Entity: axi_dma


natural range 0 to 256 max_burst_length std_logic clk axil_m2s_t axils_m2s axi_rd_s2m_t axi_rd_s2m axi_wr_s2m_t axi_wr_s2m axil_s2m_t axils_s2m axi_rd_m2s_t axi_rd_m2s axi_wr_m2s_t axi_wr_m2s


This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

Copyright (c) 2014-2021, Lars Asplund lars.anders.asplund@gmail.com


Generic name Type Value Description
max_burst_length natural range 0 to 256


Port name Direction Type Description
clk in std_logic
axils_m2s in axil_m2s_t Control register bus
axils_s2m out axil_s2m_t
axi_rd_m2s out axi_rd_m2s_t Read data bus
axi_rd_s2m in axi_rd_s2m_t
axi_wr_m2s out axi_wr_m2s_t Write data bus
axi_wr_s2m in axi_wr_s2m_t


Name Type Description
start_transfer std_logic
transfer_done std_logic
src_address std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
dst_address std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
num_bytes std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
last_beat_written boolean
num_beats_read natural range 0 to max_counter_value-1
num_beats_written natural range 0 to max_counter_value-1
outstanding_write_responses natural


Name Type Value Description
bytes_per_beat natural axi_rd_s2m.r.data'length/8
c4kbyte natural 4096
max_num_burst_buffered natural 2
max_num_beats_buffered natural max_num_burst_buffered * max_burst_length
max_counter_value natural 2**clog2(max_num_beats_buffered + max_burst_length) The maximum difference between two counters can only be max_num_beats_buffered + max_burst_length Thus it is enough to compare counters MOD max_num_beats_buffered We round up to nearest power of two to avoid non power of two MOD
max_outstanding_write_responses natural 7
