Before a store operation, the data to be written needs to be shifted into place. Depending on the address alignment, we need to shift different amounts. One formula for calculating this is to say that we shift when i_lsb + i_bytecnt < 4. Unfortunately, the synthesis tools don't seem to be clever enough so the hideous expression below is used to achieve the same thing in a more optimal way. */
wire [5:0]
The dat register has three different use cases for store, load and shift operations. store : Data to be written is shifted to the correct position in dat during init by dat_en and is presented on the data bus as o_wb_dat load : Data from the bus gets latched into dat during i_wb_ack and is then shifted out at the appropriate time to end up in the correct position in rd shift : Data is shifted in during init. After that, the six LSB are used as a downcounter (with bit 5 initially set to 0) that triggers o_sh_done and o_sh_done_r when they wrap around to indicate that the requested number of shifts have been performed */