Entity: IirSimple
- File: IirSimple.vhd
Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Description: Simple IIR filter using bitshifts y(n) = alphax(n) + (1 - alpha)y(n-1) where alpha = 2**(-IIR_SHIFT_G) optionally supports time multiplexed channels with the
This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
TPD_G | time | 1 ns | |
USE_CSA3_G | boolean | false | |
BRAM_THRESH_G | integer | 256 | |
IIR_SHIFT_G | integer | 4 | alpha = 2**(-IIR_SHIFT_G) |
ILEAVE_CHAN_G | integer | 1 | Number of interleaved channels |
USER_WIDTH_G | integer | 0 | |
REG_IN_G | boolean | true | |
REG_OUT_G | boolean | true |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk | in | sl | |
rst | in | sl | |
validIn | in | sl | inputs |
userIn | in | slv(USER_WIDTH_G - 1 downto 0) | |
din | in | sfixed | |
validOut | out | sl | outputs |
userOut | out | slv(USER_WIDTH_G - 1 downto 0) | |
dout | out | sfixed |
Name | Type | Description |
r | RegType | |
rin | RegType | |
dinInt | sfixed(din'range) | |
doutInt | sfixed(dout'range) | |
filtOut | sfixed(dout'high downto dout'low - IIR_SHIFT_G) | |
filtDly | sfixed(dout'high downto dout'low - IIR_SHIFT_G) | |
userDelayIn | slv(userIn'length downto 0) | add 1 bit so we can delay valid and user together |
userDelayOut | slv(userIn'length downto 0) | |
shiftInA | sfixed(din'high - IIR_SHIFT_G downto din'low - IIR_SHIFT_G) | |
shiftInB | sfixed(filtOut'high - IIR_SHIFT_G downto filtOut'low - IIR_SHIFT_G) |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
IIR_DELAY_C | integer | ILEAVE_CHAN_G - 1 | |
IIR_DELAY_STYLE_C | string | ite(IIR_DELAY_C > BRAM_THRESH_G, "block", "srl_reg") |
TOT_LATENCY_C | integer | 1 + ite(REG_IN_G, 1, 0) + ite(REG_OUT_G, 1, 0) |
Latency for user/valid |
INT_OVERFLOW_STYLE_C | fixed_overflow_style_type | fixed_wrap | |
INT_ROUNDING_STYLE_C | fixed_round_style_type | fixed_truncate | |
REG_INIT_C | RegType | ( din => (others => '0'), dout => (others => '0')) |
Name | Type | Description |
RegType |
- comb: ( din, filtOut, r )
- seq: ( clk )
- U_USER_DELAY: surf.SlvFixedDelay
- U_ACCUM_DELAY: surf.sfixedDelay
- U_ADD_SUB: surf.add3