Entity: Gtp7QuadPll


time TPD_G string SIM_RESET_SPEEDUP_G string SIM_VERSION_G bit_vector PLL0_REFCLK_SEL_G integer range 1 to 5 PLL0_FBDIV_IN_G integer range 4 to 5 PLL0_FBDIV_45_IN_G integer range 1 to 2 PLL0_REFCLK_DIV_IN_G bit_vector PLL1_REFCLK_SEL_G integer range 1 to 5 PLL1_FBDIV_IN_G integer range 4 to 5 PLL1_FBDIV_45_IN_G integer range 1 to 2 PLL1_REFCLK_DIV_IN_G boolean EN_DRP_G slv(1 downto 0) qPllRefClk slv(1 downto 0) qPllLockDetClk slv(1 downto 0) qPllPowerDown slv(1 downto 0) qPllReset sl axilClk sl axilRst AxiLiteReadMasterType axilReadMaster AxiLiteWriteMasterType axilWriteMaster slv(1 downto 0) qPllOutClk slv(1 downto 0) qPllOutRefClk slv(1 downto 0) qPllLock slv(1 downto 0) qPllRefClkLost AxiLiteReadSlaveType axilReadSlave AxiLiteWriteSlaveType axilWriteSlave


Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Wrapper for Xilinx 7-series GTP's QPLL

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
SIM_VERSION_G string "1.0"
PLL0_REFCLK_SEL_G bit_vector "001"
PLL0_FBDIV_IN_G integer range 1 to 5 4
PLL0_FBDIV_45_IN_G integer range 4 to 5 5
PLL0_REFCLK_DIV_IN_G integer range 1 to 2 1
PLL1_REFCLK_SEL_G bit_vector "001"
PLL1_FBDIV_IN_G integer range 1 to 5 4
PLL1_FBDIV_45_IN_G integer range 4 to 5 5
PLL1_REFCLK_DIV_IN_G integer range 1 to 2 1
EN_DRP_G boolean true


Port name Direction Type Description
qPllRefClk in slv(1 downto 0)
qPllOutClk out slv(1 downto 0)
qPllOutRefClk out slv(1 downto 0)
qPllLock out slv(1 downto 0)
qPllLockDetClk in slv(1 downto 0) Lock detect clock
qPllRefClkLost out slv(1 downto 0)
qPllPowerDown in slv(1 downto 0)
qPllReset in slv(1 downto 0)
axilClk in sl AXI-Lite Interface
axilRst in sl
axilReadMaster in AxiLiteReadMasterType
axilReadSlave out AxiLiteReadSlaveType
axilWriteMaster in AxiLiteWriteMasterType
axilWriteSlave out AxiLiteWriteSlaveType


Name Type Description
gtRefClk0 sl
gtRefClk1 sl
gtEastRefClk0 sl
gtEastRefClk1 sl
gtWestRefClk0 sl
gtWestRefClk1 sl
gtGRefClk0 sl
gtGRefClk1 sl
drpEn sl
drpWe sl
drpRdy sl
drpAddr slv(7 downto 0)
drpDi slv(15 downto 0)
drpDo slv(15 downto 0)
