Package: I2cPkg
- File: I2cPkg.vhd
Name | Type | Value | Description |
I2C_INVALID_ADDR_ERROR_C | slv(7 downto 0) | X"01" | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
I2C_WRITE_ACK_ERROR_C | slv(7 downto 0) | X"02" | |
I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_ERROR_C | slv(7 downto 0) | X"03" | |
I2C_TIMEOUT_ERROR_C | slv(7 downto 0) | X"04" | |
I2C_REG_MASTER_IN_INIT_C | I2cRegMasterInType | ( i2cAddr => (others => '0'), tenbit => '0', regAddr => (others => '0'), regWrData => (others => '0'), regOp => '0', -- 1 for write, 0 for read regAddrSkip => '0', regAddrSize => (others => '0'), regDataSize => (others => '0'), regReq => '0', busReq => '0', endianness => '0', repeatStart => '0') |
I2C_REG_MASTER_OUT_INIT_C | I2cRegMasterOutType | ( regAck => '0', regFail => '0', regFailCode => (others => '0'), regRdData => (others => '0')) |
I2C_SLAVE_IN_INIT_C | I2cSlaveInType | ( enable => '0', txValid => '0', txData => (others => '0'), rxAck => '0') |
I2C_SLAVE_OUT_INIT_C | I2cSlaveOutType | ( rxActive => '0', rxValid => '0', rxData => (others => '0'), txActive => '0', txAck => '0', nack => '0') |
I2C_AXIL_DEV_ARRAY_DEFAULT_C | I2cAxiLiteDevArray(0 to 3) | ( 0 => (MakeI2cAxiLiteDevType("0000000", 8, 8, '0')), 1 => (MakeI2cAxiLiteDevType("0000010", 16, 16, '0')), 2 => (MakeI2cAxiLiteDevType("0000100", 32, 8, '0')), 3 => (MakeI2cAxiLiteDevType("0001000", 32, 32, '0'))) |
Name | Type | Description |
i2c_in_type | ||
i2c_in_array | array (natural range <>) of i2c_in_type | |
i2c_out_type | ||
i2c_out_array | array (natural range <>) of i2c_out_type | |
I2cMasterInType | ||
I2cMasterOutType | ||
I2cRegMasterInType | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
I2cRegMasterInArray | array (natural range <>) of I2cRegMasterInType | |
I2cRegMasterOutType | ||
I2cRegMasterOutArray | array (natural range <>) of I2cRegMasterOutType | |
I2cSlaveInType | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
I2cSlaveOutType | ||
I2cAxiLiteDevType | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXI Bridge Generic Type, stick here for now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
I2cAxiLiteDevArray | array (natural range <>) of I2cAxiLiteDevType |
- MakeI2cAxiLiteDevType ( i2cAddress : slv;
dataSize : integer;
addrSize : integer;
endianness : sl;
repeatStart : sl := '0') return I2cAxiLiteDevType
- maxAddrSize (constant devMap : I2cAxiLiteDevArray) return natural