Package: AxisToJtagPkg


This module implements a simple protocol for encoding XVC transactions over
an AXI stream. Part of this is support for unreliable transport protocols
(by means of a memory buffer and transaction IDs).
Once the protocol header is processed the stream is delegated to the
AxisToJtagCore module.


The incoming Stream consists of consecutive words of AXIS_WIDTH_G bytes,
must be framed with 'TLAST' and is expected to have the following format :

Header Word [, Payload ]

The header word is defined as

[31:30] Protocol Version -- currently "00"
[29:28] Command
[27:00] Command-specific parameter(s)

Note that if the core is configured for a stream width (AXIS_WIDTH_G) > 4
then the header is padded up to the desired width, i.e., the paylod must
be word-aligned.

Each command word is answered with a reply word on the outgoing stream
(see below).

The following commands are currently defined:

  "00"  QUERY: request basic features such as word length, memory depth.

        Payload: NONE, i.e., TLAST should be asserted with this command.

  "01"  JTAG: shift jtag vectors. The vectors are shipped in the payload.
        The parameter bits for this command are defined as follows:

        [27:20] Transaction ID; this is used when the core is configured
                with MEM_DEPTH_G > 0 in order to support a non-reliable
        [19:00] JTAG vector length (in bits). The payload must provide
                2*ceil( length / AXIS_WIDTH_G ) words of TMS/TDI vector
                data. I.e., the length refers to the length of a single
                TMS or TDI vector.
                 NOTE: the number in [19:00] encodes the actual number
                       minus 1. E.g., a value of 0 transmits one TMS
                       and one TDI bit. Two payload words are expected
                       in this example.

        Payload: sequence of words from the TMS and TDI bit-vectors:

                TMS_WORD, TDI_WORD, TMS_WORD, TDI_WORD, ...

                Note that the user must format the stream accordingly
                and therefore must be aware of the stream width. This
                parameter is returned by the QUERY command.

                If the number of bits supplied does not fill the last
                word then the relevant bits must be lsb/right-aligned
                in the last word.

                TLAST must be asserted during the transmission of the
                last TDI/payload word.


The outgoing stream consists of consecutive words of AXIS_WIDTH_G bytes
and is framed with 'TLAST'. Each reply has the following format:

Header Word [, Payload ]

The header word is defined as

[31:30] Protocol Version; if the user supplies an unsupported protocol
version in the request header then the reply contains an error
code (see below) and the protocol version in the reply is set
to the supported version.

[29:28] Command -- the request command is returned unless an error occurred;
in case of an error the command bits in the reply are:

        "10"  ERROR: An error was detected. The 8 least-significant bits
              [7:0] contain an error code:
              1: bad protocol version; the protocol version in the reply
                 is set to the supported version.
              2: bad/unsupported command code
              3: truncated input stream (TLAST detected before the
                 first TDI word was received). Note that a premature
                 TLAST which is detected after the first TDI word
                 does NOT flag an error but yields a truncated reply
                 (less TDO words than requested by the number of bits).
              4: 'debug bridge not present' error. I.e., the FW only
                 implements a stub and no true debug bridge.

        "00"  QUERY: the response to a QUERY command encodes information
              in the command-specific bits:

             [ 3: 0] AXIS_WIDTH_G - 1. I.e., this field encodes the
                     word size (minus one) used by the core. This information
                     is important for formatting the stream.
             [19: 4] MEM_DEPTH_G. Indicates how much memory (if any) was
                     configured in words.
             [27:20] TCK period. Encoded as

                                      200Mhz     1
                        round{ log10( ------- ) --- 256 }
                                       Ttck      4

                    With the special value 0 representing 'unknown'.

        "01"  JTAG: the response to a JTAG command is a sequence of
              TDO words which form the TDO bit vector. The vector
              stored in little-endian format (first bit of the vector
              is the LSB of the first TDO word).
              If the number of JTAG bits does not fill the last TDO
              word completely then the relevant bits are right-


If the transport mechanism contains unreliable segments with a potential for
data loss then a simple retry mechanism is not suitable because JTAG operations
are not necessarily idempotent.
The core can be configured to use internal memory (MEM_DEPTH_C > 0) in which
case it stores the last JTAG TDO response in memory.
When the next JTAG command arrives the core inspects the 'transaction ID' field
of the command and if it is identical with the ID submitted along with the previous
transaction then the core detects a retried operation and does not actually execute
it again on JTAG but plays back the stored TDO response to the requestor.


Name Type Value Description
LEN_SHIFT_C natural 0
LEN_WIDTH_C positive 20
XID_WIDTH_C positive 8
CMD_WIDTH_C positive 2
VER_WIDTH_C positive 2
QWL_WIDTH_C natural 4
QMS_WIDTH_C natural 16
QPD_WIDTH_C natural 8
PRO_VERSN_C ProType "00" Protocol Version
CMD_QUERY_C CmdType "00" Commands
CMD_TRANS_C CmdType "01"
CMD_ERROR_C CmdType "10"
ERR_BAD_VERSION_C LenType toSlv( 1,
LenType'length )
Error codes (CMD_ERROR_C)
ERR_BAD_COMMAND_C LenType toSlv( 2,
LenType'length )
ERR_TRUNCATED_C LenType toSlv( 3,
LenType'length )
ERR_NOT_PRESENT_C LenType toSlv( 4,
LenType'length )
