Entity: Pgp2bTxPhy


time TPD_G integer range 1 to 2 TX_LANE_CNT_G sl pgpTxClkEn sl pgpTxClk sl pgpTxClkRst sl pgpTxOpCodeEn slv(7 downto 0) pgpTxOpCode sl pgpLocLinkReady slv(7 downto 0) pgpLocData sl cellTxSOC sl cellTxSOF sl cellTxEOC sl cellTxEOF sl cellTxEOFE slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0) cellTxData sl phyTxReady sl pgpTxLinkReady slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0) phyTxData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0) phyTxDataK


Title : PGPv2b: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/x/q86fD

Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


Physical interface receive module for the Pretty Good Protocol version 2 core.

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
TX_LANE_CNT_G integer range 1 to 2 1 Number of receive lanes, 1-2


Port name Direction Type Description
pgpTxClkEn in sl Master clock Enable
pgpTxClk in sl Master clock
pgpTxClkRst in sl Synchronous reset input
pgpTxLinkReady out sl Local side has link
pgpTxOpCodeEn in sl Opcode receive enable
pgpTxOpCode in slv(7 downto 0) Opcode receive value
pgpLocLinkReady in sl Far end side has link
pgpLocData in slv(7 downto 0) Far end side User Data
cellTxSOC in sl Cell data start of cell
cellTxSOF in sl Cell data start of frame
cellTxEOC in sl Cell data end of cell
cellTxEOF in sl Cell data end of frame
cellTxEOFE in sl Cell data end of frame error
cellTxData in slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0) Cell data data
phyTxData out slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0) PHY receive data
phyTxDataK out slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0) PHY receive data is K character
phyTxReady in sl PHY receive interface is ready


Name Type Description
algnCnt slv(6 downto 0)
algnCntRst sl
intTxLinkReady sl
nxtTxLinkReady sl
nxtTxData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
nxtTxDataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
dlyTxData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
dlyTxDataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
dlySelect sl
intTxData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
intTxDataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
intTxOpCode slv(7 downto 0)
intTxOpCodeEn sl
skpAData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
skpADataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
skpBData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
skpBDataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
alnAData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
alnADataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
alnBData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
alnBDataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
ltsAData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
ltsADataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
ltsBData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
ltsBDataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
cellData slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*16-1 downto 0)
cellDataK slv(TX_LANE_CNT_G*2-1 downto 0)
dlyTxEOC sl
curState slv(3 downto 0)
nxtState slv(3 downto 0)


Name Type Value Description
ST_LOCK_C slv(3 downto 0) "0000" Physical Link State
ST_SKP_A_C slv(3 downto 0) "0001"
ST_SKP_B_C slv(3 downto 0) "0010"
ST_LTS_A_C slv(3 downto 0) "0011"
ST_LTS_B_C slv(3 downto 0) "0100"
ST_ALN_A_C slv(3 downto 0) "0101"
ST_ALN_B_C slv(3 downto 0) "0110"
ST_CELL_C slv(3 downto 0) "0111"
ST_EMPTY_C slv(3 downto 0) "1000"


State transition sync logic.

Link control state machine

Delay chain select, used when an opcode is transmitted. opcode will overwrite current position and delay chain will be selected until an EOC is transmitted. At that time the non-delayed chain will be select. An empty position is inserted after EOC so that valid opcodes are not lost.