Entity: JesdRxReg


time TPD_G positive AXI_ADDR_WIDTH_G positive range 1 to 32 L_G sl axiClk_i sl axiRst_i AxiLiteReadMasterType axilReadMaster AxiLiteWriteMasterType axilWriteMaster sl devClk_i sl devRst_i sl sysrefRe_i rxStatuRegisterArray(L_G-1 downto 0) statusRxArr_i slv32Array(L_G-1 downto 0) rawData_i AxiLiteReadSlaveType axilReadSlave AxiLiteWriteSlaveType axilWriteSlave slv(SYSRF_DLY_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0) sysrefDlyRx_o slv(L_G-1 downto 0) enableRx_o sl replEnable_o sl scrEnable_o slv(L_G-1 downto 0) invertData_o Slv4Array(L_G-1 downto 0) dlyTxArr_o alignTxArray(L_G-1 downto 0) alignTxArr_o Slv16Array(L_G-1 downto 0) thresoldLowArr_o Slv16Array(L_G-1 downto 0) thresoldHighArr_o sl subClass_o sl gtReset_o sl clearErr_o sl invertSync_o slv(5 downto 0) linkErrMask_o slv(L_G-1 downto 0) rxPowerDown slv(L_G-1 downto 0) rxPolarity


Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: AXI-Lite interface for register access

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns General Configurations
AXI_ADDR_WIDTH_G positive 10
L_G positive range 1 to 32 2 JESD Number of RX lanes (1 to 32)


Port name Direction Type Description
axiClk_i in sl AXI Clk
axiRst_i in sl
axilReadMaster in AxiLiteReadMasterType Axi-Lite Register Interface (locClk domain)
axilReadSlave out AxiLiteReadSlaveType
axilWriteMaster in AxiLiteWriteMasterType
axilWriteSlave out AxiLiteWriteSlaveType
devClk_i in sl JESD devClk
devRst_i in sl
sysrefRe_i in sl JESD registersStatus
statusRxArr_i in rxStatuRegisterArray(L_G-1 downto 0)
rawData_i in slv32Array(L_G-1 downto 0)
sysrefDlyRx_o out slv(SYSRF_DLY_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0) Control
enableRx_o out slv(L_G-1 downto 0)
replEnable_o out sl
scrEnable_o out sl
invertData_o out slv(L_G-1 downto 0)
dlyTxArr_o out Slv4Array(L_G-1 downto 0) 1 to 16 clock cycles
alignTxArr_o out alignTxArray(L_G-1 downto 0) 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000
thresoldLowArr_o out Slv16Array(L_G-1 downto 0) Test signal threshold low
thresoldHighArr_o out Slv16Array(L_G-1 downto 0) Test signal threshold high
subClass_o out sl
gtReset_o out sl
clearErr_o out sl
invertSync_o out sl
linkErrMask_o out slv(5 downto 0)
rxPowerDown out slv(L_G-1 downto 0)
rxPolarity out slv(L_G-1 downto 0)


Name Type Description
r RegType
rin RegType
s_RdAddr natural Integer address
s_WrAddr natural
s_statusRxArr rxStatuRegisterArray(L_G-1 downto 0) Synced status signals
s_rawData slv32Array(L_G-1 downto 0)
s_statusCnt SlVectorArray(L_G-1 downto 0,
31 downto 0)
s_adcValids slv(L_G-1 downto 0)
sysrefDlyRx slv(SYSRF_DLY_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0)
enableRx slv(L_G-1 downto 0)
replEnable sl
scrEnable sl
invertData slv(L_G-1 downto 0)
dlyTxArr Slv4Array(L_G-1 downto 0)
alignTxArr alignTxArray(L_G-1 downto 0)
thresoldLowArr Slv16Array(L_G-1 downto 0)
thresoldHighArr Slv16Array(L_G-1 downto 0)
subClass sl
gtReset sl
clearErr sl
invertSync sl
linkErrMask slv(5 downto 0)
sysRefPeriodmin slv(15 downto 0)
sysRefPeriodmax slv(15 downto 0)


Name Type Value Description
REG_INIT_C RegType ( -- JESD Control (RW) enableRx => (others => '0'),
invertData => (others => '0'),
commonCtrl => "010111",
linkErrMask => "111111",
sysrefDlyRx => (others => '0'),
testTXItf => (others => x"0000"),
testSigThr => (others => x"A000_5000"),
rxPolarity => (others => '0'),
rxPowerDown => (others => '0'),
-- AXI lite axilReadSlave => AXI_LITE_READ_SLAVE_INIT_C,


Name Type Description



Output assignment and synchronization








