Entity: SynchronizerOneShotCntVector


time TPD_G sl RST_POLARITY_G boolean RST_ASYNC_G boolean COMMON_CLK_G slv IN_POLARITY_G slv OUT_POLARITY_G string USE_DSP_G slv SYNTH_CNT_G boolean CNT_RST_EDGE_G positive CNT_WIDTH_G positive WIDTH_G sl wrClk sl wrRst slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) dataIn sl rdClk sl rdRst slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) rollOverEn sl cntRst slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) dataOut SlVectorArray(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0, CNT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) cntOut


Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Description: Wrapper for multiple SynchronizerOneShotCnt modules

This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/ppareg/LICENSE.html. No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to

the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.


Generic name Type Value Description
TPD_G time 1 ns Simulation FF output delay
RST_POLARITY_G sl '1' '1' for active HIGH reset, '0' for active LOW reset
RST_ASYNC_G boolean false true if reset is asynchronous, false if reset is synchronous
COMMON_CLK_G boolean false True if wrClk and rdClk are the same clock
IN_POLARITY_G slv "1" 0 for active LOW, 1 for active HIGH (dataIn port)
OUT_POLARITY_G slv "1" 0 for active LOW, 1 for active HIGH (dataOut port)
USE_DSP_G string "no" "no" for no DSP implementation, "yes" to use DSP slices
SYNTH_CNT_G slv "1" Set to 1 for synthesising counter RTL, '0' to not synthesis the counter
CNT_RST_EDGE_G boolean true true if counter reset should be edge detected, else level detected
CNT_WIDTH_G positive 16
WIDTH_G positive 16


Port name Direction Type Description
wrClk in sl Write Ports (wrClk domain)
wrRst in sl
dataIn in slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) Data to be 'synced'
rdClk in sl clock to be SYNC'd to
rdRst in sl
rollOverEn in slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) '1' allows roll over of the counter
cntRst in sl Optional counter reset
dataOut out slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) Synced data
cntOut out SlVectorArray(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0, CNT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0)


Name Type Description
cntWrDomain MySlvArray
cntRdDomain MySlvArray
r RegType
rin RegType
cntRstSync sl
rollOverEnSync slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0)
wrEn sl
tReady sl
almostFull sl
rdValid sl
rdData slv(FIFO_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0)


Name Type Value Description
IN_POLARITY_C slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) fillVectorArray(IN_POLARITY_G)
OUT_POLARITY_C slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) fillVectorArray(OUT_POLARITY_G)
SYNTH_CNT_C slv(WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) fillVectorArray(SYNTH_CNT_G)
FIFO_WIDTH_C positive CNT_WIDTH_G + bitSize(WIDTH_G-1)
REG_INIT_C RegType ( tValid => '0',
tData => (others => '0'),
index => 0)


Name Type Description
