Package: log_deprecated_pkg
- File: log_deprecated_pkg.vhd
- logger_init ( variable logger : inout logger_t;
default_src : string := "";
file_name : string := "log.csv";
display_format : deprecated_log_format_t := raw;
file_format : deprecated_log_format_t := off;
stop_level : log_level_t := failure;
separator : character := ',
append : boolean := false) return ()
Deprecated interface to better support legacy testbenches. Calls to this
procedure will be mapped to contemporary functionality using best effort:
- default_src sets the name of an uninitialized logger. Empty string names are not supported
and will be replaced with "anonymous". Changing logger
name of an already initialized logger is not allowed. In this case the
empty string is the only valid value. - Changing the separator and append parameters to non-default values is not
supported - The logger is configured with private display and file log handlers independent
of the predefined handlers used by default_logger
- logger_init ( default_src : string := "";
file_name : string := "log.csv";
display_format : deprecated_log_format_t := raw;
file_format : deprecated_log_format_t := off;
stop_level : log_level_t := failure;
separator : character := ',
append : boolean := false) return ()
This logger_init is used to reinitialize the default_logger and its predefined
display and file handlers
- verbose (logger : logger_t;
msg : string;
line_num : natural := 0;
file_name : string := "") return ()
VERBOSE is alias for TRACE
- verbose (msg : string;
line_num : natural := 0;
file_name : string := "") return ()