Package: uart_bfm_pkg
- File: uart_bfm_pkg.vhd
Name | Type | Value | Description |
C_SCOPE | string | "UART BFM" | |
C_DATA_MAX_LENGTH | natural | 8 | |
C_BFM_ERROR_INJECTION_INACTIVE | t_bfm_error_injection | ( parity_bit_error => false, stop_bit_error => false ) |
C_UART_BFM_CONFIG_DEFAULT | t_uart_bfm_config | ( bit_time => -1 ns, num_data_bits => 8, idle_state => '1', num_stop_bits => STOP_BITS_ONE, parity => PARITY_ODD, timeout => 0 ns, -- will default never time out timeout_severity => error, num_bytes_to_log_before_expected_data => 10, match_strictness => MATCH_EXACT, id_for_bfm => ID_BFM, id_for_bfm_wait => ID_BFM_WAIT, id_for_bfm_poll => ID_BFM_POLL, id_for_bfm_poll_summary => ID_BFM_POLL_SUMMARY, error_injection => C_BFM_ERROR_INJECTION_INACTIVE ) |
Name | Type | Description |
uart_expect_received_data_array | array (natural range<>) of std_logic_vector(C_DATA_MAX_LENGTH-1 downto 0) | |
t_bfm_error_injection | ||
t_uart_bfm_config |
- uart_transmit ( constant data_value : in std_logic_vector;
constant msg : in string;
signal tx : inout std_logic;
constant config : in t_uart_bfm_config := C_UART_BFM_CONFIG_DEFAULT;
constant scope : in string := C_SCOPE;
constant msg_id_panel : in t_msg_id_panel := shared_msg_id_panel ) return ()
BFM procedures
- This procedure transmits data 'data_value' to the UART DUT
- The TX configuration can be set in the config parameter
- uart_receive ( variable data_value : out std_logic_vector;
constant msg : in string;
signal rx : in std_logic;
signal terminate_loop : in std_logic;
constant config : in t_uart_bfm_config := C_UART_BFM_CONFIG_DEFAULT;
constant scope : in string := C_SCOPE;
constant msg_id_panel : in t_msg_id_panel := shared_msg_id_panel;
constant ext_proc_call : in string := "" -- External proc_call. Overwrite if called from another BFM procedure ) return ()
- This procedure reads data from the UART DUT and returns it in 'data_value'
- The RX configuration can be set in the config parameter
- uart_expect ( constant data_exp : in std_logic_vector;
constant msg : in string;
signal rx : in std_logic;
signal terminate_loop : in std_logic;
constant max_receptions : in natural := 1;
constant timeout : in time := -1 ns;
constant alert_level : in t_alert_level := ERROR;
constant config : in t_uart_bfm_config := C_UART_BFM_CONFIG_DEFAULT;
constant scope : in string := C_SCOPE;
constant msg_id_panel : in t_msg_id_panel := shared_msg_id_panel ) return ()
- This procedure reads data from the UART DUT and compares it to the data in
'data_exp'. - If the read data is inconsistent with the 'data_exp' data, a new read will
be performed, and the new read data will be compared with 'data_exp'.
This process will continue untill one of the following conditions are met:
a) The read data is equal to the expected data
b) The number of reads equal 'max_receptions'
c) The time spent reading is equal to the 'timeout' - If 'timeout' is set to 0, it will be interpreted as no timeout
- If 'max_receptions' is set to 0, it will be interpreted as no limitation on number of reads
- The RX configuration can be set in the config parameter
- odd_parity ( constant data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return std_logic
- This function checks if the data parity is odd or even
- If the number of '1' in the 'data' input is odd, '1' will be returned
- If the number of '1' in the 'data' input is even, '0' will be returned