Entity: RssiCore
- File: RssiCore.vhd
Title : RSSI Protocol: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/x/1IyfD
Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Description: The module is based upon RUDP (Cisco implementation) RFC-908, RFC-1151, draft-ietf-sigtran-reliable-udp-00. The specifications in the drafts are modified by internal simplifications and improvements.
Interfaces to transport and application side through AxiStream ports The AxiStream IO port widths can be adjusted (AxiStream FIFOs added to IO) Optional AxiLite Register interface. More info on registers is in RssiAxiLiteRegItf.vhd The module can act as Server or Client: - Server: - Passively listens for connection request from client, - Monitors connection activity NULL segment timeouts - Client: - Actively requests connection - Sends NULL packages if there is no incoming data
Status register: statusReg_o(0) : Connection Active statusReg_o(1) : Maximum retransmissions exceeded r.retransMax and statusReg_o(2) : Null timeout reached (server) r.nullTout; statusReg_o(3) : Error in acknowledgment mechanism statusReg_o(4) : SSI Frame length too long statusReg_o(5) : Connection to peer timed out statusReg_o(6) : Client rejected the connection (parameters out of range)
Server proposed new parameters (parameters out of range)
This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
TPD_G | time | 1 ns | |
CLK_FREQUENCY_G | real | 100.0E6 | |
TIMEOUT_UNIT_G | real | 1.0E-6 | us (Applies to all the timeouts in the core) |
SERVER_G | boolean | true | Module is server or client |
RETRANSMIT_ENABLE_G | boolean | true | Enable/Disable retransmissions in tx module |
WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G | positive range 1 to 10 | 3 | 2^WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G = Max number of segments in buffer |
SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G | positive | 7 | 2^SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G = Number of 64 bit wide data words |
APP_AXIS_CONFIG_G | AxiStreamConfigType | AXIS Configurations | |
TSP_AXIS_CONFIG_G | AxiStreamConfigType | ||
BYP_TX_BUFFER_G | boolean | false | Generic RSSI parameters |
BYP_RX_BUFFER_G | boolean | false | |
SYNTH_MODE_G | string | "inferred" | |
MEMORY_TYPE_G | string | "block" | |
INIT_SEQ_N_G | natural | 16#80# | Version and connection ID |
CONN_ID_G | positive | 16#12345678# | |
VERSION_G | positive | 1 | |
HEADER_CHKSUM_EN_G | boolean | true | |
MAX_NUM_OUTS_SEG_G | positive range 2 to 1024 | 8 | <=(2**WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G) |
MAX_SEG_SIZE_G | positive | 1024 | <= (2*SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G)8 Number of bytes |
ACK_TOUT_G | positive | 25 | unit depends on TIMEOUT_UNIT_G |
RETRANS_TOUT_G | positive | 50 | unit depends on TIMEOUT_UNIT_G (Recommended >= MAX_NUM_OUTS_SEG_G*Data segment transmission time) |
NULL_TOUT_G | positive | 200 | unit depends on TIMEOUT_UNIT_G (Recommended >= 4*RETRANS_TOUT_G) |
MAX_RETRANS_CNT_G | positive | 2 | Counters |
MAX_CUM_ACK_CNT_G | positive | 3 |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | in | sl | |
rst_i | in | sl | |
openRq_i | in | sl | High level Application side interface |
closeRq_i | in | sl | |
inject_i | in | sl | |
sAppAxisMaster_i | in | AxiStreamMasterType | SSI Application side |
sAppAxisSlave_o | out | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
mAppAxisMaster_o | out | AxiStreamMasterType | |
mAppAxisSlave_i | in | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
sTspAxisMaster_i | in | AxiStreamMasterType | SSI Transport side |
sTspAxisSlave_o | out | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
mTspAxisMaster_o | out | AxiStreamMasterType | |
mTspAxisSlave_i | in | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
axiClk_i | in | sl | AXI-Lite Register Interface |
axiRst_i | in | sl | |
axilReadMaster | in | AxiLiteReadMasterType | |
axilReadSlave | out | AxiLiteReadSlaveType | |
axilWriteMaster | in | AxiLiteWriteMasterType | |
axilWriteSlave | out | AxiLiteWriteSlaveType | |
statusReg_o | out | slv(6 downto 0) | Internal statuses |
maxSegSize_o | out | slv(15 downto 0) |
Name | Type | Description |
s_rxBuffBusy | sl | |
s_appRssiParam | RssiParamType | RSSI Parameters |
s_rxRssiParam | RssiParamType | |
s_rssiParam | RssiParamType | |
s_sndResend | sl | Tx Segment requests |
s_sndSyn | sl | |
s_sndAck | sl | |
s_sndAckMon | sl | |
s_sndAckCon | sl | |
s_sndRst | sl | |
s_sndNull | sl | |
s_synHeadSt | sl | Header states |
s_rstHeadSt | sl | |
s_dataHeadSt | sl | |
s_nullHeadSt | sl | |
s_ackHeadSt | sl | |
s_txSeqN | slv(7 downto 0) | Current transmitted or received SeqN and AckN |
