Entity: AxiRssiTxFsm


time TPD_G AxiConfigType AXI_CONFIG_G positive BURST_BYTES_G positive WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G positive SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G boolean HEADER_CHKSUM_EN_G sl clk_i sl rst_i slv(63 downto 0) axiOffset_i AxiWriteSlaveType mAxiWriteSlave_i AxiReadSlaveType mAxiReadSlave_i AxiStreamMasterType appMaster_i AxiStreamSlaveType tspSlave_i sl connActive_i sl closed_i sl injectFault_i sl sndSyn_i sl sndAck_i sl sndRst_i sl sndResend_i sl sndNull_i integer range 1 to 2 ** (WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G) windowSize_i integer range 1 to 2 ** (SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G) bufferSize_i slv(RSSI_WORD_WIDTH_C*8-1 downto 0) rdHeaderData_i slv(7 downto 0) initSeqN_i sl ack_i slv(7 downto 0) ackN_i AxiWriteMasterType mAxiWriteMaster_o AxiReadMasterType mAxiReadMaster_o AxiStreamSlaveType appSlave_o AxiStreamMasterType tspMaster_o slv(7 downto 0) rdHeaderAddr_o slv(7 downto 0) txSeqN_o sl synHeadSt_o sl ackHeadSt_o sl dataHeadSt_o sl dataSt_o sl rstHeadSt_o sl nullHeadSt_o slv(7 downto 0) lastAckN_o sl lenErr_o sl ackErr_o sl bufferEmpty_o


Title : RSSI Protocol: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/x/1IyfD

Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Transmitter FSM Transmitter has the following functionality: Handle buffer addresses and buffer window (firstUnackAddr,nextSentAddr,lastSentAddr, bufferFull, bufferEmpty) Application side FSM. Receive SSI frame and store into TX data buffer. - IDLE Waits until buffer window is free (not bufferFull), - Waits for Application side SOF, - Save the segment to Rx buffer at nextSentAddr. Disable sending of NULL segments with appBusy flag, - When EOF received save segment length and keep flags. Check length error, - Request data send at Transport side FSM and increment nextSentAddr - Wait until the data is processed and data segment sent by Transport side FSM - Release appBusy flag and go back to INIT. Acknowledgment FSM. - IDLE Waits for ack_i (ack request) and ackN_i(ack number)(from RxFSM), - Increments firstUnackAddr until the ackN_i is found in Window buffer, - If it does not find the SEQ number it reports Ack Error, - Goes back to IDLE. Transport side FSM. Send and resend various segments to Transport side. - INIT Initializes seqN to initSeqN. Waits until new connection requested. ConnFSM goin out od Closed state. - DISS_CONN allows sending SYN, ACK, or RST segments. Goes to CONN when connection becomes active. - CONN allows sending DATA, NULL, ACK, or RST segments. In Resend procedure the FSM resends all the unacknowledged (DATA, NULL, RST) segments in the buffer window.

         Note:Sequence number is incremented with sending SYN, DATA, NULL, and RST segments.

Note:Only the following segments are saved into Tx buffer DATA, NULL, and RST.

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
AXI_CONFIG_G AxiConfigType
BURST_BYTES_G positive 1024
WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G positive 3 2^WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G = Number of segments
SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G positive 7 2^SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G = Number of 64 bit wide data words
HEADER_CHKSUM_EN_G boolean true


