Entity: udp_checksum_gen
- File: udp_checksum_gen.v
Language: Verilog 2001
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
HEADER_FIFO_ADDR_WIDTH | $clog2(HEADER_FIFO_DEPTH) | UDP Frame Field Length Destination MAC address 6 octets Source MAC address 6 octets Ethertype (0x0800) 2 octets Version (4) 4 bits IHL (5-15) 4 bits DSCP (0) 6 bits ECN (0) 2 bits length 2 octets identification (0?) 2 octets flags (010) 3 bits fragment offset (0) 13 bits time to live (64?) 1 octet protocol 1 octet header checksum 2 octets source IP 4 octets destination IP 4 octets options (IHL-5)*4 octets source port 2 octets desination port 2 octets length 2 octets checksum 2 octets payload length octets This module receives a UDP frame with header fields in parallel and payload on an AXI stream interface, calculates the length and checksum, then produces the header fields in parallel along with the UDP payload in a separate AXI stream. */ |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk | input | wire | |
rst | input | wire | |
s_udp_hdr_valid | input | wire | * UDP frame input */ |
s_udp_hdr_ready | output | wire | |
s_eth_dest_mac | input | wire [47:0] | |
s_eth_src_mac | input | wire [47:0] | |
s_eth_type | input | wire [15:0] | |
s_ip_version | input | wire [3:0] | |
s_ip_ihl | input | wire [3:0] | |
s_ip_dscp | input | wire [5:0] | |
s_ip_ecn | input | wire [1:0] | |
s_ip_identification | input | wire [15:0] | |
s_ip_flags | input | wire [2:0] | |
s_ip_fragment_offset | input | wire [12:0] | |
s_ip_ttl | input | wire [7:0] | |
s_ip_header_checksum | input | wire [15:0] | |
s_ip_source_ip | input | wire [31:0] | |
s_ip_dest_ip | input | wire [31:0] | |
s_udp_source_port | input | wire [15:0] | |
s_udp_dest_port | input | wire [15:0] | |
s_udp_payload_axis_tdata | input | wire [7:0] | |
s_udp_payload_axis_tvalid | input | wire | |
s_udp_payload_axis_tready | output | wire | |
s_udp_payload_axis_tlast | input | wire | |
s_udp_payload_axis_tuser | input | wire | |
m_udp_hdr_valid | output | wire | * UDP frame output */ |
m_udp_hdr_ready | input | wire | |
m_eth_dest_mac | output | wire [47:0] | |
m_eth_src_mac | output | wire [47:0] | |
m_eth_type | output | wire [15:0] | |
m_ip_version | output | wire [3:0] | |
m_ip_ihl | output | wire [3:0] | |
m_ip_dscp | output | wire [5:0] | |
m_ip_ecn | output | wire [1:0] | |
m_ip_length | output | wire [15:0] | |
m_ip_identification | output | wire [15:0] | |
m_ip_flags | output | wire [2:0] | |
m_ip_fragment_offset | output | wire [12:0] | |
m_ip_ttl | output | wire [7:0] | |
m_ip_protocol | output | wire [7:0] | |
m_ip_header_checksum | output | wire [15:0] | |
m_ip_source_ip | output | wire [31:0] | |
m_ip_dest_ip | output | wire [31:0] | |
m_udp_source_port | output | wire [15:0] | |
m_udp_dest_port | output | wire [15:0] | |
m_udp_length | output | wire [15:0] | |
m_udp_checksum | output | wire [15:0] | |
m_udp_payload_axis_tdata | output | wire [7:0] | |
m_udp_payload_axis_tvalid | output | wire | |
m_udp_payload_axis_tready | input | wire | |
m_udp_payload_axis_tlast | output | wire | |
m_udp_payload_axis_tuser | output | wire | |
busy | output | wire | * Status signals */ |
Name | Type | Description |
state_reg | reg [2:0] | |
state_next | reg [2:0] | |
store_udp_hdr | reg | datapath control signals |
shift_payload_in | reg | |
checksum_part | reg [31:0] | |
frame_ptr_reg | reg [15:0] | |
frame_ptr_next | reg [15:0] | |
checksum_reg | reg [31:0] | |
checksum_next | reg [31:0] | |
eth_dest_mac_reg | reg [47:0] | |
eth_src_mac_reg | reg [47:0] | |
