Package: VITAL_Timing


Name Type Value Description
VitalZeroDelay VitalDelayType 0 ns ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VitalZeroDelay01 VitalDelayType01 ( 0 ns,
0 ns )
VitalZeroDelay01Z VitalDelayType01Z ( OTHERS => 0 ns )
VitalZeroDelay01ZX VitalDelayType01ZX ( OTHERS => 0 ns )
VitalDefaultOutputMap VitalOutputMapType "UX01ZWLH-"
VitalDefaultResultMap VitalResultMapType ( 'U',
'1' )
VitalDefaultResultZMap VitalResultZMapType ( 'U',
'Z' )
VitalPeriodDataInit VitalPeriodDataType ('X',
0 ns,
0 ns,
VitalSkewDataInit VitalSkewDataType ( none,
0 ns,
0 ns,
0 ns,
0 ns )


Name Type Description
VitalTransitionType ( tr01,
VitalDelayArrayType ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType
VitalDelayArrayType01 ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01
VitalDelayArrayType01Z ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01Z
VitalDelayArrayType01ZX ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalDelayType01ZX
VitalOutputMapType Types for strength mapping of outputs
VitalTimeArrayT ARRAY (INTEGER RANGE <>) OF TIME Types for fields of VitalTimingDataType
VitalPeriodDataType type for internal data of VitalPeriodPulseCheck
VitalGlitchKindType (OnEvent,
Type for specifying the kind of Glitch handling to use
VitalGlitchDataArrayType ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF VitalGlitchDataType
VitalPathType PathTypes: for handling simple PathDelay info
VitalPathArrayType ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPathType For representing multiple paths to an output
VitalPathArray01Type ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPath01Type
VitalPathArray01ZType ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <> ) OF VitalPath01ZType
VitalTableSymbolType ( '/',
-- 0 -> 1 '\',
-- 1 -> 0 'P',
-- Union of '/' and '^' (any edge to 1) 'N',
-- Union of '\' and 'v' (any edge to 0) 'r',
-- 0 -> X 'f',
-- 1 -> X 'p',
-- Union of '/' and 'r' (any edge from 0) 'n',
-- Union of '\' and 'f' (any edge from 1) 'R',
-- Union of '^' and 'p' (any possible rising edge) 'F',
-- Union of 'v' and 'n' (any possible falling edge) '^',
-- X -> 1 'v',
-- X -> 0 'E',
-- Union of 'v' and '^' (any edge from X) 'A',
-- Union of 'r' and '^' (rising edge to or from 'X') 'D',
-- Union of 'f' and 'v' (falling edge to or from 'X') '*',
-- Union of 'R' and 'F' (any edge) 'X',
-- Unknown level '0',
-- low level '1',
-- high level 'B',
-- 0 or 1 'Z',
-- High Impedance 'S' -- steady value )
VitalSkewExpectedType (none,
Addition of Vital Skew Type Information March 14, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedures and Type Definitions for Defining Skews -------------------------------------------------------------------------



Function Name: VitalExtendToFillDelay

Description: A six element array of delay values of type
VitalDelayType01Z is returned when a 1, 2 or 6
element array is given. This function will convert
VitalDelayType and VitalDelayType01 delay values into
a VitalDelayType01Z type following these rules:

              When a VitalDelayType is passed, all six transition
              values are assigned the input value.  When a 
              VitalDelayType01 is passed, the 01 transitions are
              assigned to the 01, 0Z and Z1 transitions and the 10
              transitions are assigned to 10, 1Z and Z0 transition
              values.  When a VitalDelayType01Z is passed, the values
              are kept as is.

              The function is overloaded based on input type.

              There is no function to fill a 12 value delay


IN Type Description
Delay A one, two or six delay value Vital-
DelayType is passed and a six delay,
VitalDelayType01Z, item is returned.





Function Name: VitalCalcDelay

Description: This function accepts a 1, 2 or 6 value delay and
chooses the correct delay time to delay the NewVal
signal. This function is overloaded based on the
delay type passed. The function returns a single value
of time.

