Entity: Gtx7TxRst
- File: Gtx7TxRst.vhd
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _ // / /\/ / // // \ / Vendor: Xilinx // \ \ \/ Version : 2.2 // \ \ Application : 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard // / / Filename :Gtx7TxRst.vhd // // /\ // \ \ / \ // __\/___\ // // Description : This module performs TX reset and initialization.
Module Gtx7TxRst Generated by Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs Transceivers Wizard
(c) Copyright 2010-2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
TPD_G | time | 1 ns | |
GT_TYPE | string | "GTX" | |
STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD | integer range 4 to 20 | 8 | Period of the stable clock driving this state-machine, unit is [ns] |
RETRY_COUNTER_BITWIDTH | integer range 2 to 8 | 8 |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
STABLE_CLOCK | in | std_logic | Stable Clock, either a stable clock from the PCB |
TXUSERCLK | in | std_logic | TXUSERCLK as used in the design |
SOFT_RESET | in | std_logic | User Reset, can be pulled any time |
PLLREFCLKLOST | in | std_logic | PLL Reference-clock for the GT is lost |
PLLLOCK | in | std_logic | Lock Detect from the PLL of the GT |
TXRESETDONE | in | std_logic | |
MMCM_LOCK | in | std_logic | |
GTTXRESET | out | std_logic | |
MMCM_RESET | out | std_logic | |
PLL_RESET | out | std_logic | Reset PLL |
TX_FSM_RESET_DONE | out | std_logic | Reset-sequence has sucessfully been finished. |
TXUSERRDY | out | std_logic | |
RUN_PHALIGNMENT | out | std_logic | |
RESET_PHALIGNMENT | out | std_logic | |
PHALIGNMENT_DONE | in | std_logic | |
RETRY_COUNTER | out | std_logic_vector (RETRY_COUNTER_BITWIDTH-1 downto 0) | Number of |
Name | Type | Description |
tx_state | tx_rst_fsm_type | |
soft_reset_sync | std_logic | |
soft_reset_rise | std_logic | |
soft_reset_fall | std_logic | |
init_wait_count | integer range 0 to WAIT_MAX | |
init_wait_done | std_logic | |
pll_reset_asserted | std_logic | |
tx_fsm_reset_done_int | std_logic | |
tx_fsm_reset_done_int_s3 | std_logic | |
txresetdone_s3 | std_logic | |
retry_counter_int | integer range 0 to MAX_RETRIES | |
time_out_counter | integer range 0 to WAIT_TIMEOUT_2ms | |
reset_time_out | std_logic | |
time_out_2ms | std_logic | \Flags that the various time-out points |
time_tlock_max | std_logic | |
time_out_500us | std_logic | / |
mmcm_lock_count | integer range 0 to MMCM_LOCK_CNT_MAX-1 | |
mmcm_lock_int | std_logic | |
mmcm_lock_reclocked | std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) | |
run_phase_alignment_int | std_logic | |
run_phase_alignment_int_s3 | std_logic | |
wait_bypass_count | integer range 0 to MAX_WAIT_BYPASS-1 | |
time_out_wait_bypass | std_logic | |
time_out_wait_bypass_s3 | std_logic | |
refclk_lost | std_logic | |
plllock_sync | std_logic |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
MMCM_LOCK_CNT_MAX | integer | 1024 | |
STARTUP_DELAY | integer | 500 | AR43482: Transceiver needs to wait for 500 ns after configuration |
WAIT_CYCLES | integer | STARTUP_DELAY / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD | Number of Clock-Cycles to wait after configuration |
WAIT_MAX | integer | WAIT_CYCLES + 10 | 500 ns plus some additional margin |
WAIT_TIMEOUT_2ms | integer | 2000000 / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD | 2 ms time-out |
WAIT_TLOCK_MAX | integer | 100000 / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD | 100 us time-out |
WAIT_TIMEOUT_500us | integer | 500000 / STABLE_CLOCK_PERIOD | 100 us time-out |
MAX_WAIT_BYPASS | integer | 110000 | 110000 TXUSRCLK cycles is the max time for Multi lane designs |
Name | Type | Description |
- unnamed: ( STABLE_CLOCK )
- timeouts: ( STABLE_CLOCK )
- mmcm_lock_wait: ( TXUSERCLK, MMCM_LOCK )
- timeout_buffer_bypass: ( TXUSERCLK )
- reset_fsm: ( STABLE_CLOCK )
FSM for resetting the GTX/GTH/GTP in the 7-series. ~~~~~~~~~~
Following steps are performed: 1) Only for GTX - After configuration wait for approximately 500 ns as specified in answer-record 43482 2) Assert all resets on the GT and on an MMCM potentially connected. After that wait until a reference-clock has been detected. 3) Release the reset to the GT and wait until the GT-PLL has locked. 4) Release the MMCM-reset and wait until the MMCM has signalled lock. Also signal to the RX-side which PLL has been reset. 5) Wait for the RESET_DONE-signal from the GT. 6) Signal to start the phase-alignment procedure and wait for it to finish. 7) Reset-sequence has successfully run through. Signal this to the rest of the design by asserting TX_FSM_RESET_DONE.
- Synchronizer_run_phase_alignment: surf.Synchronizer
Clock Domain Crossing
- Synchronizer_fsm_reset_done: surf.Synchronizer
- Synchronizer_SOFT_RESET: surf.SynchronizerEdge
- Synchronizer_TXRESETDONE: surf.Synchronizer
- Synchronizer_time_out_wait_bypass: surf.Synchronizer
- Synchronizer_mmcm_lock_reclocked: surf.Synchronizer
- Synchronizer_PLLLOCK: surf.Synchronizer
State machines
- FSM for resetting the GTX/GTH/GTP in the 7-series.
Following steps are performed:
1) Only for GTX - After configuration wait for approximately 500 ns as specified in
answer-record 43482
2) Assert all resets on the GT and on an MMCM potentially connected.
After that wait until a reference-clock has been detected.
3) Release the reset to the GT and wait until the GT-PLL has locked.
4) Release the MMCM-reset and wait until the MMCM has signalled lock.
Also signal to the RX-side which PLL has been reset.
5) Wait for the RESET_DONE-signal from the GT.
6) Signal to start the phase-alignment procedure and wait for it to
7) Reset-sequence has successfully run through. Signal this to the
rest of the design by asserting TX_FSM_RESET_DONE.