s_txAckN | slv(7 downto 0) | |
s_rxLastSeqN | slv(7 downto 0) | |
s_rxAckN | slv(7 downto 0) | |
s_rxLastAckN | slv(7 downto 0) | |
s_headerAddr | slv(7 downto 0) | Tx Header |
s_headerData | slv(RSSI_WORD_WIDTH_C*8-1 downto 0) | |
s_headerRdy | sl | |
s_txChkEnable | sl | Tx Checksum |
s_txChkValid | sl | |
s_txChkStrobe | sl | |
s_txChkLength | positive | |
s_txChksum | slv(15 downto 0) | |
s_rxChkEnable | sl | Rx Checksum |
s_rxChkValid | sl | |
s_rxChkCheck | sl | |
s_rxChkStrobe | sl | |
s_rxChkLength | positive | |
s_rxValidSeg | sl | Rx Statuses |
s_rxDropSeg | sl | |
s_rxFlags | flagsType | |
s_rxBufferSize | integer range 1 to 2 ** (SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G) | Rx segment buffer |
s_rxWindowSize | integer range 1 to 2 ** (WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G) | |
s_rxWrBuffAddr | slv(BUFFER_ADDR_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0) | |
s_rxWrBuffData | slv(RSSI_WORD_WIDTH_C*8-1 downto 0) | |
s_rxWrBuffWe | sl | |
s_rxRdBuffRe | sl | |
s_rxRdBuffAddr | slv(BUFFER_ADDR_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0) | |
s_rxRdBuffData | slv(RSSI_WORD_WIDTH_C*8-1 downto 0) | |
s_txBufferSize | integer range 1 to 2 ** (SEGMENT_ADDR_SIZE_G) | Tx segment buffer |
s_txWindowSize | integer range 1 to 2 ** (WINDOW_ADDR_SIZE_G) | |
s_txWrBuffAddr | slv(BUFFER_ADDR_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0) | |
s_txWrBuffData | slv(RSSI_WORD_WIDTH_C*8-1 downto 0) | |
s_txWrBuffWe | sl | |
s_txRdBuffRe | sl | |
s_txRdBuffAddr | slv(BUFFER_ADDR_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0) | |
s_txRdBuffData | slv(RSSI_WORD_WIDTH_C*8-1 downto 0) | |
s_rxAck | sl | Acknowledge pulse when valid segment with acknowledge flag received |
s_rstFifo | sl | Application Fifo reset when connection is closed |
s_sAppAxisMaster | AxiStreamMasterType | AXIS Application side |
s_sAppAxisSlave | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
s_mAppAxisMaster | AxiStreamMasterType | |
s_mAppAxisSlave | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
s_mAppAxisCtrl | AxiStreamCtrlType | |
s_sAppSsiMaster | SsiMasterType | SSI Application side |
s_sAppSsiSlave | SsiSlaveType | |
s_mAppSsiMaster | SsiMasterType | |
s_mAppSsiSlave | SsiSlaveType | |
s_sTspAxisMaster | AxiStreamMasterType | AXIS Transport side |
s_sTspAxisSlave | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
s_mTspAxisMaster | AxiStreamMasterType | |
s_mTspAxisSlave | AxiStreamSlaveType | |
s_mTspAxisCtrl | AxiStreamCtrlType | |
s_sTspSsiMaster | SsiMasterType | SSI Transport side |
s_sTspSsiSlave | SsiSlaveType | |
s_mTspSsiMaster | SsiMasterType | |
s_mTspSsiSlave | SsiSlaveType | |
s_txBufferEmpty | sl | Monitor input signals |
s_lenErr | sl | |
s_ackErr | sl | |
s_peerConnTout | sl | |
s_paramReject | sl | |
s_initSeqN | slv(7 downto 0) | Connection control and parameters |
s_connActive | sl | |
s_closeRq | sl | |
s_closed | sl | |
s_openRq | sl | |
s_intCloseRq | sl | |
s_txAckF | sl | |
s_injectFaultReg | sl | Fault injection |
s_injectFault | sl | |
s_openRqReg | sl | Axi Lite registers |
s_closeRqReg | sl | |
s_modeReg | sl | '0': Use internal parameters from generics |
s_initSeqNReg | slv(7 downto 0) | '1': Use parameters from Axil |
s_appRssiParamReg | RssiParamType | |
s_statusReg | slv(statusReg_o'range) | |
s_dropCntReg | slv(31 downto 0) | |
s_validCntReg | slv(31 downto 0) | |
s_reconCntReg | slv(31 downto 0) | |
s_resendCntReg | slv(31 downto 0) | |
monMasters | AxiStreamMasterArray(1 downto 0) | |
monSlaves | AxiStreamSlaveArray(1 downto 0) | |
frameRate | Slv32Array(1 downto 0) | |
bandwidth | Slv64Array(1 downto 0) |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
- combParamAssign: ( closeRq_i, openRq_i, s_appRssiParamReg, s_closeRqReg, s_initSeqNReg,
s_intCloseRq, s_modeReg, s_openRqReg )
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ---------------------------------------------------------- Parameter assignment ---------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- AxiLiteRegItf_INST: surf.RssiAxiLiteRegItf
Register interface
- U_AppIn: surf.AxiStreamResize
Application side
- U_TspIn: surf.AxiStreamResize
Transport side
- ConnFSM_INST: surf.RssiConnFsm
Connection and monitoring part
- Monitor_INST: surf.RssiMonitor
- HeaderReg_INST: surf.RssiHeaderReg
TX part
Header decoder module
- TxFSM_INST: surf.RssiTxFsm
- tx_Chksum_INST: surf.RssiChksum
- RxFSM_INST: surf.RssiRxFsm
RX part
- rx_Chksum_INST: surf.RssiChksum
- AppFifoOut_INST: surf.AxiStreamFifoV2
Output AXIS fifos
Application side
- TspFifoOut_INST: surf.AxiStreamFifoV2
Transport side