Entity: ad_ip_jesd204_tpl_dac_regmap


ID DATAPATH_DISABLE IQCORRECTION_DISABLE XBAR_ENABLE FPGA_TECHNOLOGY FPGA_FAMILY SPEED_GRADE DEV_PACKAGE NUM_CHANNELS DATA_PATH_WIDTH PADDING_TO_MSB_LSB_N NUM_PROFILES s_axi_aclk s_axi_aresetn s_axi_awvalid [12:0] s_axi_awaddr [2:0] s_axi_awprot s_axi_wvalid [31:0] s_axi_wdata [3:0] s_axi_wstrb s_axi_arvalid [12:0] s_axi_araddr [2:0] s_axi_arprot s_axi_rready s_axi_bready link_clk dac_dunf dac_sync_in_status [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0] jesd_m [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0] jesd_l [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0] jesd_s [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0] jesd_f [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0] jesd_n [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0] jesd_np s_axi_awready s_axi_wready s_axi_arready s_axi_rvalid [31:0] s_axi_rdata [1:0] s_axi_rresp s_axi_bvalid [1:0] s_axi_bresp dac_sync [NUM_CHANNELS*4-1:0] dac_data_sel [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] dac_mask_enable dac_dds_format [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_dds_scale_0 [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_dds_init_0 [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_dds_incr_0 [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_dds_scale_1 [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_dds_init_1 [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_dds_incr_1 [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_pat_data_0 [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_pat_data_1 [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0] dac_iqcor_enb [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_iqcor_coeff_1 [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0] dac_iqcor_coeff_2 [NUM_CHANNELS*8-1:0] dac_src_chan_sel [$clog2(NUM_PROFILES):0] up_profile_sel


Copyright 2018 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

Each core or library found in this collection may have its own licensing terms. The user should keep this in in mind while exploring these cores.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification of this file, are permitted under the terms of either (at the option of the user):

  1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory, or at: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html


  1. An ADI specific BSD license as noted in the top level directory, or on-line at: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/dev/LICENSE


Generic name Type Value Description
ID 0
NUM_PROFILES 1 Number of supported JESD profiles


Port name Direction Type Description
s_axi_aclk input
s_axi_aresetn input
s_axi_awvalid input
s_axi_awready output
s_axi_awaddr input [12:0]
s_axi_awprot input [2:0]
s_axi_wvalid input
s_axi_wready output
s_axi_wdata input [31:0]
s_axi_wstrb input [3:0]
s_axi_arvalid input
s_axi_arready output
s_axi_araddr input [12:0]
s_axi_arprot input [2:0]
s_axi_rvalid output
s_axi_rready input
s_axi_rdata output [31:0]
s_axi_rresp output [1:0]
s_axi_bvalid output
s_axi_bready input
s_axi_bresp output [1:0]
link_clk input
dac_dunf input
dac_sync output
dac_sync_in_status input
dac_data_sel output [NUM_CHANNELS*4-1:0]
dac_mask_enable output [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0]
dac_dds_format output
dac_dds_scale_0 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_dds_init_0 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_dds_incr_0 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_dds_scale_1 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_dds_init_1 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_dds_incr_1 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_pat_data_0 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_pat_data_1 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_iqcor_enb output [NUM_CHANNELS-1:0]
dac_iqcor_coeff_1 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_iqcor_coeff_2 output [NUM_CHANNELS*16-1:0]
dac_src_chan_sel output [NUM_CHANNELS*8-1:0]
jesd_m input [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0] Framer interface
jesd_l input [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0]
jesd_s input [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0]
jesd_f input [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0]
jesd_n input [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0]
jesd_np input [NUM_PROFILES*8-1: 0]
up_profile_sel output [$clog2(NUM_PROFILES):0]


Name Type Description
up_wack reg internal registers
up_rack reg
up_rdata reg [31:0]
up_rdata_all reg [31:0]
up_wreq_s wire
up_waddr_s wire [10:0]
up_wdata_s wire [31:0]
up_wack_s wire [NUM_CHANNELS+1:0]
up_rreq_s wire
up_raddr_s wire [10:0]
up_rdata_s wire [31:0]
up_rack_s wire [NUM_CHANNELS+1:0]
up_clk wire internal clocks and resets
up_rstn wire
dac_rst wire
n integer


Name Type Value Description
CONFIG dac common processor interface
link_clk undefined dac common processor interface
dac_rst undefined dac common processor interface
dac_sync undefined dac common processor interface
dac_sync_in_status undefined dac common processor interface
dac_frame undefined dac common processor interface
dac_clksel undefined dac common processor interface
dac_par_type undefined dac common processor interface
dac_par_enb undefined dac common processor interface
dac_r1_mode undefined dac common processor interface
dac_dds_format undefined dac common processor interface
dac_datarate undefined dac common processor interface
dac_status undefined dac common processor interface
dac_dunf undefined dac common processor interface
DATA_PATH_WIDTH undefined dac common processor interface
up_drp_sel undefined dac common processor interface
up_drp_wr undefined dac common processor interface
up_drp_addr undefined dac common processor interface
up_drp_wdata undefined dac common processor interface
d0 undefined dac common processor interface
d0 undefined dac common processor interface
d1 undefined dac common processor interface
up_usr_chanmax undefined dac common processor interface
NUM_CHANNELS undefined dac common processor interface
d0 undefined dac common processor interface
up_dac_gpio_out undefined dac common processor interface
up_dac_ce undefined dac common processor interface
h00 undefined dac common processor interface
up_pps_status undefined dac common processor interface
up_pps_irq_mask undefined dac common processor interface
up_clk undefined dac common processor interface
up_rstn undefined dac common processor interface
up_wreq_s undefined dac common processor interface
up_waddr undefined dac common processor interface
up_waddr_s undefined dac common processor interface
up_wdata_s undefined dac common processor interface
up_wack_s undefined dac common processor interface
up_rreq_s undefined dac common processor interface
up_raddr undefined dac common processor interface
up_raddr_s undefined dac common processor interface
up_rdata_s undefined dac common processor interface
up_rack_s undefined dac common processor interface


Type: always

Type: always


up bus interface