              This function is provided for Level 0 models in order
              to calculate the delay which should be applied 
              for the passed signal. The delay selection is performed
              using the OldVal and the NewVal to determine the 
              transition to select.  The default value of OldVal is X.

              This function cannot be used in a Level 1 model since
              the VitalPathDelay routines perform the delay path
              selection and output driving function.


IN Type Description
NewVal New value of the signal to be
OldVal Previous value of the signal.
Default value is 'X'
Delay The delay structure from which to
select the appropriate delay. The
function overload is based on the
type of delay passed. In the case of
the single delay, VitalDelayType, no
selection is performed, since there
is only one value to choose from.
For the other cases, the transition
from the old value to the new value
decide the value returned.



Time The time value selected from the
Delay INPUT is returned.


Function Name: VitalPathDelay

Description: VitalPathDelay is the Level 1 routine used to select
the propagation delay path and schedule a new output

              For single and dual delay values, VitalDelayType and
              VitalDelayType01 are used.  The output value is
              scheduled with a calculated delay without strength

              For the six delay value, VitalDelayType01Z, the output 
              value is scheduled with a calculated delay.  The drive 
              strength can be modified to handle weak signal strengths
              to model tri-state devices, pull-ups and pull-downs as
              an example.

              The correspondence between the delay type and the
              path delay function is as follows:

              Delay Type                Path Type

              VitalDelayType            VitalPathDelay
              VitalDelayType01          VitalPathDelay01
              VitalDelayType01Z         VitalPathDelay01Z

              For each of these routines, the following capabilities
              is provided:

              o Transition dependent path delay selection
              o User controlled glitch detection with the ability
                to generate "X" on output and report the violation
              o Control of the severity level for message generation
              o Scheduling of the computed values on the specified

              Selection of the appropriate path delay begins with the
              candidate paths.  The candidate paths are selected by
              identifying the paths for which the PathCondition is 
              true.  If there is a single candidate path, then that
              delay is selected.  If there is more than one candidate
              path, then the shortest delay is selected using 
              transition dependent delay selection.  If there is no 
              candidate paths, then the delay specified by the 
              DefaultDelay parameter to the path delay is used.

              Once the delay is known, the output signal is then
              scheduled with that delay.  In the case of 
              VitalPathDelay01Z, an additional result mapping of
              the output value is performed before scheduling.  The
              result mapping is performed after transition dependent
              delay selection but before scheduling the final output.

              In order to perform glitch detection, the user is
              obligated to provide a variable of VitalGlitchDataType
              for the propagation delay functions to use.  The user
              cannot modify or use this information.


IN Type Description
OutSignalName string The name of the output signal
OutTemp std_logic The new output value to be driven
Paths VitalPathArrayType A list of paths of VitalPathArray
VitalPathArrayType01 type. The VitalPathDelay routine
VitalPathArrayType01Z is overloaded based on the type
of constant passed in. With
VitalPathArrayType01Z, the
resulting output strengths can be
DefaultDelay VitalDelayType The default delay can be changed
VitalDelayType01 from zero-delay to another set
VitalDelayType01Z of values.

IgnoreDefaultDelay BOOLEAN If TRUE, the default delay will
be used when no paths are
selected. If false, no event
will be scheduled if no paths are

Mode VitalGlitchKindType The value of this constant
selects the type of glitch
OnEvent Glitch on transition event
| OnDetect Glitch immediate on detection
| VitalInertial No glitch, use INERTIAL
| VitalTransport No glitch, use TRANSPORT
XOn BOOLEAN Control for generation of 'X' on
glitch. When TRUE, 'X's are
scheduled for glitches, otherwise
no are generated.
MsgOn BOOLEAN Control for message generation on
glitch detect. When TRUE,
glitches are reported, otherwise
they are not reported.
MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL The level at which the message,
or assertion, will be reported.
IgnoreDefaultDelay BOOLEAN Tells the VPD whether to use the
default delay value in the absense
of a valid delay for input conditions 3/14/98 MG

OutputMap VitalOutputMapType For VitalPathDelay01Z, the output
can be mapped to alternate
strengths to model tri-state
devices, pull-ups and pull-downs.

