Package: axi_bfm_pkg
- File: axi_bfm_pkg.vhd
Name | Type | Value | Description |
C_SCOPE | string | "AXI_BFM" | |
C_EMPTY_SLV_ARRAY | t_slv_array(0 to 0)(0 downto 0) | (others=>"U") | |
C_EMPTY_XRESP_ARRAY | t_xresp_array(0 to 0) | (others=>ILLEGAL) | |
C_AXI_BFM_CONFIG_DEFAULT | t_axi_bfm_config | ( max_wait_cycles => 1000, max_wait_cycles_severity => TB_FAILURE, clock_period => -1 ns, clock_period_margin => 0 ns, clock_margin_severity => TB_ERROR, setup_time => -1 ns, hold_time => -1 ns, bfm_sync => SYNC_ON_CLOCK_ONLY, match_strictness => MATCH_EXACT, num_aw_pipe_stages => 1, num_w_pipe_stages => 1, num_ar_pipe_stages => 1, num_r_pipe_stages => 1, num_b_pipe_stages => 1, id_for_bfm => ID_BFM, id_for_bfm_wait => ID_BFM_WAIT, id_for_bfm_poll => ID_BFM_POLL ) |
Name | Type | Description |
t_xresp_array | array (natural range <>) of t_xresp | |
t_axburst | ( FIXED, INCR, WRAP ) |
t_axlock | ( NORMAL, EXCLUSIVE ) |
t_axi_bfm_config | Configuration record to be assigned in the test harness. | |
t_axi_write_address_channel | AXI Interface signals | |
t_axi_write_data_channel | ||
t_axi_write_response_channel | ||
t_axi_read_address_channel | ||
t_axi_read_data_channel | ||
t_axi_if |
- init_axi_if_signals ( addr_width : natural;
data_width : natural;
id_width : natural;
user_width : natural ) return t_axi_if
BFM procedures
- This function returns an AXI interface with initialized signals.
- All AXI input signals are initialized to 0
- All AXI output signals are initialized to Z
- axprot_to_slv ( axprot : t_axprot ) return std_logic_vector
- xresp_to_slv ( xresp : t_xresp ) return std_logic_vector
- slv_to_xresp ( value : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ) return t_xresp
- axburst_to_slv ( axburst : t_axburst ) return std_logic_vector
- bytes_to_axsize ( constant bytes : positive ) return std_logic_vector
- axlock_to_sl ( constant axlock : t_axlock ) return std_logic
- axi_write ( constant awid_value : in std_logic_vector := "";
constant awaddr_value : in unsigned;
constant awlen_value : in unsigned(7 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant awsize_value : in integer range 1 to 128 := 4;
constant awburst_value : in t_axburst := INCR;
constant awlock_value : in t_axlock := NORMAL;
constant awcache_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant awprot_value : in t_axprot := UNPRIVILEGED_NONSECURE_DATA;
constant awqos_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant awregion_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant awuser_value : in std_logic_vector := "";
constant wdata_value : in t_slv_array;
constant wstrb_value : in t_slv_array := C_EMPTY_SLV_ARRAY;
constant wuser_value : in t_slv_array := C_EMPTY_SLV_ARRAY;
variable buser_value : out std_logic_vector;
variable bresp_value : out t_xresp;
constant msg : in string;
signal clk : in std_logic;
signal axi_if : inout t_axi_if;
constant scope : in string := C_SCOPE;
constant msg_id_panel : in t_msg_id_panel := shared_msg_id_panel;
constant config : in t_axi_bfm_config := C_AXI_BFM_CONFIG_DEFAULT ) return ()
This procedure writes data to the AXI interface specified in axi_if
- When the write is completed, a log message is issued with log ID id_for_bfm
- axi_read ( constant arid_value : in std_logic_vector := "";
constant araddr_value : in unsigned;
constant arlen_value : in unsigned(7 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant arsize_value : in integer range 1 to 128 := 4;
constant arburst_value : in t_axburst := INCR;
constant arlock_value : in t_axlock := NORMAL;
constant arcache_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant arprot_value : in t_axprot := UNPRIVILEGED_NONSECURE_DATA;
constant arqos_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant arregion_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant aruser_value : in std_logic_vector := "";
variable rdata_value : out t_slv_array;
variable rresp_value : out t_xresp_array;
variable ruser_value : out t_slv_array;
constant msg : in string;
signal clk : in std_logic;
signal axi_if : inout t_axi_if;
constant scope : in string := C_SCOPE;
constant msg_id_panel : in t_msg_id_panel := shared_msg_id_panel;
constant config : in t_axi_bfm_config := C_AXI_BFM_CONFIG_DEFAULT;
constant ext_proc_call : in string := "" -- External proc_call. Overwrite if called from another BFM procedure ) return ()
This procedure reads data from the AXI interface specified in axi_if,
and returns the read data in rdata_value.
- axi_check ( constant arid_value : in std_logic_vector := "";
constant araddr_value : in unsigned;
constant arlen_value : in unsigned(7 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant arsize_value : in integer range 1 to 128 := 4;
constant arburst_value : in t_axburst := INCR;
constant arlock_value : in t_axlock := NORMAL;
constant arcache_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant arprot_value : in t_axprot := UNPRIVILEGED_NONSECURE_DATA;
constant arqos_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant arregion_value : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant aruser_value : in std_logic_vector := "";
constant rdata_exp : in t_slv_array;
constant rresp_exp : in t_xresp_array := C_EMPTY_XRESP_ARRAY;
constant ruser_exp : in t_slv_array := C_EMPTY_SLV_ARRAY;
constant msg : in string;
signal clk : in std_logic;
signal axi_if : inout t_axi_if;
constant alert_level : in t_alert_level := error;
constant scope : in string := C_SCOPE;
constant msg_id_panel : in t_msg_id_panel := shared_msg_id_panel;
constant config : in t_axi_bfm_config := C_AXI_BFM_CONFIG_DEFAULT ) return ()
This procedure reads data from the AXI interface specified in axi_if,
and compares it to the data in data_exp.
- If the received data inconsistent with data_exp, an alert with severity
alert_level is issued. - If the received data was correct, a log message with ID id_for_bfm is issued.