Package: axi_slave_pkg


Name Type Value Description
axi_slave_logger logger_t get_logger("vunit_lib:axi_slave_pkg")
axi_slave_set_address_fifo_depth_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("axi slave set address channel fifo depth") Private constants
axi_slave_set_write_response_fifo_depth_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("set write response fifo depth")
axi_slave_set_address_stall_probability_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("axi slave set address channel stall probability")
axi_slave_set_data_stall_probability_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("axi slave set data stall probability")
axi_slave_set_write_response_stall_probability_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("axi slave set write response stall probability")
axi_slave_set_response_latency_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("axi slave response latency probability")
axi_slave_configure_4kbyte_boundary_check_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("axi slave configure 4kbyte boundary check")
axi_slave_get_statistics_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("axi slave get statistics")
axi_slave_enable_well_behaved_check_msg msg_type_t new_msg_type("axi slave enable well behaved check")


Name Type Description


Get the logger used by the axi_slave

Set the maximum number address channel tokens that can be queued

Set the maximum number write responses that can be queued

Set the address channel stall probability

Set the data channel stall probability

Set the write response stall probability

Set the response latency

For a write slave this is the time between the last write data
and providing the write reponse. All write data is written to the
memory model right before providing write response.
Data address and expected value is still checked as soons as it arrives to
the axi slave and is not delayed until the write response time.

For a read slave this is the time between the read burst arrival and the
first provided read data

The response latency is randomly choosen in the uniform interval:
[min_latency, max_latency]

Short hand for set_response_latency when min and max are the same

Get statistics object from axi slave
Dynamically allocates new statistics object which must he deallocated when
This procedure will automatically deallocate the input statistics object
if it is not null

Check that bursts are well behaved, that is that data channel traffic is
as compact as possible
For write:

  1. awvalid never high without wvalid
  2. wvalid never goes low during active burst
  3. uses max awsize supported by data width
  4. bready never low during active burst
    For read:
  5. rready never low during active burst
  6. uses max arsize supported by data width