GlitchData VitalGlitchDataType The internal data storage
variable required to detect

OutSignal std_logic The output signal to be driven



Function Name: VitalWireDelay

Description: VitalWireDelay is used to delay an input signal.
The delay is selected from the input parameter passed.
The function is useful for back annotation of actual
net delays.

              The function is overloaded to permit passing a delay
              value for twire for VitalDelayType, VitalDelayType01
              and VitalDelayType01Z.  twire is a generic which can
              be back annotated and must be constructed to follow
              the SDF to generic mapping rules.       


IN Type Description
InSig std_ulogic The input signal (port) to be
twire VitalDelayType The delay value for which the input
VitalDelayType01 signal should be delayed. For Vital-
VitalDelayType01Z DelayType, the value is single value
passed. For VitalDelayType01 and
VitalDelayType01Z, the appropriate
delay value is selected by VitalCalc-


OutSig std_ulogic The internal delayed signal



Function Name: VitalSignalDelay

Description: The VitalSignalDelay procedure is called in a signal
delay block in the architecture to delay the
appropriate test or reference signal in order to
accommodate negative constraint checks.

              The amount of delay is of type TIME and is a constant.


IN Type Description
InSig std_ulogic The signal to be delayed.
dly TIME The amount of time the signal is


OutSig std_ulogic The delayed signal



Function Name: VitalSetupHoldCheck

Description: The VitalSetupHoldCheck procedure detects a setup or a
hold violation on the input test signal with respect
to the corresponding input reference signal. The timing
constraints are specified through parameters
representing the high and low values for the setup and
hold values for the setup and hold times. This
procedure assumes non-negative values for setup and hold
timing constraints.

             It is assumed that negative timing constraints
             are handled by internally delaying the test or
             reference signals.  Negative setup times result in
             a delayed reference signal.  Negative hold times
             result in a delayed test signal.  Furthermore, the
             delays and constraints associated with these and
             other signals may need to be appropriately
             adjusted so that all constraint intervals overlap
             the delayed reference signals and all constraint
             values (with respect to the delayed signals) are

             This function is overloaded based on the input
             TestSignal.  A vector and scalar form are provided.

TestSignal XXXXXXXXXXXX____________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
: -->| error region |<-- : _______________________________ RefSignal \______________________________ : | | | : | -->| |<-- thold : -->| tsetup |<--


IN Type Description
TestSignal std_ulogic Value of test signal
TestSignalName STRING Name of test signal
TestDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
with TestSignal
RefSignal std_ulogic Value of reference signal
RefSignalName STRING Name of reference signal
RefDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
with RefSignal
SetupHigh TIME Absolute minimum time duration before
the transition of RefSignal for which
transitions of TestSignal are allowed
to proceed to the "1" state without
causing a setup violation.
SetupLow TIME Absolute minimum time duration before
the transition of RefSignal for which
transitions of TestSignal are allowed
to proceed to the "0" state without
causing a setup violation.
HoldHigh TIME Absolute minimum time duration after
the transition of RefSignal for which
transitions of TestSignal are allowed
to proceed to the "1" state without
causing a hold violation.
HoldLow TIME Absolute minimum time duration after
the transition of RefSignal for which
transitions of TestSignal are allowed
to proceed to the "0" state without
causing a hold violation.
CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
RefTransition VitalEdgeSymbolType
Reference edge specified. Events on
the RefSignal which match the edge
spec. are used as reference edges.
HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
assertion messages produced.
XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
is always set to "0".
MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, set and hold violation
message will be generated.
Otherwise, no messages are generated,
even upon violations.
MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.
EnableSetupOnTest BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
TestSignal signal changes,
no setup check will be performed.
EnableSetupOnRef BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
RefSignal signal changes,
no setup check will be performed.
EnableHoldOnRef BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
RefSignal signal changes,
no hold check will be performed.
EnableHoldOnTest BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
TestSignal signal changes,
no hold check will be performed.

TimingData VitalTimingDataType
VitalSetupHoldCheck information
storage area. This is used
internally to detect reference edges
and record the time of the last edge.

Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.



Function Name: VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck

Description: The VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck detects the presence of
a recovery or removal violation on the input test
signal with respect to the corresponding input reference
signal. It assumes non-negative values of setup and
hold timing constraints. The timing constraint is
specified through parameters representing the recovery
and removal times associated with a reference edge of
the reference signal. A flag indicates whether a test
signal is asserted when it is high or when it is low.

              It is assumed that negative timing constraints 
              are handled by internally delaying the test or 
              reference signals.  Negative recovery times result in 
              a delayed reference signal.  Negative removal times 
              result in a delayed test signal.  Furthermore, the 
              delays and constraints associated with these and
              other signals may need to be appropriately
              adjusted so that all constraint intervals overlap 
              the delayed reference signals and all constraint
              values (with respect to the delayed signals) are


IN Type Description
TestSignal std_ulogic Value of TestSignal. The routine is
TestSignalName STRING Name of TestSignal
TestDelay TIME Model internal delay associated with
the TestSignal
RefSignal std_ulogic Value of RefSignal
RefSignalName STRING Name of RefSignal
RefDelay TIME Model internal delay associated with
the RefSignal
Recovery TIME A change to an unasserted value on
the asynchronous TestSignal must
precede reference edge (on RefSignal)
by at least this time.
Removal TIME An asserted condition must be present
on the asynchronous TestSignal for at
least the removal time following a
reference edge on RefSignal.
ActiveLow BOOLEAN A flag which indicates if TestSignal
is asserted when it is low - "0."
FALSE indicate that TestSignal is
asserted when it has a value "1."
CheckEnabled BOOLEAN The check in enabled when the value
is TRUE, otherwise the constraints
are not checked.
RefTransition VitalEdgeSymbolType
Reference edge specifier. Events on
RefSignal will match the edge
HeaderMsg STRING A header message that will accompany
any assertion message.
XOn BOOLEAN When TRUE, the output Violation is
set to "X." When FALSE, it is always
MsgOn BOOLEAN When TRUE, violation messages are
output. When FALSE, no messages are
MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level of the asserted
EnableRecOnTest BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
TestSignal signal changes,
no recovery check will be performed.
EnableRecOnRef BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
RefSignal signal changes,
no recovery check will be performed.
EnableRemOnRef BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
RefSignal signal changes,
no removal check will be performed.
EnableRemOnTest BOOLEAN If FALSE at the time that the
TestSignal signal changes,
no removal check will be performed.

TimingData VitalTimingDataType
VitalRecoveryRemovalCheck information
storage area. This is used
internally to detect reference edges
and record the time of the last edge.
Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.



Function Name: VitalPeriodPulseCheck

Description: VitalPeriodPulseCheck checks for minimum
periodicity and pulse width for "1" and "0" values of
the input test signal. The timing constraint is
specified through parameters representing the minimal
period between successive rising and falling edges of
the input test signal and the minimum pulse widths
associated with high and low values.

             VitalPeriodCheck's accepts rising and falling edges
             from 1 and 0 as well as transitions to and from 'X.'

                _______________         __________
   ____________|               |_______|

               |<--- pw_hi --->|
               |<-------- period ----->|
                            -->| pw_lo |<--

IN Type Description
TestSignal std_ulogic Value of test signal
TestSignalName STRING Name of the test signal
TestDelay TIME Model's internal delay associated
with TestSignal
Period TIME Minimum period allowed between
consecutive rising ('P') or
falling ('F') transitions.
PulseWidthHigh TIME Minimum time allowed for a high
pulse ('1' or 'H')
PulseWidthLow TIME Minimum time allowed for a low
pulse ('0' or 'L')
CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
assertion messages produced.
XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
is always set to "0".
XOnChecks is a global that allows for
only timing checks to be turned on.
MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, period/pulse violation
message will be generated.
Otherwise, no messages are generated,
even though a violation is detected.
MsgOnChecks allows for only timing
check messages to be turned on.
MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.

