Entity: axis_eth_fcs


DATA_WIDTH KEEP_ENABLE KEEP_WIDTH wire clk wire rst wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tdata wire [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0] s_axis_tkeep wire s_axis_tvalid wire s_axis_tlast wire s_axis_tuser wire s_axis_tready wire [31:0] output_fcs wire output_fcs_valid


Language: Verilog 2001


Generic name Type Value Description
DATA_WIDTH 8 Width of AXI stream interfaces in bits
KEEP_ENABLE undefined Propagate tkeep signal If disabled, tkeep assumed to be 1'b1
KEEP_WIDTH undefined tkeep signal width (words per cycle)


Port name Direction Type Description
clk input wire
rst input wire
s_axis_tdata input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] * AXI input */
s_axis_tkeep input wire [KEEP_WIDTH-1:0]
s_axis_tvalid input wire
s_axis_tready output wire
s_axis_tlast input wire
s_axis_tuser input wire
output_fcs output wire [31:0] * FCS output */
output_fcs_valid output wire


Name Type Description
crc_state reg [31:0]
fcs_reg reg [31:0]
fcs_valid_reg reg
crc_next wire [31:0]
i integer


Type: always