Entity: ip_eth_rx


wire clk wire rst wire s_eth_hdr_valid wire [47:0] s_eth_dest_mac wire [47:0] s_eth_src_mac wire [15:0] s_eth_type wire [7:0] s_eth_payload_axis_tdata wire s_eth_payload_axis_tvalid wire s_eth_payload_axis_tlast wire s_eth_payload_axis_tuser wire m_ip_hdr_ready wire m_ip_payload_axis_tready wire s_eth_hdr_ready wire s_eth_payload_axis_tready wire m_ip_hdr_valid wire [47:0] m_eth_dest_mac wire [47:0] m_eth_src_mac wire [15:0] m_eth_type wire [3:0] m_ip_version wire [3:0] m_ip_ihl wire [5:0] m_ip_dscp wire [1:0] m_ip_ecn wire [15:0] m_ip_length wire [15:0] m_ip_identification wire [2:0] m_ip_flags wire [12:0] m_ip_fragment_offset wire [7:0] m_ip_ttl wire [7:0] m_ip_protocol wire [15:0] m_ip_header_checksum wire [31:0] m_ip_source_ip wire [31:0] m_ip_dest_ip wire [7:0] m_ip_payload_axis_tdata wire m_ip_payload_axis_tvalid wire m_ip_payload_axis_tlast wire m_ip_payload_axis_tuser wire busy wire error_header_early_termination wire error_payload_early_termination wire error_invalid_header wire error_invalid_checksum


Language: Verilog 2001


Port name Direction Type Description
clk input wire
rst input wire
s_eth_hdr_valid input wire * Ethernet frame input */
s_eth_hdr_ready output wire
s_eth_dest_mac input wire [47:0]
s_eth_src_mac input wire [47:0]
s_eth_type input wire [15:0]
s_eth_payload_axis_tdata input wire [7:0]
s_eth_payload_axis_tvalid input wire
s_eth_payload_axis_tready output wire
s_eth_payload_axis_tlast input wire
s_eth_payload_axis_tuser input wire
m_ip_hdr_valid output wire * IP frame output */
m_ip_hdr_ready input wire
m_eth_dest_mac output wire [47:0]
m_eth_src_mac output wire [47:0]
m_eth_type output wire [15:0]
m_ip_version output wire [3:0]
m_ip_ihl output wire [3:0]
m_ip_dscp output wire [5:0]
m_ip_ecn output wire [1:0]
m_ip_length output wire [15:0]
m_ip_identification output wire [15:0]
m_ip_flags output wire [2:0]
m_ip_fragment_offset output wire [12:0]
m_ip_ttl output wire [7:0]
m_ip_protocol output wire [7:0]
m_ip_header_checksum output wire [15:0]
m_ip_source_ip output wire [31:0]
m_ip_dest_ip output wire [31:0]
m_ip_payload_axis_tdata output wire [7:0]
m_ip_payload_axis_tvalid output wire
m_ip_payload_axis_tready input wire
m_ip_payload_axis_tlast output wire
m_ip_payload_axis_tuser output wire
busy output wire * Status signals */
error_header_early_termination output wire
error_payload_early_termination output wire
error_invalid_header output wire
error_invalid_checksum output wire


Name Type Description
state_reg reg [2:0]
state_next reg [2:0]
store_eth_hdr reg datapath control signals
store_ip_version_ihl reg
store_ip_dscp_ecn reg
store_ip_length_0 reg
store_ip_length_1 reg
store_ip_identification_0 reg
store_ip_identification_1 reg
store_ip_flags_fragment_offset_0 reg
store_ip_flags_fragment_offset_1 reg
store_ip_ttl reg
store_ip_protocol reg
store_ip_header_checksum_0 reg
store_ip_header_checksum_1 reg
store_ip_source_ip_0 reg
store_ip_source_ip_1 reg
store_ip_source_ip_2 reg
store_ip_source_ip_3 reg
store_ip_dest_ip_0 reg
store_ip_dest_ip_1 reg
store_ip_dest_ip_2 reg
store_ip_dest_ip_3 reg
store_last_word reg
hdr_ptr_reg reg [5:0]
hdr_ptr_next reg [5:0]
word_count_reg reg [15:0]
word_count_next reg [15:0]
hdr_sum_reg reg [15:0]
hdr_sum_next reg [15:0]
last_word_data_reg reg [7:0]
s_eth_hdr_ready_reg reg
s_eth_hdr_ready_next reg
s_eth_payload_axis_tready_reg reg
s_eth_payload_axis_tready_next reg
m_ip_hdr_valid_reg reg
m_ip_hdr_valid_next reg
m_eth_dest_mac_reg reg [47:0]
m_eth_src_mac_reg reg [47:0]
m_eth_type_reg reg [15:0]
m_ip_version_reg reg [3:0]
m_ip_ihl_reg reg [3:0]
m_ip_dscp_reg reg [5:0]
m_ip_ecn_reg reg [1:0]
m_ip_length_reg reg [15:0]
m_ip_identification_reg reg [15:0]
m_ip_flags_reg reg [2:0]
m_ip_fragment_offset_reg reg [12:0]
m_ip_ttl_reg reg [7:0]
m_ip_protocol_reg reg [7:0]
m_ip_header_checksum_reg reg [15:0]
m_ip_source_ip_reg reg [31:0]
m_ip_dest_ip_reg reg [31:0]
busy_reg reg
error_header_early_termination_reg reg
error_header_early_termination_next reg
error_payload_early_termination_reg reg
error_payload_early_termination_next reg
error_invalid_header_reg reg
error_invalid_header_next reg
error_invalid_checksum_reg reg
error_invalid_checksum_next reg
m_ip_payload_axis_tdata_int reg [7:0] internal datapath
m_ip_payload_axis_tvalid_int reg
m_ip_payload_axis_tready_int_reg reg
m_ip_payload_axis_tlast_int reg
m_ip_payload_axis_tuser_int reg
m_ip_payload_axis_tready_int_early wire
m_ip_payload_axis_tdata_reg reg [7:0] output datapath logic
m_ip_payload_axis_tvalid_reg reg
m_ip_payload_axis_tvalid_next reg
m_ip_payload_axis_tlast_reg reg
m_ip_payload_axis_tuser_reg reg
temp_m_ip_payload_axis_tdata_reg reg [7:0]
temp_m_ip_payload_axis_tvalid_reg reg
temp_m_ip_payload_axis_tvalid_next reg
temp_m_ip_payload_axis_tlast_reg reg
temp_m_ip_payload_axis_tuser_reg reg
store_ip_payload_int_to_output reg datapath control
store_ip_payload_int_to_temp reg
store_ip_payload_axis_temp_to_output reg


