Entity: ClinkCtrl


time TPD_G boolean INV_34_G boolean UART_READY_EN_G AxiStreamConfigType UART_AXIS_CONFIG_G sl dlyClk sl dlyRst sl sysClk sl sysRst slv(3 downto 0) camCtrl ClChanConfigType chanConfig sl uartClk sl uartRst AxiStreamMasterType sUartMaster AxiStreamSlaveType mUartSlave slv(4 downto 0) cblHalfP slv(4 downto 0) cblHalfM sl cblSerP sl cblSerM AxiStreamSlaveType sUartSlave AxiStreamCtrlType sUartCtrl AxiStreamMasterType mUartMaster


Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
INV_34_G boolean false
UART_READY_EN_G boolean true
UART_AXIS_CONFIG_G AxiStreamConfigType


Port name Direction Type Description
cblHalfP inout slv(4 downto 0) 15, 17, 5, 6, 3
cblHalfM inout slv(4 downto 0) 2, 4, 18, 19, 16
cblSerP out sl 20
cblSerM out sl 7
dlyClk in sl Delay clock and reset, 200Mhz
dlyRst in sl
sysClk in sl System clock and reset, must be 100Mhz or greater
sysRst in sl
camCtrl in slv(3 downto 0) Camera Control Bits
chanConfig in ClChanConfigType Config
uartClk in sl UART data
uartRst in sl
sUartMaster in AxiStreamMasterType
sUartSlave out AxiStreamSlaveType
sUartCtrl out AxiStreamCtrlType
mUartMaster out AxiStreamMasterType
mUartSlave in AxiStreamSlaveType


Name Type Description
intCtrl slv(3 downto 0)
cblOut slv(4 downto 0)
cblIn slv(4 downto 0)
cblDirIn slv(4 downto 0)
cblSerOut sl


----------------------------- Camera control bits -----------------------------

