Package: ClinkPkg


Name Type Value Description
CLM_NONE_C slv(2 downto 0) "000"
CLM_BASE_C slv(2 downto 0) "001"
CLM_MEDM_C slv(2 downto 0) "010"
CLM_FULL_C slv(2 downto 0) "011"
CLM_DECA_C slv(2 downto 0) "100"
CDM_NONE_C slv(3 downto 0) "0000" ---------------------------------- Data Modes ----------------------------------
CDM_8BIT_C slv(3 downto 0) "0001"
CDM_10BIT_C slv(3 downto 0) "0010"
CDM_12BIT_C slv(3 downto 0) "0011"
CDM_14BIT_C slv(3 downto 0) "0100"
CDM_16BIT_C slv(3 downto 0) "0101"
CDM_24BIT_C slv(3 downto 0) "0110"
CDM_30BIT_C slv(3 downto 0) "0111"
CDM_36BIT_C slv(3 downto 0) "1000"
CFM_NONE_C slv(1 downto 0) "00" ---------------------------------- Framing Modes ----------------------------------
CFM_LINE_C slv(1 downto 0) "01"
CFM_FRAME_C slv(1 downto 0) "10"
CL_LINK_CONFIG_INIT_C ClLinkConfigType ( cntRst => '0',
rstFsm => '0',
rstPll => '0')
CL_LINK_STATUS_INIT_C ClLinkStatusType ( clkInFreq => (others => '0'),
clinkClkFreq => (others => '0'),
locked => '0',
delay => (others => '0'),
shiftCnt => (others => '0'))
CL_CHAN_CONFIG_INIT_C ClChanConfigType ( swCamCtrl => (others => '0'),
swCamCtrlEn => (others => '0'),
serBaud => toSlv(9600,
-- Default of 9600 baud serThrottle => toSlv(10000,
-- Default of 10ms per byte throttle rate linkMode => (others => '0'),
dataMode => (others => '0'),
tapCount => (others => '0'),
frameMode => (others => '0'),
cntRst => '0',
blowoff => '0',
dataEn => '0')
CL_CHAN_STATUS_INIT_C ClChanStatusType ( running => '0',
frameCount => (others => '0'),
dropCount => (others => '0'))
CL_DATA_INIT_C ClDataType ( valid => '0',
data => (others => (others => '0')),
dv => '0',
fv => '0',
lv => '0')


Name Type Description
ClLinkConfigType ---------------------------------- Link Configuration Record ----------------------------------
ClLinkConfigArray array (natural range<>) of ClLinkConfigType
ClLinkStatusType ---------------------------------- Link Status Record ----------------------------------
ClLinkStatusArray array (natural range<>) of ClLinkStatusType
ClChanConfigType ---------------------------------- Channel Configuration Record ----------------------------------
ClChanConfigArray array (natural range<>) of ClChanConfigType
ClChanStatusType ---------------------------------- Channel Status Record ----------------------------------
ClChanStatusArray array (natural range<>) of ClChanStatusType
ClDataType ---------------------------------- Data Type ----------------------------------