Entity: SsiCmdMaster


time TPD_G boolean SLAVE_READY_EN_G string MEMORY_TYPE_G boolean GEN_SYNC_FIFO_G integer range 1 to (2**24) CASCADE_SIZE_G integer range 4 to 48 FIFO_ADDR_WIDTH_G boolean FIFO_FIXED_THRESH_G integer range 1 to (2**24) FIFO_PAUSE_THRESH_G AxiStreamConfigType AXI_STREAM_CONFIG_G sl axisClk sl axisRst AxiStreamMasterType sAxisMaster sl cmdClk sl cmdRst AxiStreamSlaveType sAxisSlave AxiStreamCtrlType sAxisCtrl SsiCmdMasterType cmdMaster


Title : SSI Protocol: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/x/0oyfD

Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Block for Command protocol over the VC. The receive packet is 4 x 32-bits. Word 0 Data[1:0] = VC (unused, legacy) Word 0 Data[7:2] = Dest_ID (unused, legacy) Word 0 Data[31:8] = CmdCtx[31:0] (unused, legacy) Word 1 Data[7:0] = OpCode[7:0] Word 1 Data[31:8] = Don't Care Word 2 = Don't Care

Word 3 = Don't Care

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns
SLAVE_READY_EN_G boolean false AXI Stream FIFO Config
MEMORY_TYPE_G string "distributed"
GEN_SYNC_FIFO_G boolean false
CASCADE_SIZE_G integer range 1 to (2**24) 1
FIFO_ADDR_WIDTH_G integer range 4 to 48 5
FIFO_FIXED_THRESH_G boolean true
FIFO_PAUSE_THRESH_G integer range 1 to (2**24) 8
AXI_STREAM_CONFIG_G AxiStreamConfigType AXI Stream Configuration


Port name Direction Type Description
axisClk in sl Streaming Data Interface
axisRst in sl
sAxisMaster in AxiStreamMasterType
sAxisSlave out AxiStreamSlaveType
sAxisCtrl out AxiStreamCtrlType
cmdClk in sl Command signals
cmdRst in sl
cmdMaster out SsiCmdMasterType


Name Type Description
fifoAxisMaster AxiStreamMasterType
fifoAxisSlave AxiStreamSlaveType
r RegType
rin RegType


Name Type Value Description
REG_INIT_C RegType ( txnNumber => (others => '0'),
cmdMaster => SSI_CMD_MASTER_INIT_C )
INT_CONFIG_C AxiStreamConfigType ssiAxiStreamConfig(4)


Name Type Description
StateType (IDLE_S,

