Entity: tx_control
- File: tx_control.v
Xianjun jiao. putaoshu@msn.com; xianjun.jiao@imec.be; `define DEBUG_PREFIX (mark_debug="true",DONT_TOUCH="TRUE")
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
RSSI_HALF_DB_WIDTH | integer | 11 | |
C_S00_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH | integer | 64 | |
WIFI_TX_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH | integer | 10 |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk | input | wire | main function: after receive data, send ack; after send data, disable tx for a while because need to wait for ack from peer. |
rstn | input | wire | |
ack_disable | input | wire | |
preamble_sig_time | input | wire [6:0] | |
ofdm_symbol_time | input | wire [4:0] | |
sifs_time | input | wire [6:0] | |
max_num_retrans | input | wire [3:0] | |
tx_pkt_need_ack | input | wire | |
tx_pkt_retrans_limit | input | wire [3:0] | |
send_ack_wait_top | input | wire [14:0] | 0 means 2.4GHz, non-zeros means 5GHz |
recv_ack_timeout_top_adj | input | wire [14:0] | |
recv_ack_sig_valid_timeout_top | input | wire [14:0] | |
recv_ack_fcs_valid_disable | input | wire | |
pulse_tx_bb_end | input | wire | |
phy_tx_done | input | wire | |
sig_valid | input | wire | |
signal_rate | input | wire [7:0] | |
signal_len | input | wire [15:0] | |
fcs_valid | input | wire | |
fcs_in_strobe | input | wire | |
FC_type | input | wire [1:0] | |
FC_subtype | input | wire [3:0] | |
FC_more_frag | input | wire | |
cts_torts_disable | input | wire | |
cts_torts_rate | input | wire [4:0] | |
duration_extra | input | wire [15:0] | |
duration | input | wire [15:0] | |
addr2 | input | wire [47:0] | |
self_mac_addr | input | wire [47:0] | |
addr1 | input | wire [47:0] | |
douta | input | wire [63:0] | |
cts_toself_bb_is_ongoing | input | wire | this should rise before the phy tx end valid of phy tx IP core. |
backoff_done | input | wire | |
bram_addr | input | wire [(WIFI_TX_BRAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] | |
tx_control_state_idle | output | wire | |
ack_cts_is_ongoing | output | wire | |
retrans_in_progress | output | ||
start_retrans | output | ||
quit_retrans | input | wire | |
start_tx_ack | input | ||
retrans_trigger | output | ||
tx_try_complete | output | ||
tx_status | output | [4:0] | |
ack_tx_flag | output | ||
wea | output | ||
addra | output | [9:0] | |
dina | output | [(C_S00_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH-1):0] |
Name | Type | Description |
retrans_limit | wire [3:0] | |
num_retrans | reg [3:0] | |
ack_timeout_count | reg [14:0] | |
send_ack_count | reg [2:0] | |
ack_addr | reg [47:0] | |
duration_received | reg [15:0] | |
FC_more_frag_received | reg | |
tx_control_state | reg [2:0] | |
tx_fail_lock | reg | |
num_retrans_lock | reg [3:0] | |
is_data | wire | reg [2:0] tx_control_state_priv; |
is_management | wire | |
is_blockackreq | wire | |
is_blockack | wire | |
is_pspoll | wire | |
is_rts | wire | |
ackcts_rate | reg [3:0] | |
ackcts_signal_parity | wire | |
ackcts_signal_len | wire [11:0] | |
douta_reg | reg [63:0] | |
tx_dpram_op_counter | reg [1:0] | |
num_data_ofdm_symbol_reg_tmp | reg [14:0] | `DEBUG_PREFIX wire [2:0] num_data_ofdm_symbol; reg [2:0] num_data_ofdm_symbol_reg; |
ackcts_time | reg [7:0] | |
sifs_time_reg | reg [6:0] | |
recv_ack_timeout_top | reg [14:0] | |
duration_new | reg [15:0] | |
FC_type_new | reg [1:0] | |
FC_subtype_new | reg [3:0] | |
is_data_received | reg | |
is_management_received | reg | |
is_blockackreq_received | reg | |
is_blockack_received | reg | |
is_pspoll_received | reg | |
is_rts_received | reg | |
send_ack_wait_top_scale | reg [14:0] | |
recv_ack_sig_valid_timeout_top_scale | reg [14:0] | |
recv_ack_timeout_top_adj_scale | reg [14:0] | |
retrans_started | reg |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
IDLE | [2:0] | 3'b000 | |
SEND_ACK | [2:0] | 3'b001 | |
SEND_ACK_DO | [2:0] | 3'b010 | |
RECV_ACK_JUDGE | [2:0] | 3'b011 | |
RECV_ACK_WAIT_TX_BB_DONE | [2:0] | 3'b100 | |
RECV_ACK_WAIT_SIG_VALID | [2:0] | 3'b101 | |
RECV_ACK | [2:0] | 3'b110 | |
RECV_ACK_WAIT_BACKOFF_DONE | [2:0] | 3'b111 |
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk) )
Type: always
// this is not needed. we should assume the peer always send us ack @ 6Mbps n_sym_len14_pkt # ( ) n_sym_len14_pkt_i0 ( .ht_flag(signal_rate[7]), .rate_mcs(signal_rate[3:0]), .n_sym(num_data_ofdm_symbol) ); // this is not needed. we should assume the peer always send us ack @ 6Mbps n_sym_len14_pkt # ( ) n_sym_len14_pkt_i1 ( .ht_flag(0), .rate_mcs(ackcts_rate), .n_sym(ackcts_n_sym) );
State machines
- // this is not needed. we should assume the peer always send us ack @ 6Mbps
n_sym_len14_pkt # (
) n_sym_len14_pkt_i0 (
// this is not needed. we should assume the peer always send us ack @ 6Mbps
n_sym_len14_pkt # (
) n_sym_len14_pkt_i1 (