Entity: Ad9249Group
- File: Ad9249Group.vhd
Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Description: AD9249 Group Module
This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
TPD_G | time | 1 ns | |
CLK_PERIOD_G | time | 24 ns | |
DIVCLK_DIVIDE_G | integer | 1 | |
CLKFBOUT_MULT_G | integer | 49 | |
CLK_DCO_DIVIDE_G | integer | 49 | |
CLK_FCO_DIVIDE_G | integer | 7 |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk | in | sl | |
vin | in | RealArray(7 downto 0) | |
dP | out | slv(7 downto 0) | |
dN | out | slv(7 downto 0) | |
dcoP | out | sl | |
dcoN | out | sl | |
fcoP | out | sl | |
fcoN | out | sl | |
sclk | in | sl | |
sdio | inout | sl | |
csb | in | sl |
Name | Type | Description |
wrEn | sl | ConfigSlave signals |
addr | slv(12 downto 0) | |
wrData | slv(31 downto 0) | |
byteValid | slv(3 downto 0) | |
r | ConfigRegType | |
rin | ConfigRegType | |
adcR | AdcRegType | |
adcRin | AdcRegType | |
pllRst | sl | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output constants and signals ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant DCLK_PERIOD_C : time := CLK_PERIOD_G / 7.0; |
locked | sl | |
rst | sl | |
dClk | sl | |
fClk | sl | |
dco | sl | |
fco | sl | |
serData | slv(7 downto 0) | |
cfgClk | sl |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
CLK_PERIOD_C | real | real(CLK_PERIOD_G / 1 ns) | |
PN_SHORT_TAPS_C | NaturalArray | (0 => 4, 1 => 8) |
X9+X5+1 |
PN_SHORT_INIT_C | slv(8 downto 0) | "011011111" | |
PN_LONG_TAPS_C | NaturalArray | (0 => 16, 1 => 22) |
X23+X18+1 |
PN_LONG_INIT_C | slv(22 downto 0) | "01001101110000000101000" | |
GLOBAL_CONFIG_INIT_C | GlobalConfigType | ( pdwnMode => "000", pdwnPin => '0', stabilizer => '1', clockDivRatio => "000", outputLvds => '0', outputInvert => '0', binFormat => "00", termination => "00", driveStrength => '0', lsbFirst => '0', lowRate => '0', bits => "000", fullScaleAdj => "100", sampleRate => "000", resolution => "00", resSampleOverride => '0') |
CHANNEL_CONFIG_INIT_C | ChannelConfigType | ( pn23 => PN_LONG_INIT_C, resetPnLongGen => '0', pn9 => PN_SHORT_INIT_C, resetPnShortGen => '0', userTestMode => "00", outputTestMode => "0000", outputPhase => "0011", userPattern1 => X"0000", userPattern2 => X"0000", outputReset => '0', powerDown => '0', chopMode => '0', offsetAdjust => X"00") |
CONFIG_REG_INIT_C | ConfigRegType | ( rdData => X"00000000", lsbFirst => '0', softReset => '0', channelConfigEn => "1111111111", global => GLOBAL_CONFIG_INIT_C, channel => (others => CHANNEL_CONFIG_INIT_C)) |
ADC_REG_INIT_C | AdcRegType | ( sample => (others => (others => (others => '0'))), word => '0') |
Name | Type | Description |
GlobalConfigType | ||
ChannelConfigType | ||
ChannelConfigArray | array (natural range <>) of ChannelConfigType | |
Slv14x8Array | array (natural range <>) of Slv14Array(7 downto 0) | |
ConfigRegType | ||
AdcRegType | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- unnamed: ( )
[out] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create local clocks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClkRst_1 : entity surf.ClkRst generic map ( RST_HOLD_TIME_G => 50 us) port map ( rst => pllRst);
- comb: ( addr, r, vin, wrData, wrEn )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration register logic -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- seq: ( cfgClk )
- adcComb: ( adcR )
- adcSeq: ( fClk )
- U_ClkRst_1: surf.ClkRst
- U_CtrlClockManager7: surf.ClockManager7
Use a clock manager to create the serial clock
There's probably a better way but this works.
- RstSync_1: surf.RstSync
- AdiConfigSlave_1: surf.AdiConfigSlave
Instantiate configuration interface
- FCLK_OUT_BUFF: surf.ClkOutBufDiff
- DCLK_OUT_BUFF: surf.ClkOutBufDiff