Entity: AxiStreamDmaFifo
- File: AxiStreamDmaFifo.vhd
Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Description: Generic AXI Stream FIFO (one frame at a time transfers, no TDEST interleaving)
using an AXI4 memory for the buffering of the AXI stream frames
This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
TPD_G | time | 1 ns | |
START_AFTER_RST_G | sl | '1' | '1' still start the DMA REQs after RST; '0' will wait for AXI-Lite to start this |
DROP_ERR_FRAME_G | sl | '1' | '1' will drop the AXIS if error detect |
SOF_INSERT_G | sl | '1' | Inserts SsiPkg's SOF bit |
PEND_THRESH_G | natural | 0 | In units of bytes |
MAX_FRAME_WIDTH_G | positive | 14 | Maximum AXI Stream frame size (units of address bits) |
AXI_BUFFER_WIDTH_G | positive | 28 | Total AXI Memory for FIFO buffering (units of address bits) |
AXIS_CONFIG_G | AxiStreamConfigType | AXI Stream Configurations | |
AXI_BASE_ADDR_G | slv(63 downto 0) | x"0000_0000_0000_0000" | Memory Base Address Offset |
AXI_CONFIG_G | AxiConfigType | ||
AXI_BURST_G | slv(1 downto 0) | "01" | |
AXI_CACHE_G | slv(3 downto 0) | "1111" |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
axiClk | in | sl | Clock and Reset |
axiRst | in | sl | |
axiReadMaster | out | AxiReadMasterType | AXI4 Interface |
axiReadSlave | in | AxiReadSlaveType | |
axiWriteMaster | out | AxiWriteMasterType | |
axiWriteSlave | in | AxiWriteSlaveType | |
sAxisMaster | in | AxiStreamMasterType | AXI Stream Interface |
sAxisSlave | out | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
mAxisMaster | out | AxiStreamMasterType | |
mAxisSlave | in | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
axilReadMaster | in | AxiLiteReadMasterType | Optional: AXI-Lite Interface |
axilReadSlave | out | AxiLiteReadSlaveType | |
axilWriteMaster | in | AxiLiteWriteMasterType | |
axilWriteSlave | out | AxiLiteWriteSlaveType |
Name | Type | Description |
r | RegType | |
rin | RegType | |
wrAck | AxiWriteDmaAckType | |
rdAck | AxiReadDmaAckType | |
wrQueueAfull | sl | |
rdQueueRst | sl | |
rdQueueReset | sl | |
rdQueueValid | sl | |
rdQueueReady | sl | |
rdQueueData | slv(LOCAL_AXI_READ_DMA_READ_REQ_SIZE_C-1 downto 0) |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
BYP_SHIFT_C | boolean | true | APP DMA driver enforces alignment, which means shift not required |
ADDR_WIDTH_C | positive | ite((BIT_DIFF_C <= 10), BIT_DIFF_C, 10) |
CASCADE_SIZE_C | positive | ite((BIT_DIFF_C <= 10), 1, 2**(BIT_DIFF_C-10)) |
REG_INIT_C | RegType | ( rstCnt => '0', insertSof => SOF_INSERT_G, online => START_AFTER_RST_G, dropOnErr => DROP_ERR_FRAME_G, baseAddr => AXI_BASE_ADDR_G, maxSize => toSlv(2**MAX_FRAME_WIDTH_G, 32), swCache => AXI_CACHE_G, errorCnt => (others => '0'), rdQueueReady => '0', wrQueueValid => '0', wrQueueData => (others => '0'), wrIndex => (others => '0'), rdIndex => (others => '0'), frameCnt => (others => '0'), frameCntMax => (others => '0'), wrReq => AXI_WRITE_DMA_REQ_INIT_C, rdReq => AXI_READ_DMA_REQ_INIT_C, axilReadSlave => AXI_LITE_READ_SLAVE_INIT_C, axilWriteSlave => AXI_LITE_WRITE_SLAVE_INIT_C) |
Name | Type | Description |
RegType |
- localToSlv (r : AxiReadDmaReqType) return slv
Using a local version (instead of AxiDmaPkg generalized functions) that's better logic optimized for this module
- localToAxiReadDmaReq (din : slv;
valid : sl) return AxiReadDmaReqType
- comb: ( axiRst, axilReadMaster, axilWriteMaster, r, rdAck,
rdQueueData, rdQueueValid, wrAck, wrQueueAfull )
- seq: ( axiClk )
- U_IbDma: surf.AxiStreamDmaWrite
Inbound Controller
- U_ObDma: surf.AxiStreamDmaRead
Outbound Controller
- U_ReadQueue: surf.FifoCascade
Read Queue
- U_rdQueueReset: surf.RstPipeline