Entity: axi_fmcadc5_sync


integer ID [ 7:0] FPGA_TECHNOLOGY [ 7:0] FPGA_FAMILY [ 7:0] SPEED_GRADE [ 7:0] DEV_PACKAGE DELAY_REFCLK_FREQUENCY rx_clk rx_sync_0 rx_sync_1 rx_enable_0 [255:0] rx_data_0 rx_enable_1 [255:0] rx_data_1 delay_rst delay_clk [ 7:0] spi_csn_o spi_clk_o spi_sdo_o spi_miso s_axi_aclk s_axi_aresetn s_axi_awvalid [ 15:0] s_axi_awaddr s_axi_wvalid [ 31:0] s_axi_wdata [ 3:0] s_axi_wstrb s_axi_bready s_axi_arvalid [ 15:0] s_axi_araddr s_axi_rready [ 2:0] s_axi_awprot [ 2:0] s_axi_arprot rx_sysref rx_sysref_p rx_sysref_n rx_sync_0_p rx_sync_0_n rx_sync_1_p rx_sync_1_n rx_enable [511:0] rx_data vcal psync [ 7:0] spi_csn spi_clk spi_mosi s_axi_awready s_axi_wready s_axi_bvalid [ 1:0] s_axi_bresp s_axi_arready s_axi_rvalid [ 31:0] s_axi_rdata [ 1:0] s_axi_rresp


Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license terms.

The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.

This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:

  1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html


  1. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code, as long as it attaches to an ADI device.

this module is a helper core for linux. as much as possible, try not to use this core. best thing to do is look at no-os and implement a proper frame work in linux. most controls are scattered around other cores, here we collect them to provide a common access.


Generic name Type Value Description
ID integer 0
FPGA_FAMILY [ 7:0] 0
SPEED_GRADE [ 7:0] 0
DEV_PACKAGE [ 7:0] 0


Port name Direction Type Description
rx_clk input receive interface
rx_sysref output
rx_sync_0 input
rx_sync_1 input
rx_sysref_p output
rx_sysref_n output
rx_sync_0_p output
rx_sync_0_n output
rx_sync_1_p output
rx_sync_1_n output
rx_enable_0 input
rx_data_0 input [255:0]
rx_enable_1 input
rx_data_1 input [255:0]
rx_enable output
rx_data output [511:0]
vcal output calibration signal
psync output switching regulator clocks
delay_rst input delay interface
delay_clk input
spi_csn_o input [ 7:0] spi override
spi_clk_o input
spi_sdo_o input
spi_csn output [ 7:0]
spi_clk output
spi_mosi output
spi_miso input
s_axi_aclk input axi interface
s_axi_aresetn input
s_axi_awvalid input
s_axi_awaddr input [ 15:0]
s_axi_awready output
s_axi_wvalid input
s_axi_wdata input [ 31:0]
s_axi_wstrb input [ 3:0]
s_axi_wready output
s_axi_bvalid output
s_axi_bresp output [ 1:0]
s_axi_bready input
s_axi_arvalid input
s_axi_araddr input [ 15:0]
s_axi_arready output
s_axi_rvalid output
s_axi_rdata output [ 31:0]
s_axi_rresp output [ 1:0]
s_axi_rready input
s_axi_awprot input [ 2:0]
s_axi_arprot input [ 2:0]


