Entity: JesdRxLane


time TPD_G positive F_G positive K_G sl devClk_i sl devRst_i sl subClass_i sl sysRef_i sl clearErr_i sl enable_i sl replEnable_i sl scrEnable_i jesdGtRxLaneType r_jesdGtRx sl lmfc_i slv(5 downto 0) linkErrMask_i sl nSyncAny_i sl nSyncAnyD1_i sl inv_i slv((RX_STAT_WIDTH_C)-1 downto 0) status_o sl nSync_o sl dataValid_o slv((GT_WORD_SIZE_C*8)-1 downto 0) sampleData_o


Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: JesdRx single lane module Receiver JESD204b standard. Supports sub-class 1 deterministic latency. Supports sub-class 0 non deterministic latency Features: - Comma synchronization - Internal buffer to align the lanes. - Sample data alignment (Sample extraction from GT word - barrel shifter). - Alignment character replacement. - Scrambling support Status register encoding: bit 0: GT Reset done bit 1: Received data valid bit 2: Received data is misaligned bit 3: Synchronization output status bit 4: Rx buffer overflow bit 5: Rx buffer underflow bit 6: Comma position not as expected during alignment bit 7: RX module enabled status bit 8: SysRef detected (active only when the lane is enabled) bit 9: Comma (K28.5) detected bit 10-13: Disparity error bit 14-17: Not in table Error bit 18-25: 8-bit buffer latency bit 26: CDR Status of the GTH (Not used in yaml)

     Note: sampleData_o is little endian and not byte swapped            First sample in time:  sampleData_o(15 downto 0)            Second sample in time: sampleData_o(31 downto 16)
Note: The output ADC sample data can be inverted. inv_i: '1' Inverted, '0' Normal If inverted the mode can be chosen:

invMode_i: '1' Offset binary, '0' Twos complement

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
F_G positive 2 Number of bytes in a frame
K_G positive 32 Number of frames in a multi frame


Port name Direction Type Description
devClk_i in sl Clocks and Resets
devRst_i in sl
subClass_i in sl JESD subclass selection: '0' or '1'(default)
sysRef_i in sl SYSREF for subclass 1 fixed latency
clearErr_i in sl Clear registered errors
enable_i in sl Control register
replEnable_i in sl
scrEnable_i in sl
status_o out slv((RX_STAT_WIDTH_C)-1 downto 0)
r_jesdGtRx in jesdGtRxLaneType Data and character inputs from GT (transceivers)
lmfc_i in sl Local multi frame clock
linkErrMask_i in slv(5 downto 0) Error mask
nSyncAny_i in sl One or more RX modules requested synchronization
nSyncAnyD1_i in sl
inv_i in sl Invert ADC data
nSync_o out sl Synchronization request output
dataValid_o out sl Synchronization process is complete and data is valid
sampleData_o out slv((GT_WORD_SIZE_C*8)-1 downto 0)


Name Type Description
r RegType
rin RegType
s_nSync sl Control signals from FSM
s_readBuff sl
s_alignFrame sl
s_alignFrameDly1 sl
s_alignFrameDly0 sl
s_ila sl
s_dataValid sl
s_dataValidDly1 sl
s_dataValidDly0 sl
s_bufRst sl Buffer control
s_bufWe sl
s_bufRe sl
s_charAndData slv(((GT_WORD_SIZE_C*8)+GT_WORD_SIZE_C)-1 downto 0) Data path
s_charAndDataBuff slv(s_charAndData'range)
s_charAndDataBuffDly1 slv(s_charAndData'range)
s_charAndDataBuffDly0 slv(s_charAndData'range)
s_sampleData slv(sampleData_o'range)
s_sampleDataValid sl
s_bufOvf sl Statuses
s_bufUnf sl
s_bufFull sl
s_alignErr sl
s_positionErr sl
s_linkErrVec slv(5 downto 0)
s_linkErr sl
s_kDetected sl
s_refDetected sl
s_errComb slv(ERR_REG_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0)
s_buffLatency slv(7 downto 0)


Name Type Value Description
REG_INIT_C RegType ( bufWeD1 => '0',
errReg => (others => '0'),
sampleData => (others => '0'),
sampleDataValid => '0',


Name Type Description




Buffer samples between first data and LMFC Min size one LMFC period


Synchronization FSM


Align the rx data within the GT word and replace the characters