Entity: AxiLiteAsync


time TPD_G slv(1 downto 0) AXI_ERROR_RESP_G boolean COMMON_CLK_G natural NUM_ADDR_BITS_G integer range 0 to 16 PIPE_STAGES_G sl sAxiClk sl sAxiClkRst AxiLiteReadMasterType sAxiReadMaster AxiLiteWriteMasterType sAxiWriteMaster sl mAxiClk sl mAxiClkRst AxiLiteReadSlaveType mAxiReadSlave AxiLiteWriteSlaveType mAxiWriteSlave AxiLiteReadSlaveType sAxiReadSlave AxiLiteWriteSlaveType sAxiWriteSlave AxiLiteReadMasterType mAxiReadMaster AxiLiteWriteMasterType mAxiWriteMaster


Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Asynchronous bridge for AXI Lite bus. Allows AXI transactions to cross

a clock boundary.

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
COMMON_CLK_G boolean false
NUM_ADDR_BITS_G natural 32
PIPE_STAGES_G integer range 0 to 16 0


Port name Direction Type Description
sAxiClk in sl Slave Port
sAxiClkRst in sl
sAxiReadMaster in AxiLiteReadMasterType
sAxiReadSlave out AxiLiteReadSlaveType
sAxiWriteMaster in AxiLiteWriteMasterType
sAxiWriteSlave out AxiLiteWriteSlaveType
mAxiClk in sl Master Port
mAxiClkRst in sl
mAxiReadMaster out AxiLiteReadMasterType
mAxiReadSlave in AxiLiteReadSlaveType
mAxiWriteMaster out AxiLiteWriteMasterType
mAxiWriteSlave in AxiLiteWriteSlaveType


Name Type Description
s2mRst sl Slave rst sync'd to master clk
m2sRst sl Master rst sync'd to slave clk
readSlaveToMastDin slv(NUM_ADDR_BITS_G+2 downto 0)
readSlaveToMastDout slv(NUM_ADDR_BITS_G+2 downto 0)
readSlaveToMastFull sl
readSlaveToMastValid sl
readSlaveToMastRead sl
readSlaveToMastWrite sl
readMastToSlaveDin slv(33 downto 0)
readMastToSlaveDout slv(33 downto 0)
readMastToSlaveFull sl
readMastToSlaveValid sl
readMastToSlaveRead sl
readMastToSlaveWrite sl
writeAddrSlaveToMastDin slv(NUM_ADDR_BITS_G+2 downto 0)
writeAddrSlaveToMastDout slv(NUM_ADDR_BITS_G+2 downto 0)
writeAddrSlaveToMastFull sl
writeAddrSlaveToMastValid sl
writeAddrSlaveToMastRead sl
writeAddrSlaveToMastWrite sl
writeDataSlaveToMastDin slv(35 downto 0)
writeDataSlaveToMastDout slv(35 downto 0)
writeDataSlaveToMastFull sl
writeDataSlaveToMastValid sl
writeDataSlaveToMastRead sl
writeDataSlaveToMastWrite sl
writeMastToSlaveDin slv(1 downto 0)
writeMastToSlaveDout slv(1 downto 0)
writeMastToSlaveFull sl
writeMastToSlaveValid sl
writeMastToSlaveRead sl
writeMastToSlaveWrite sl