Entity: Gtp7RecClkMonitor
- File: Gtp7RecClkMonitor.vhd
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _ // / /\/ / // // \ / Vendor: Xilinx // \ \ \/ Version : 2.2 // \ \ Application : 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard // / / Filename : Gtp7RecClkMonitor.vhd // // /\ // \ \ / \ // __\/___\ // // Description : This module is the ppm monitor between the GT RxRecClk and the reference clock
This module will declare that the Rx RECCLK is stable if the recovered clock is within +/-5000PPM of the reference clock.
There are 3 counters running on local clocks for both recovered clocks and one for the reference clock. The COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE parameter is the width of these counters. The PPM offset is checked when these counters roll over.
There is also a counter running on the system clock. This can be running at a much lower frequency and is running on a BUFG.
To set the parameters correctly here is what you need to do. Lets assume taht the reference and recovered clocks are running at 156MHz and the system clock is running at 50MHz.
To ensure that the interval is long enough we want to to make the COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE to be reasonable. The CLOCK_PULSES is the number of sytem clock cycles we can expect to be off based on these frequencies:
Example: Rec Clk and Ref Clk 156MHz, System clock 50MHz PPM Offset to tolerate +/- 5000PPM
COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE = 15 -> 2^15 counter = 32768 GCLK_COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE = 15 -> 2^15 counter = 32768
PPM OFFSET = 5000 => 32768 * 5000/1000000 = 164
Now we are using the system clock to do the calculations, therfore we need to scale the PPM_OFFSET accordingly.
CLOCK_PULSES = PPM_OFFSET * sysclk_freq/refclk_freq = 164 * 50/156 = 52
When the counters are checked if they are off by less than 52, we can delcare that the particular RECCLK is stable.
All FFs that have the _meta are metastability FFs and can be ignored from a timing perspective. The following constraint can be added to the UCF to ensure that they are ignored:
Module KintexGtxLowLat_RECCLK_MONITOR Generated by Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard
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Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE | integer | 20 | ppm counter. For 2^20 cntr. |
GCLK_COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE | integer | 20 | ppm counter. For 2^20 cntr. |
CLOCK_PULSES | integer | 5000 | |
EXAMPLE_SIMULATION | integer | 0 | The simulation-only constructs are not used but the |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
GT_RST | in | std_logic | |
REF_CLK | in | std_logic | |
RX_REC_CLK0 | in | std_logic | |
SYSTEM_CLK | in | std_logic | This would be your System Clock; |
PLL_LK_DET | in | std_logic | This signal is verified in the Rx-FSM, |
RECCLK_STABLE | out | std_logic | it can be tied high as the PLL-LK has already beenverified in the previous state. |
EXEC_RESTART | out | std_logic |
Name | Type | Description |
state | FSM | |
ref_clk_cnt | std_logic_vector (COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE-1 downto 0) | |
rec_clk0_cnt | std_logic_vector (COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE-1 downto 0) | |
rec_clk0_msb | std_logic_vector (2 downto 1) | |
ref_clk_msb | std_logic_vector (2 downto 1) | |
rec_clk_0_msb_meta | std_logic | |
ref_clk_msb_meta | std_logic | |
sys_clk_counter | std_logic_vector (GCLK_COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE-1 downto 0) | |
rec_clk0_compare_cnt_latch | std_logic_vector (GCLK_COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE-1 downto 0) | |
ref_clk_compare_cnt_latch | std_logic_vector (GCLK_COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE-1 downto 0) | |
g_clk_rst_meta | std_logic | |
g_clk_rst_sync | std_logic | |
gt_pll_locked_meta | std_logic | |
gt_pll_locked_sync | std_logic | |
reset_logic_rec0_meta | std_logic | |
reset_logic_rec0_sync | std_logic | |
reset_logic_ref_meta | std_logic | |
reset_logic_ref_sync | std_logic | |
rec_clk0_edge_event | std_logic | |
ref_clk_edge_event | std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) | |
ppm0 | std_logic_vector (GCLK_COUNTER_UPPER_VALUE-1 downto 0) | |
recclk_stable0 | std_logic | |
reset_logic | std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) | |
ref_clk_edge_rt | std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) | |
g_clk_rst | std_logic | |
gt_pll_locked | std_logic | |
rec_clk0_edge | std_logic | |
ref_clk_edge | std_logic | |
recclk_stable0_int | std_logic |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
simulation | boolean | simulation_func |
Name | Type | Description |
- simulation_func () return boolean