Package: Pgp2bPkg


Name Type Value Description
SSI_PGP2B_CONFIG_C AxiStreamConfigType ssiAxiStreamConfig(2,
K_COM_C slv(7 downto 0) "10111100" K28.5, 0xBC
K_LTS_C slv(7 downto 0) "00111100" K28.1, 0x3C
D_102_C slv(7 downto 0) "01001010" D10.2, 0x4A
D_215_C slv(7 downto 0) "10110101" D21.5, 0xB5
K_SKP_C slv(7 downto 0) "00011100" K28.0, 0x1C
K_OTS_C slv(7 downto 0) "01111100" K28.3, 0x7C
K_ALN_C slv(7 downto 0) "11011100" K28.6, 0xDC
K_SOC_C slv(7 downto 0) "11111011" K27.7, 0xFB
K_SOF_C slv(7 downto 0) "11110111" K23.7, 0xF7
K_EOF_C slv(7 downto 0) "11111101" K29.7, 0xFD
K_EOFE_C slv(7 downto 0) "11111110" K30.7, 0xFE
K_EOC_C slv(7 downto 0) "01011100" K28.2, 0x5C
PGP2B_ID_C slv(3 downto 0) "0101" ID Constant
PGP2B_RX_IN_INIT_C Pgp2bRxInType ( flush => '0',
resetRx => '0',
loopback => "000")
PGP2B_RX_OUT_INIT_C Pgp2bRxOutType ( phyRxReady => '0',
linkReady => '0',
linkPolarity => "00",
frameRx => '0',
frameRxErr => '0',
cellError => '0',
linkDown => '0',
linkError => '0',
opCodeEn => '0',
opCode => (others => '0'),
remLinkReady => '0',
remLinkData => (others => '0'),
remOverflow => (others => '0'),
remPause => (others => '0'))
PGP2B_TX_IN_INIT_C Pgp2bTxInType ( flush => '0',
opCodeEn => '0',
opCode => (others => '0'),
locData => (others => '0'),
flowCntlDis => '0',
resetTx => '0',
resetGt => '0')
PGP2B_TX_IN_HALF_DUPLEX_C Pgp2bTxInType ( flush => '0',
opCodeEn => '0',
opCode => (others => '0'),
locData => (others => '0'),
flowCntlDis => '1',
resetTx => '0',
resetGt => '0')
PGP2B_TX_OUT_INIT_C Pgp2bTxOutType ( locOverflow => (others => '0'),
locPause => (others => '0'),
phyTxReady => '0',
linkReady => '0',
frameTx => '0',
frameTxErr => '0')
PGP2B_RX_PHY_LANE_OUT_INIT_C Pgp2bRxPhyLaneOutType (polarity => '0')
PGP2B_RX_PHY_LANE_IN_INIT_C Pgp2bRxPhyLaneInType ( data => (others => '0'),
dataK => (others => '0'),
dispErr => (others => '0'),
decErr => (others => '0'))
PGP2B_TX_PHY_LANE_OUT_INIT_C Pgp2bTxPhyLaneOutType ( data => (others => '0'),
datak => (others => '0'))


Name Type Description
Pgp2bRxInType --------------------------------------------------- PGP RX non-data types ---------------------------------------------------
Pgp2bRxInArray array (natural range <>) of Pgp2bRxInType
Pgp2bRxOutArray array (natural range <>) of Pgp2bRxOutType
Pgp2bTxInType --------------------------------------------------- PGP2B TX non-data types ---------------------------------------------------
Pgp2bTxInArray array (natural range <>) of Pgp2bTxInType
Pgp2bTxOutArray array (natural range <>) of Pgp2bTxOutType
Pgp2bRxPhyLaneOutType --------------------------------------------------- PGP2B RX Phy types ---------------------------------------------------
Pgp2bRxPhyLaneOutArray array (natural range <>) of Pgp2bRxPhyLaneOutType
Pgp2bRxPhyLaneInArray array (natural range <>) of Pgp2bRxPhyLaneInType
Pgp2bTxPhyLaneOutType --------------------------------------------------- PGP2B TX Phy types ---------------------------------------------------
Pgp2bTxPhyLaneOutArray array (natural range <>) of Pgp2bTxPhyLaneOutType