+1:0]
f_sgn_b reg [TLEN+1:0]
f_past_a_neg wire [AW-1:0]
f_past_b_neg wire [BW-1:0]
f_past_a_pos wire [AW-1:0]
f_past_b_pos wire [BW-1:0]


Name Type Value Description
AW IAW The output width
BW IBW The output width
IW &(-2) The output width
LUTB 2 The output width
TLEN LUTB The output width


Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

One clk after p[0],p[1] become valid

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

The following properties artificially restrict the inputs to this long binary multiplier to only those values whose absolute value is 0..7. It is used by the formal proof of the BUTTERFLY to artificially limit the scope of the proof. By the time the butterfly sees this code, it will be known that the long binary multiply works. At issue will no longer be whether or not this works, but rather whether it works in context. For that purpose, we'll need to check timing, not results. Checking against inputs of +/- 1 and 0 are perfect for that task. The below assumptions (yes they are assumptions just go a little bit further.
This just limits the proof for the butterfly, the parent. module that calls this one
Start by assuming that all inputs have an absolute value less than eight.

Type: always
