Entity: i2c2ahbx


integer hindex integer range 0 to 1 oepol integer range 2 to 512 filter std_ulogic rstn std_ulogic clk ahb_mst_in_type ahbi i2c_in_type i2ci i2c2ahb_in_type i2c2ahbi ahb_mst_out_type ahbo i2c_out_type i2co i2c2ahb_out_type i2c2ahbo


This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, Gaisler Research Copyright (C) 2008 - 2012, Aeroflex Gaisler

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Entity: i2c2ahbx File: i2c2ahbx.vhd Author: Jan Andersson - Aeroflex Gaisler AB Contact: support@gaisler.com Description: Simple I2C-slave providing a bridge to AMBA AHB This entity is typically wrapped with i2c2ahb or i2c2ahb_apb

before use.

Short core documentation, for additional information see the GRLIB IP Library User's Manual (GRIP):

The core functions as a I2C memory device. To write to the core, issue the following I2C bus sequence:

  1. START condition
  2. Send core's I2C address with direction = write
  3. Send 32-bit address to be used for AMBA bus
  4. Send data to be written

The core will expect 32-bits of data and write these as a word. This can be changed by writing to the core's control register. See documentation further down. When the core's internal FIFO is full, the core will use clock stretching to stall the transfer.

To write to the core, issue the following I2C bus sequence:

  1. START condition
  2. Send core's I2C address with direction = write
  3. Send 32-bit address to be used for AMBA bus
  4. Send repeated start condition
  5. Send core's I2C address with direction = read
  6. Read bytes

The core will perform 32-bit data accesses to fill its internal buffer. This can be changed by writing to the core's control register (see documentation further down). When the buffer is empty the core will use clock stretching to stall the transfer.

The cores control/status register is accessed via address i2caddr + 1. The register has the following layout:

+--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bit(s) | Description | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 7:6 | Reserved, always zero (RO) | | 5 | PROT: Memory protection triggered. Last access was outside | | | range. Updated after each AMBA access (RO) | | 4 | MEXC: Memory exception. Gets set if core receives AMBA ERROR | | | response. Updated after each AMBA access. (RO) | | 3 | DMAACT: Core is currently performing DMA (RO) | | 2 | NACK: NACK instead of using clock stretching (RW) | | 1:0 | HSIZE: Controls the access size core will use for AMBA accesses | | | Default is HSIZE = WORD. HSIZE 11 is illegal (RW) | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+

Documentation of generics:

[hindex] AHB master index

[oepol] Output enable polarity

[filter] Length of filters used on SCL and SDA


Generic name Type Value Description
hindex integer 0 AHB configuration
oepol integer range 0 to 1 0
filter integer range 2 to 512 2


Port name Direction Type Description
rstn in std_ulogic
clk in std_ulogic
ahbi in ahb_mst_in_type AHB master interface
ahbo out ahb_mst_out_type
i2ci in i2c_in_type I2C signals
i2co out i2c_out_type
i2c2ahbi in i2c2ahb_in_type
i2c2ahbo out i2c2ahb_out_type


Name Type Description
ami ahb_dma_in_type --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
amo ahb_dma_out_type
r i2c2ahb_reg_type
rin i2c2ahb_reg_type


Name Type Value Description
OEPOL_LEVEL std_ulogic conv_std_logic(oepol = 1)
I2C_HIZ std_ulogic not OEPOL_LEVEL
I2C_ACK std_ulogic '0'


Name Type Description
i2c_in_array --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Types ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
state_type (idle,



Boot message
pragma translate_off