Name Type Value Description
STATE_IDLE [2:0] 3'd0
IP Frame
Field Length Destination MAC address 6 octets Source MAC address 6 octets Ethertype (0x0800) 2 octets Version (4) 4 bits IHL (5-15) 4 bits DSCP (0) 6 bits ECN (0) 2 bits length 2 octets identification (0?) 2 octets flags (010) 3 bits fragment offset (0) 13 bits time to live (64?) 1 octet protocol 1 octet header checksum 2 octets source IP 4 octets destination IP 4 octets options (IHL-5)*4 octets payload length octets
This module receives an Ethernet frame with header fields in parallel and payload on an AXI stream interface, decodes and strips the IP header fields, then produces the header fields in parallel along with the IP payload in a separate AXI stream.
IP Frame
Field Length Destination MAC address 6 octets Source MAC address 6 octets Ethertype (0x0800) 2 octets Version (4) 4 bits IHL (5-15) 4 bits DSCP (0) 6 bits ECN (0) 2 bits length 2 octets identification (0?) 2 octets flags (010) 3 bits fragment offset (0) 13 bits time to live (64?) 1 octet protocol 1 octet header checksum 2 octets source IP 4 octets destination IP 4 octets options (IHL-5)*4 octets payload length octets
This module receives an Ethernet frame with header fields in parallel and payload on an AXI stream interface, decodes and strips the IP header fields, then produces the header fields in parallel along with the IP payload in a separate AXI stream.
IP Frame
Field Length Destination MAC address 6 octets Source MAC address 6 octets Ethertype (0x0800) 2 octets Version (4) 4 bits IHL (5-15) 4 bits DSCP (0) 6 bits ECN (0) 2 bits length 2 octets identification (0?) 2 octets flags (010) 3 bits fragment offset (0) 13 bits time to live (64?) 1 octet protocol 1 octet header checksum 2 octets source IP 4 octets destination IP 4 octets options (IHL-5)*4 octets payload length octets
This module receives an Ethernet frame with header fields in parallel and payload on an AXI stream interface, decodes and strips the IP header fields, then produces the header fields in parallel along with the IP payload in a separate AXI stream.
IP Frame
Field Length Destination MAC address 6 octets Source MAC address 6 octets Ethertype (0x0800) 2 octets Version (4) 4 bits IHL (5-15) 4 bits DSCP (0) 6 bits ECN (0) 2 bits length 2 octets identification (0?) 2 octets flags (010) 3 bits fragment offset (0) 13 bits time to live (64?) 1 octet protocol 1 octet header checksum 2 octets source IP 4 octets destination IP 4 octets options (IHL-5)*4 octets payload length octets
This module receives an Ethernet frame with header fields in parallel and payload on an AXI stream interface, decodes and strips the IP header fields, then produces the header fields in parallel along with the IP payload in a separate AXI stream.
STATE_WAIT_LAST [2:0] 3'd4
IP Frame
Field Length Destination MAC address 6 octets Source MAC address 6 octets Ethertype (0x0800) 2 octets Version (4) 4 bits IHL (5-15) 4 bits DSCP (0) 6 bits ECN (0) 2 bits length 2 octets identification (0?) 2 octets flags (010) 3 bits fragment offset (0) 13 bits time to live (64?) 1 octet protocol 1 octet header checksum 2 octets source IP 4 octets destination IP 4 octets options (IHL-5)*4 octets payload length octets
This module receives an Ethernet frame with header fields in parallel and payload on an AXI stream interface, decodes and strips the IP header fields, then produces the header fields in parallel along with the IP payload in a separate AXI stream.



Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always