eth_type_reg | reg [15:0] | |
ip_version_reg | reg [3:0] | |
ip_ihl_reg | reg [3:0] | |
ip_dscp_reg | reg [5:0] | |
ip_ecn_reg | reg [1:0] | |
ip_identification_reg | reg [15:0] | |
ip_flags_reg | reg [2:0] | |
ip_fragment_offset_reg | reg [12:0] | |
ip_ttl_reg | reg [7:0] | |
ip_header_checksum_reg | reg [15:0] | |
ip_source_ip_reg | reg [31:0] | |
ip_dest_ip_reg | reg [31:0] | |
udp_source_port_reg | reg [15:0] | |
udp_dest_port_reg | reg [15:0] | |
hdr_valid_reg | reg | |
hdr_valid_next | reg | |
s_udp_hdr_ready_reg | reg | |
s_udp_hdr_ready_next | reg | |
s_udp_payload_axis_tready_reg | reg | |
s_udp_payload_axis_tready_next | reg | |
busy_reg | reg | |
s_udp_payload_fifo_tdata | wire [7:0] | * UDP Payload FIFO */ |
s_udp_payload_fifo_tvalid | wire | |
s_udp_payload_fifo_tready | wire | |
s_udp_payload_fifo_tlast | wire | |
s_udp_payload_fifo_tuser | wire | |
m_udp_payload_fifo_tdata | wire [7:0] | |
m_udp_payload_fifo_tvalid | wire | |
m_udp_payload_fifo_tready | wire | |
m_udp_payload_fifo_tlast | wire | |
m_udp_payload_fifo_tuser | wire | |
header_fifo_wr_ptr_reg | reg [HEADER_FIFO_ADDR_WIDTH:0] | * UDP Header FIFO */ |
header_fifo_wr_ptr_next | reg [HEADER_FIFO_ADDR_WIDTH:0] | * UDP Header FIFO */ |
header_fifo_rd_ptr_reg | reg [HEADER_FIFO_ADDR_WIDTH:0] | |
header_fifo_rd_ptr_next | reg [HEADER_FIFO_ADDR_WIDTH:0] | |
eth_dest_mac_mem | reg [47:0] | |
eth_src_mac_mem | reg [47:0] | |
eth_type_mem | reg [15:0] | |
ip_version_mem | reg [3:0] | |
ip_ihl_mem | reg [3:0] | |
ip_dscp_mem | reg [5:0] | |
ip_ecn_mem | reg [1:0] | |
ip_identification_mem | reg [15:0] | |
ip_flags_mem | reg [2:0] | |
ip_fragment_offset_mem | reg [12:0] | |
ip_ttl_mem | reg [7:0] | |
ip_header_checksum_mem | reg [15:0] | |
ip_source_ip_mem | reg [31:0] | |
ip_dest_ip_mem | reg [31:0] | |
udp_source_port_mem | reg [15:0] | |
udp_dest_port_mem | reg [15:0] | |
udp_length_mem | reg [15:0] | |
udp_checksum_mem | reg [15:0] | |
m_eth_dest_mac_reg | reg [47:0] | |
m_eth_src_mac_reg | reg [47:0] | |
m_eth_type_reg | reg [15:0] | |
m_ip_version_reg | reg [3:0] | |
m_ip_ihl_reg | reg [3:0] | |
m_ip_dscp_reg | reg [5:0] | |
m_ip_ecn_reg | reg [1:0] | |
m_ip_identification_reg | reg [15:0] | |
m_ip_flags_reg | reg [2:0] | |
m_ip_fragment_offset_reg | reg [12:0] | |
m_ip_ttl_reg | reg [7:0] | |
m_ip_header_checksum_reg | reg [15:0] | |
m_ip_source_ip_reg | reg [31:0] | |
m_ip_dest_ip_reg | reg [31:0] | |
m_udp_source_port_reg | reg [15:0] | |
m_udp_dest_port_reg | reg [15:0] | |
m_udp_length_reg | reg [15:0] | |
m_udp_checksum_reg | reg [15:0] | |
m_udp_hdr_valid_reg | reg | |
m_udp_hdr_valid_next | reg | |
header_fifo_full | wire | full when first MSB different but rest same |
header_fifo_empty | wire | empty when pointers match exactly |
header_fifo_write | reg | control signals |
header_fifo_read | reg | |
header_fifo_ready | wire |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
STATE_IDLE | [2:0] | 3'd0 | |
STATE_SUM_HEADER_1 | [2:0] | 3'd1 | |
STATE_SUM_HEADER_2 | [2:0] | 3'd2 | |
STATE_SUM_HEADER_3 | [2:0] | 3'd3 | |
STATE_SUM_PAYLOAD | [2:0] | 3'd4 | |
STATE_FINISH_SUM | [2:0] | 3'd5 |
- unnamed: ( @* )
Type: always
Write logic
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk) )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @* )
Type: always
Read logic
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk) )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @* )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk) )
Type: always
- payload_fifo: axis_fifo