Entity: fifo_cc_got


positive D_BITS positive MIN_DEPTH boolean DATA_REG boolean STATE_REG boolean OUTPUT_REG natural ESTATE_WR_BITS natural FSTATE_RD_BITS std_logic rst std_logic clk std_logic put std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0) din std_logic got std_logic full std_logic_vector(imax(0, ESTATE_WR_BITS-1) downto 0) estate_wr std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0) dout std_logic valid std_logic_vector(imax(0, FSTATE_RD_BITS-1) downto 0) fstate_rd


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Authors: Thomas B. Preusser Steffen Koehler Martin Zabel Patrick Lehmann

Entity: FIFO, Common Clock (cc), Pipelined Interface


This module implements a regular FIFO with common clock (cc), pipelined interface. Common clock means read and write port use the same clock. The FIFO size can be configured in word width (D_BITS) and minimum word count MIN_DEPTH. The specified depth is rounded up to the next suitable value.

DATA_REG (=true) is a hint, that distributed memory or registers should be used as data storage. The actual memory type depends on the device architecture. See implementation for details.

*STATE_*_BITS defines the granularity of the fill state indicator *state_*. If a fill state is not of interest, set *STATE_*_BITS = 0. fstate_rd is associated with the read clock domain and outputs the guaranteed number of words available in the FIFO. estate_wr is associated with the write clock domain and outputs the number of words that is guaranteed to be accepted by the FIFO without a capacity overflow. Note that both these indicators cannot replace the full or valid outputs as they may be implemented as giving pessimistic bounds that are minimally off the true fill state.

fstate_rd and estate_wr are combinatorial outputs and include an address comparator (subtractor) in their path.

.. rubric:: Examples:


    +-----------+----------------------+ | fstate_rd | filled (at least) | +===========+======================+ | 0 | 0/2 full | +-----------+----------------------+ | 1 | 1/2 full (half full) | +-----------+----------------------+


    +-----------+----------------------+ | fstate_rd | filled (at least) | +===========+======================+ | 0 | 0/4 full | +-----------+----------------------+ | 1 | 1/4 full | +-----------+----------------------+ | 2 | 2/4 full (half full) | +-----------+----------------------+ | 3 | 3/4 full | +-----------+----------------------+

SeeAlso: :ref:IP:fifo_dc_got For a FIFO with dependent clocks. :ref:IP:fifo_ic_got For a FIFO with independent clocks (cross-clock FIFO). :ref:IP:fifo_glue For a minimal FIFO / pipeline decoupling.


Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany, Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

limitations under the License.


Generic name Type Value Description
D_BITS positive Data Width
MIN_DEPTH positive Minimum FIFO Depth
DATA_REG boolean false Store Data Content in Registers
STATE_REG boolean false Registered Full/Empty Indicators
OUTPUT_REG boolean false Registered FIFO Output
ESTATE_WR_BITS natural 0 Empty State Bits
FSTATE_RD_BITS natural 0 Full State Bits


Port name Direction Type Description
rst in std_logic Global Reset and Clock
clk in std_logic Global Reset and Clock
put in std_logic Write Request
din in std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0) Input Data
full out std_logic
estate_wr out std_logic_vector(imax(0, ESTATE_WR_BITS-1) downto 0)
got in std_logic Read Completed
dout out std_logic_vector(D_BITS-1 downto 0) Output Data
valid out std_logic
fstate_rd out std_logic_vector(imax(0, FSTATE_RD_BITS-1) downto 0)


Name Type Description
IP0 unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory Pointers Actual Input and Output Pointers
OP0 unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0)
IP1 unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) Incremented Input and Output Pointers
OP1 unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0)
wa unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backing Memory Connectivity Write Port
we std_logic
ra unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0) Read Port
re std_logic
fulli std_logic Internal full and empty indicators
empti std_logic


Name Type Value Description
A_BITS natural log2ceil(MIN_DEPTH)


Fill State Computation (soft indicators)