Name Type Description
up_psync_count reg [ 7:0] internal registers
up_psync reg
up_cal_done_t_m1 reg
up_cal_done_t_m2 reg
up_cal_done_t_m3 reg
up_cal_max_0 reg [ 15:0]
up_cal_min_0 reg [ 15:0]
up_cal_max_1 reg [ 15:0]
up_cal_min_1 reg [ 15:0]
up_cal_enable reg
up_cor_enable reg
up_cor_enable_t reg
up_cor_scale_0 reg [ 15:0]
up_cor_offset_0 reg [ 15:0]
up_cor_scale_1 reg [ 15:0]
up_cor_offset_1 reg [ 15:0]
up_vcal_8 reg [ 7:0]
up_vcal reg
up_vcal_cnt reg [ 7:0]
up_vcal_enable reg
up_sysref_ack_t_m1 reg
up_sysref_ack_t_m2 reg
up_sysref_ack_t_m3 reg
up_sysref_control_t reg
up_sysref_mode_e reg [ 1:0]
up_sysref_mode_i reg
up_sysref_req_t reg
up_sysref_status reg
up_sync_control_t reg
up_sync_mode reg
up_sync_disable_1 reg
up_sync_disable_0 reg
up_sync_status_t_m1 reg
up_sync_status_t_m2 reg
up_sync_status_t_m3 reg
up_sync_status_1 reg
up_sync_status_0 reg
up_delay_ld reg
up_delay_wdata reg [ 4:0]
up_spi_csn_int reg [ 7:0]
up_spi_clk_int reg
up_spi_mosi_int reg
up_spi_gnt reg
up_spi_req reg
up_spi_csn reg [ 7:0]
up_spi_cnt reg [ 5:0]
up_spi_clk_32 reg [ 31:0]
up_spi_out_32 reg [ 31:0]
up_spi_in_32 reg [ 31:0]
up_spi_out reg [ 7:0]
up_scratch reg [ 31:0]
up_timer reg [ 31:0]
up_wack reg
up_rack reg
up_rdata reg [ 31:0]
rx_cal_enable_m1 reg
rx_cal_enable reg
rx_cor_enable_t_m1 reg
rx_cor_enable_t_m2 reg
rx_cor_enable_t_m3 reg
rx_cor_enable reg
rx_cor_scale_0 reg [ 15:0]
rx_cor_offset_0 reg [ 15:0]
rx_cor_scale_1 reg [ 15:0]
rx_cor_offset_1 reg [ 15:0]
rx_cor_scale_d_0 reg [ 15:0]
rx_cor_offset_d_0 reg [ 15:0]
rx_cor_scale_d_1 reg [ 15:0]
rx_cor_offset_d_1 reg [ 15:0]
rx_sysref_cnt reg [ 7:0]
rx_sysref_control_t_m1 reg
rx_sysref_control_t_m2 reg
rx_sysref_control_t_m3 reg
rx_sysref_mode_e reg [ 1:0]
rx_sysref_mode_i reg
rx_sysref_req_t_m1 reg
rx_sysref_req_t_m2 reg
rx_sysref_req_t_m3 reg
rx_sysref_req reg
rx_sysref_e reg
rx_sysref_i reg
rx_sysref_ack_t reg
rx_sysref_enb_e reg
rx_sysref_enb_i reg
rx_sync_control_t_m1 reg
rx_sync_control_t_m2 reg
rx_sync_control_t_m3 reg
rx_sync_mode reg
rx_sync_disable_1 reg
rx_sync_disable_0 reg
rx_sync_out_1 reg
rx_sync_out_0 reg
rx_sync_cnt reg [ 7:0]
rx_sync_hold_1 reg
rx_sync_hold_0 reg
rx_sync_status_t reg
rx_sync_status_1 reg
rx_sync_status_0 reg
up_cal_done_t_s wire internal signals
up_sysref_ack_t_s wire
up_sync_status_t_s wire
up_spi_gnt_s wire
up_spi_out_32_s wire [ 31:0]
up_spi_in_s wire [ 7:0]
rx_cor_enable_t_s wire
rx_cal_done_t_s wire
rx_cal_max_0_s wire [ 15:0]
rx_cal_min_0_s wire [ 15:0]
rx_cal_max_1_s wire [ 15:0]
rx_cal_min_1_s wire [ 15:0]
rx_sysref_control_t_s wire
rx_sysref_req_t_s wire
rx_sysref_enb_e_s wire
rx_sync_control_t_s wire
up_delay_rdata_s wire [ 4:0]
up_delay_locked_s wire
up_wreq_s wire
up_waddr_s wire [ 13:0]
up_wdata_s wire [ 31:0]
up_rreq_s wire
up_raddr_s wire [ 13:0]
up_rstn wire
up_clk wire


Name Type Value Description
PCORE_VERSION [31:0] 32'h00040063 version


Type: always

Type: always

calibration (offset & gain only)

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

sync register(s)

Type: always

Type: always

delay register(s)

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

spi register(s)

Type: always

scratch register(s)

Type: always

processor read interface

Type: always

calibration at receive clock

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

sysref-control at receive clock

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always


sync buffers

up == micro("u") processor