Entity: GLinkGtx7FixedLatTb



Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Simulation testbed for GLinkGtx7FixedLat

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Name Type Description
gtClk sl
stableClock sl
stableRst sl
txClock sl
txRst sl
rxClock sl
rxRecClk sl
pllRefClk sl
gtCPllRefClk sl
gtCPllLock sl
qPllOutClk sl
qPllOutRefClk sl
qPllLock sl
pllLockDetClk sl
qPllRefClkLost sl
qPllReset sl
gtQPllReset sl
gLinkTx GLinkTxType
gLinkRx GLinkRxType