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i in sl
rst_i in sl
axiOffset_i in slv(63 downto 0) AXI Segment Buffer Interface
mAxiWriteMaster_o out AxiWriteMasterType
mAxiWriteSlave_i in AxiWriteSlaveType
mAxiReadMaster_o out AxiReadMasterType
mAxiReadSlave_i in AxiReadSlaveType
appMaster_i in AxiStreamMasterType Inbound Application Interface
appSlave_o out AxiStreamSlaveType
tspMaster_o out AxiStreamMasterType Outbound Transport Interface
tspSlave_i in AxiStreamSlaveType
connActive_i in sl Connection FSM indicating active connection
closed_i in sl Closed state in connFSM (initialize seqN)
injectFault_i in sl Fault injection corrupts header checksum
sndSyn_i in sl Various segment requests
sndAck_i in sl
sndRst_i in sl
sndResend_i in sl
sndNull_i in sl
windowSize_i in integer range 1 to 2 ** (WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G) Window buff size (Depends on the number of outstanding segments)
bufferSize_i in integer range 1 to 2 ** (SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G)
rdHeaderAddr_o out slv(7 downto 0) Header read
rdHeaderData_i in slv(RSSI_WORD_WIDTH_C*8-1 downto 0)
initSeqN_i in slv(7 downto 0) Initial sequence number
txSeqN_o out slv(7 downto 0) Tx data (input to header decoder module)
synHeadSt_o out sl FSM outs for header and data flow control
ackHeadSt_o out sl
dataHeadSt_o out sl
dataSt_o out sl
rstHeadSt_o out sl
nullHeadSt_o out sl
lastAckN_o out slv(7 downto 0) Last acked number (Used in Rx FSM to determine if AcnN is valid)
ack_i in sl From receiver module when a segment with valid ACK is received
ackN_i in slv(7 downto 0) Number being ACKed
lenErr_o out sl ack_i : in sl; -- From receiver module when a segment with valid EACK is receivedackSeqnArr_i : in Slv8Array(0 to MAX_RX_NUM_OUTS_SEG_G-1); -- Array of sequence numbers received out of order Errors (1 cc pulse)
ackErr_o out sl
bufferEmpty_o out sl Segment buffer indicator


Name Type Description
r RegType
rin RegType
wrAck AxiWriteDmaAckType
rdAck AxiReadDmaAckType
wrDmaMaster AxiStreamMasterType
wrDmaSlave AxiStreamSlaveType
rdDmaMaster AxiStreamMasterType
rdDmaSlave AxiStreamSlaveType


Name Type Value Description
REG_INIT_C RegType ( ---------------------------------------------------- -- Buffer window handling and acknowledgment control ---------------------------------------------------- -- Window control firstUnackAddr => (others => '0'),
lastSentAddr => (others => '0'),
nextSentAddr => (others => '0'),
lastAckSeqN => (others => '0'),
--eackAddr => (others => '0'),
--eackIndex => 0,
bufferFull => '0',
bufferEmpty => '1',
windowArray => (0 to 2 ** WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G-1 => WINDOW_INIT_C),
ackErr => '0',
ackState => IDLE_S,
----------------------- -- Application side FSM ----------------------- wrReq => AXI_WRITE_DMA_REQ_INIT_C,
rxSegmentWe => '0',
rxBufferAddr => (others => '0'),
sndData => '0',
lenErr => '0',
appBusy => '0',
appState => IDLE_S,
---------------------- -- Transport side FSM ---------------------- rdReq => AXI_READ_DMA_REQ_INIT_C,
-- csumAccum => (others => '0'),
chksumOk => '0',
checksum => (others => '0'),
-- nextSeqN => (others => '0'),
seqN => (others => '0'),
txHeaderAddr => (others => '0'),
txBufferAddr => (others => '0'),
-- synH => '0',
ackH => '0',
rstH => '0',
nullH => '0',
dataH => '0',
dataD => '0',
resend => '0',
ackSndData => '0',
hdrAmrmed => '0',
simErrorDet => '0',
-- buffWe => '0',
buffSent => '0',
-- Fault injection injectFaultD1 => '0',
injectFaultReg => '0',
-- Transport Interface rdDmaSlave => AXI_STREAM_SLAVE_INIT_C,
-- State Machine tspState => INIT_S)


Name Type Description
TspStateType ( INIT_S,
AppStateType ( IDLE_S,
AckStateType ( IDLE_S,


