Entity: EthCrc32Parallel


time TPD_G boolean USE_DSP_G slv(31 downto 0) CRC_INIT_G positive range 1 to 16 BYTE_WIDTH_G sl crcClk sl crcReset sl crcDataValid slv(3 downto 0) crcDataWidth slv((BYTE_WIDTH_G*8-1) downto 0) crcIn slv(31 downto 0) crcOut


Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Ethernet CRC32 Ethernet/AAL5 Module

Polynomial: x^32 + x^26 + x^23 + x^22 + x^16 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x^1 + 1

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
USE_DSP_G boolean false true is not tested yet
CRC_INIT_G slv(31 downto 0) x"FFFFFFFF"
BYTE_WIDTH_G positive range 1 to 16 16


Port name Direction Type Description
crcClk in sl
crcReset in sl
crcDataValid in sl
crcDataWidth in slv(3 downto 0) # of bytes minus 1 (example: 0 - 1 byte, 1 - 2 bytes … , 15 - 16 bytes)
crcIn in slv((BYTE_WIDTH_G*8-1) downto 0)
crcOut out slv(31 downto 0)


Name Type Description
r RegType
rin RegType
dspInA Slv96Array(31 downto 0)
dspInB Slv192Array(31 downto 0)
dspOut slv(31 downto 0)


Name Type Value Description
REG_INIT_C RegType ( valid => '0',
byteWidth => (others => '0'),
data => (others => '0'),
crc => CRC_INIT_G)


Name Type Description
