Entity: HtspCaui4Gty
- File: HtspCaui4Gty.vhd
Title : HTSP: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/x/pQmODw
Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Description: Wrapper for HTSP Ethernet with GTY-based CAUI4 PHY
This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
TPD_G | time | 1 ns | |
SIM_SPEEDUP_G | boolean | false | |
ROGUE_SIM_EN_G | boolean | false | |
ROGUE_SIM_PORT_NUM_G | natural range 1024 to 49151 | 9000 | |
REFCLK_TYPE_G | boolean | true | false = 156.25 MHz, true = 161.1328125 MHz |
NUM_VC_G | integer range 1 to 16 | 4 | HTSP Settings |
TX_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_G | positive | 8192 | Must be a multiple of 64B (in units of bytes) |
LOOPBACK_G | slv(2 downto 0) | (others => '0') | Misc Debug Settings |
RX_POLARITY_G | slv(3 downto 0) | (others => '0') | |
TX_POLARITY_G | slv(3 downto 0) | (others => '0') | |
TX_DIFF_CTRL_G | Slv5Array(3 downto 0) | (others => "11000") | |
TX_PRE_CURSOR_G | Slv5Array(3 downto 0) | (others => "00000") | |
TX_POST_CURSOR_G | Slv5Array(3 downto 0) | (others => "00000") | |
AXIL_WRITE_EN_G | boolean | false | Set to false when on remote end of a link |
AXIL_BASE_ADDR_G | slv(31 downto 0) | (others => '0') | |
AXIL_CLK_FREQ_G | real | 156.25E+6 |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
stableClk | in | sl | GT needs a stable clock to "boot up" |
stableRst | in | sl | |
htspClk | out | sl | HTSP Clock and Reset |
htspRst | out | sl | |
htspRxIn | in | HtspRxInType | Non VC Rx Signals |
htspRxOut | out | HtspRxOutType | |
htspTxIn | in | HtspTxInType | Non VC Tx Signals |
htspTxOut | out | HtspTxOutType | |
htspTxMasters | in | AxiStreamMasterArray(NUM_VC_G-1 downto 0) | Frame Transmit Interface |
htspTxSlaves | out | AxiStreamSlaveArray(NUM_VC_G-1 downto 0) | |
htspRxMasters | out | AxiStreamMasterArray(NUM_VC_G-1 downto 0) | Frame Receive Interface |
htspRxCtrl | in | AxiStreamCtrlArray(NUM_VC_G-1 downto 0) | |
htspRxSlaves | in | AxiStreamSlaveArray(NUM_VC_G-1 downto 0) | Simulation Only |
axilClk | in | sl | AXI-Lite Register Interface (axilClk domain) |
axilRst | in | sl | |
axilReadMaster | in | AxiLiteReadMasterType | |
axilReadSlave | out | AxiLiteReadSlaveType | |
axilWriteMaster | in | AxiLiteWriteMasterType | |
axilWriteSlave | out | AxiLiteWriteSlaveType | |
localMac | in | slv(47 downto 0) | 00:44:56:03:02:01 |
gtRefClkP | in | sl | GT Ports |
gtRefClkN | in | sl | |
gtRxP | in | slv(3 downto 0) | |
gtRxN | in | slv(3 downto 0) | |
gtTxP | out | slv(3 downto 0) | |
gtTxN | out | slv(3 downto 0) |
Name | Type | Description |
phyClk | sl | |
phyRst | sl | |
phyUsrRst | sl | |
htspRefClk | sl | |
phyRxMaster | AxiStreamMasterType | |
phyRxMasterReg0 | AxiStreamMasterType | |
phyRxMasterReg1 | AxiStreamMasterType | |
phyTxMaster | AxiStreamMasterType | |
phyTxSlave | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
loopback | slv(2 downto 0) | |
rxPolarity | slv(9 downto 0) | |
txPolarity | slv(9 downto 0) | |
txDiffCtrl | Slv5Array(9 downto 0) | |
txPreCursor | Slv5Array(9 downto 0) | |
txPostCursor | Slv5Array(9 downto 0) | |
stableReset | sl | |
phyReady | sl |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
RX_POLARITY_C | slv(9 downto 0) | ("000000" & RX_POLARITY_G) | |
TX_POLARITY_C | slv(9 downto 0) | ("000000" & TX_POLARITY_G) | |
TX_DIFF_CTRL_C | Slv5Array(9 downto 0) | ( 0 => TX_DIFF_CTRL_G(0), 1 => TX_DIFF_CTRL_G(1), 2 => TX_DIFF_CTRL_G(2), 3 => TX_DIFF_CTRL_G(3), 4 => "11111", 5 => "11111", 6 => "11111", 7 => "11111", 8 => "11111", 9 => "11111") |
TX_PRE_CURSOR_C | Slv5Array(9 downto 0) | ( 0 => TX_PRE_CURSOR_G(0), 1 => TX_PRE_CURSOR_G(1), 2 => TX_PRE_CURSOR_G(2), 3 => TX_PRE_CURSOR_G(3), 4 => "11111", 5 => "11111", 6 => "11111", 7 => "11111", 8 => "11111", 9 => "11111") |
TX_POST_CURSOR_C | Slv5Array(9 downto 0) | ( 0 => TX_POST_CURSOR_G(0), 1 => TX_POST_CURSOR_G(1), 2 => TX_POST_CURSOR_G(2), 3 => TX_POST_CURSOR_G(3), 4 => "11111", 5 => "11111", 6 => "11111", 7 => "11111", 8 => "11111", 9 => "11111") |