Entity: Pgp2bGtx7VarLatWrapper


time TPD_G boolean USE_REFCLK_G real CLKIN_PERIOD_G natural range 1 to 106 DIVCLK_DIVIDE_G real range 1.0 to 64.0 CLKFBOUT_MULT_F_G real range 1.0 to 128.0 CLKOUT0_DIVIDE_F_G bit_vector CPLL_REFCLK_SEL_G natural CPLL_FBDIV_G natural CPLL_FBDIV_45_G natural CPLL_REFCLK_DIV_G natural RXOUT_DIV_G natural TXOUT_DIV_G natural RX_CLK25_DIV_G natural TX_CLK25_DIV_G bit_vector RX_OS_CFG_G bit_vector RXCDR_CFG_G sl RXDFEXYDEN_G bit_vector RX_DFE_KL_CFG2_G integer VC_INTERLEAVE_G integer PAYLOAD_CNT_TOP_G integer range 1 to 4 NUM_VC_EN_G sl TX_POLARITY_G sl RX_POLARITY_G boolean TX_ENABLE_G boolean RX_ENABLE_G sl extRst Pgp2bTxInType pgpTxIn Pgp2bRxInType pgpRxIn AxiStreamMasterArray(3 downto 0) pgpTxMasters AxiStreamCtrlArray(3 downto 0) pgpRxCtrl sl gtClkP sl gtClkN sl gtRefClk sl gtRefClkBufg sl gtRxP sl gtRxN slv(4 downto 0) txPreCursor slv(4 downto 0) txPostCursor slv(3 downto 0) txDiffCtrl sl axilClk sl axilRst AxiLiteReadMasterType axilReadMaster AxiLiteWriteMasterType axilWriteMaster sl pgpClk sl pgpRst sl stableClk Pgp2bTxOutType pgpTxOut Pgp2bRxOutType pgpRxOut AxiStreamSlaveArray(3 downto 0) pgpTxSlaves AxiStreamMasterArray(3 downto 0) pgpRxMasters sl gtTxP sl gtTxN AxiLiteReadSlaveType axilReadSlave AxiLiteWriteSlaveType axilWriteSlave


Title : PGPv2b: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/x/q86fD

Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Example PGP 3.125 Gbps front end wrapper Note: Default generic configurations are for the KC705 development board

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
USE_REFCLK_G boolean false MMCM Configurations (Defaults: gtClkP = 125 MHz Configuration) See page 40 of https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug362.pdf CLKIN_PERIOD_G (ns) is 1/2 of the reference rate because the MMCM gets a div/2 copy MMCM internal frequency is set by: FVCO = 1000 * CLKFBOUT_MULT_F_G/(CLKIN1_PERIOD_G * DIVCLK_DIVIDE_G) And must be within the specified operating range of the PLL (around 1Ghz)
CLKIN_PERIOD_G real 16.0 gtClkP/2
DIVCLK_DIVIDE_G natural range 1 to 106 2
CLKFBOUT_MULT_F_G real range 1.0 to 64.0 31.875
CLKOUT0_DIVIDE_F_G real range 1.0 to 128.0 6.375
CPLL_REFCLK_SEL_G bit_vector "001" CPLL Configurations (Defaults: gtClkP = 125 MHz Configuration) See page 48 of https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug476_7Series_Transceivers.pdf fPllClkOut = fPLLClkIn * ( CPLL_FBDIV_G * CPLL_FBDIV_45_G ) / CPLL_REFCLK_DIV_G CPPL_FBDIV_G = 1,2,3,4,5 CPPL_FBDIV_45_G = 4,5 CPLL_REFCLK_DIV_G = 1,2 fPllClkOut must bet between 1.6Ghz - 3.3Ghz
CPLL_FBDIV_G natural 5
CPLL_FBDIV_45_G natural 5
RXOUT_DIV_G natural 2 MGT Configurations (Defaults: gtClkP = 125 MHz Configuration) Rx Line rate = (fPllClkOut * 2) / RXOUT_DIV_G (1,2,4,6,16) Tx Line rate = (fPllClkOut * 2) / TXOUT_DIV_G (1,2,4,6,16) Set RX_CLK25_DIV and TX_CLK25_DIV so that the input reference clock / setting is close to 25Mhz
TXOUT_DIV_G natural 2
RX_CLK25_DIV_G natural 5
TX_CLK25_DIV_G natural 5
RX_OS_CFG_G bit_vector "0000010000000"
RXCDR_CFG_G bit_vector x"03000023ff40200020"
RX_DFE_KL_CFG2_G bit_vector x"301148AC"
VC_INTERLEAVE_G integer 0 No interleave Frames
PAYLOAD_CNT_TOP_G integer 7 Top bit for payload counter
NUM_VC_EN_G integer range 1 to 4 4
TX_ENABLE_G boolean true Enable TX direction
RX_ENABLE_G boolean true


Port name Direction Type Description
extRst in sl Manual Reset
pgpClk out sl Clocks and Reset
pgpRst out sl
stableClk out sl
pgpTxIn in Pgp2bTxInType Non VC TX Signals
pgpTxOut out Pgp2bTxOutType
pgpRxIn in Pgp2bRxInType Non VC RX Signals
pgpRxOut out Pgp2bRxOutType
pgpTxMasters in AxiStreamMasterArray(3 downto 0) Frame TX Interface
pgpTxSlaves out AxiStreamSlaveArray(3 downto 0)
pgpRxMasters out AxiStreamMasterArray(3 downto 0) Frame RX Interface
pgpRxCtrl in AxiStreamCtrlArray(3 downto 0)
gtClkP in sl GT Pins
gtClkN in sl
gtRefClk in sl
gtRefClkBufg in sl
gtTxP out sl
gtTxN out sl
gtRxP in sl
gtRxN in sl
txPreCursor in slv(4 downto 0) Debug Interface
txPostCursor in slv(4 downto 0)
txDiffCtrl in slv(3 downto 0)
axilClk in sl AXI-Lite Interface
axilRst in sl
axilReadMaster in AxiLiteReadMasterType
axilReadSlave out AxiLiteReadSlaveType
axilWriteMaster in AxiLiteWriteMasterType
axilWriteSlave out AxiLiteWriteSlaveType


Name Type Description
refClk sl
refClkDiv2 sl
stableClock sl
extRstSync sl
pgpClock sl
pgpReset sl
