Entity: EthMacTxFifo


time TPD_G boolean PRIM_COMMON_CLK_G AxiStreamConfigType PRIM_CONFIG_G boolean BYP_EN_G boolean BYP_COMMON_CLK_G AxiStreamConfigType BYP_CONFIG_G boolean VLAN_EN_G positive VLAN_SIZE_G boolean VLAN_COMMON_CLK_G AxiStreamConfigType VLAN_CONFIG_G string SYNTH_MODE_G sl mClk sl mRst sl sPrimClk sl sPrimRst AxiStreamMasterType sPrimMaster AxiStreamSlaveType mPrimSlave sl sBypClk sl sBypRst AxiStreamMasterType sBypMaster AxiStreamSlaveType mBypSlave sl sVlanClk sl sVlanRst AxiStreamMasterArray(VLAN_SIZE_G-1 downto 0) sVlanMasters AxiStreamSlaveArray(VLAN_SIZE_G-1 downto 0) mVlanSlaves AxiStreamSlaveType sPrimSlave AxiStreamMasterType mPrimMaster AxiStreamSlaveType sBypSlave AxiStreamMasterType mBypMaster AxiStreamSlaveArray(VLAN_SIZE_G-1 downto 0) sVlanSlaves AxiStreamMasterArray(VLAN_SIZE_G-1 downto 0) mVlanMasters


Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Inbound FIFO buffers

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
PRIM_COMMON_CLK_G boolean false
BYP_EN_G boolean false
BYP_COMMON_CLK_G boolean false
VLAN_EN_G boolean false
VLAN_SIZE_G positive 1
VLAN_COMMON_CLK_G boolean false
SYNTH_MODE_G string "inferred"


Port name Direction Type Description
mClk in sl Master Clock and Reset
mRst in sl
sPrimClk in sl Primary Interface
sPrimRst in sl
sPrimMaster in AxiStreamMasterType
sPrimSlave out AxiStreamSlaveType
mPrimMaster out AxiStreamMasterType
mPrimSlave in AxiStreamSlaveType
sBypClk in sl Bypass interface
sBypRst in sl
sBypMaster in AxiStreamMasterType
sBypSlave out AxiStreamSlaveType
mBypMaster out AxiStreamMasterType
mBypSlave in AxiStreamSlaveType
sVlanClk in sl VLAN Interfaces
sVlanRst in sl
sVlanMasters in AxiStreamMasterArray(VLAN_SIZE_G-1 downto 0)
sVlanSlaves out AxiStreamSlaveArray(VLAN_SIZE_G-1 downto 0)
mVlanMasters out AxiStreamMasterArray(VLAN_SIZE_G-1 downto 0)
mVlanSlaves in AxiStreamSlaveArray(VLAN_SIZE_G-1 downto 0)