Entity: serv_rf_ram


width csr_regs depth wire i_clk wire [$clog2(depth)-1:0] i_waddr wire [width-1:0] i_wdata wire i_wen wire [$clog2(depth)-1:0] i_raddr wire [width-1:0] o_rdata


Generic name Type Value Description
width 0
csr_regs 4
depth 32*(32+csr_regs)/width


Port name Direction Type Description
i_clk input wire
i_waddr input wire [$clog2(depth)-1:0]
i_wdata input wire [width-1:0]
i_wen input wire
i_raddr input wire [$clog2(depth)-1:0]
o_rdata output wire [width-1:0]


Name Type Description
memory reg [width-1:0]
rdata reg [width-1:0]
regzero reg Reads from reg x0 needs to return 0 Check that the part of the read address corresponding to the register is zero and gate the output width LSB of reg index $clog2(width) 2 4 1 4 3 2 8 2 3 16 1 4 32 0 5 */
i integer


Type: always

Type: always