PeriodData VitalPeriodDataType
VitalPeriodPulseCheck information
storage area. This is used
internally to detect reference edges
and record the pulse and period
Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.



Function Name: VitalInPhaseSkewCheck

Description: The VitalInPhaseSkewCheck procedure detects an in-phase
skew violation between input signals Signal1 and Signal2.
This is a timer based skew check in which a
violation is detected if Signal1 and Signal2 are in
different logic states longer than the specified skew

             The timing constraints are specified through parameters
             representing the skew values for the different states
             of Signal1 and Signal2.

: -->| |<--
: Signal2 should go low in this region


Signal1 _________________________________________________
: | |
: |<-------- tskew -------->|


IN Type Description
Signal1 std_ulogic Value of first signal
Signal1Name STRING Name of first signal
Signal1Delay TIME Model's internal delay associated
with Signal1
Signal2 std_ulogic Value of second signal
Signal2Name STRING Name of second signal
Signal2Delay TIME Model's internal delay associated
with Signal2
SkewS1S2RiseRise TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
which Signal2 can remain at "0"
after Signal1 goes to the "1" state,
without causing a skew violation.
SkewS2S1RiseRise TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
which Signal1 can remain at "0"
after Signal2 goes to the "1" state,
without causing a skew violation.
SkewS1S2FallFall TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
which Signal2 can remain at "1"
after Signal1 goes to the "0" state,
without causing a skew violation.
SkewS2S1FallFall TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
which Signal1 can remain at "1"
after Signal2 goes to the "0" state,
without causing a skew violation.
CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
assertion messages produced.
XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
is always set to "0."
MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, skew timing violation
messages will be generated.
Otherwise, no messages are generated,
even upon violations.
MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.

SkewData VitalSkewDataType
VitalInPhaseSkewCheck information
storage area. This is used
internally to detect signal edges
and record the time of the last edge.

Trigger std_ulogic This signal is used to trigger the
process in which the timing check
occurs upon expiry of the skew

Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.



Function Name: VitalOutPhaseSkewCheck

Description: The VitalOutPhaseSkewCheck procedure detects an
out-of-phase skew violation between input signals Signal1
and Signal2. This is a timer based skew check in
which a violation is detected if Signal1 and Signal2 are
in the same logic state longer than the specified skew

             The timing constraints are specified through parameters
             representing the skew values for the different states
             of Signal1 and Signal2.

: -->| |<--
: Signal2 should go high in this region


Signal1 _________________________________________________
: | |
: |<-------- tskew -------->|


IN Type Description
Signal1 std_ulogic Value of first signal
Signal1Name STRING Name of first signal
Signal1Delay TIME Model's internal delay associated
with Signal1
Signal2 std_ulogic Value of second signal
Signal2Name STRING Name of second signal
Signal2Delay TIME Model's internal delay associated
with Signal2
SkewS1S2RiseFall TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
which Signal2 can remain at "1"
after Signal1 goes to the "1" state,
without causing a skew violation.
SkewS2S1RiseFall TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
which Signal1 can remain at "1"
after Signal2 goes to the "1" state,
without causing a skew violation.
SkewS1S2FallRise TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
which Signal2 can remain at "0"
after Signal1 goes to the "0" state,
without causing a skew violation.
SkewS2S1FallRise TIME Absolute maximum time duration for
which Signal1 can remain at "0"
after Signal2 goes to the "0" state,
without causing a skew violation.
CheckEnabled BOOLEAN Check performed if TRUE.
HeaderMsg STRING String that will accompany any
assertion messages produced.
XOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, Violation output parameter
is set to "X". Otherwise, Violation
is always set to "0."
MsgOn BOOLEAN If TRUE, skew timing violation
messages will be generated.
Otherwise, no messages are generated,
even upon violations.
MsgSeverity SEVERITY_LEVEL Severity level for the assertion.

SkewData VitalSkewDataType
VitalInPhaseSkewCheck information
storage area. This is used
internally to detect signal edges
and record the time of the last edge.

Trigger std_ulogic This signal is used to trigger the
process in which the timing check
occurs upon expiry of the skew

Violation X01 This is the violation flag returned.
