Entity: JesdTxLane
- File: JesdTxLane.vhd
Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Description: JesdTx transmit single lane module Transmitter for JESD204b standard. Supports sub-class 1 deterministic latency. Supports sub-class 0 non deterministic latency Features: - Synchronization FSM - Comma transmission - ILA Sequence generation - Control character generation: - A(K28.3) - x"7C" - End of multi-frame - F(K28.7) - x"FC" - Inserted at the end of the frame Status register encoding: bit 0: GT Reset done bit 1: Transmuting valid data bit 2: Transmitting ILA sequence bit 3: Synchronization input status bit 4: TX module enabled status bit 5: SysRef detected (active only when the lane is enabled)
Note: sampleData_i should be big endian and not byte swapped First sample in time: sampleData_i(31 downto 16)
Second sample in time: sampleData_i(15 downto 0)
This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
TPD_G | time | 1 ns | |
F_G | positive | 2 | |
K_G | positive | 32 |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
devClk_i | in | sl | JESDClocks and Resets |
devRst_i | in | sl | |
subClass_i | in | sl | JESD subclass selection: '0' or '1'(default) |
enable_i | in | sl | Control register |
replEnable_i | in | sl | |
scrEnable_i | in | sl | |
inv_i | in | sl | |
lmfc_i | in | sl | Local multi frame clock |
nSync_i | in | sl | Synchronization request input |
gtTxReady_i | in | sl | GT is ready to transmit data after reset |
sysRef_i | in | sl | SYSREF for subclass 1 fixed latency |
status_o | out | slv(TX_STAT_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0) | Status of the transmitter |
dacReady_o | out | sl | |
sampleData_i | in | slv((GT_WORD_SIZE_C*8)-1 downto 0) | Sample data input |
r_jesdGtTx | out | jesdGtTxLaneType | Data and character output and GT signals |
Name | Type | Description |
s_dataValid | sl | |
s_ila | sl | |
s_refDetected | sl | |
s_sampleDataMux | slv(r_jesdGtTx.data'range) | Data-path |
s_sampleKMux | slv(r_jesdGtTx.dataK'range) | |
s_ilaDataMux | slv(r_jesdGtTx.data'range) | |
s_ilaKMux | slv(r_jesdGtTx.dataK'range) | |
s_commaDataMux | slv(r_jesdGtTx.data'range) | |
s_commaKMux | slv(r_jesdGtTx.dataK'range) | |
s_data_sel | slv(1 downto 0) |
- syncFSM_INST: surf.JesdSyncFsmTx
- ilasGen_INST: surf.JesdIlasGen
Initial Synchronization Data Sequence (ILAS)
- AlignChGen_INST: surf.JesdAlignChGen
Sample data with added synchronization characters TODO