Entity: fir_interp


signed [15:0] coeffphase1_1 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_2 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_3 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_4 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_5 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_6 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_7 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_8 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_9 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_10 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_11 signed [15:0] coeffphase1_12 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_1 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_2 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_3 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_4 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_5 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_6 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_7 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_8 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_9 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_10 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_11 signed [15:0] coeffphase2_12 clk clk_enable reset signed [15:0] filter_in signed [35:0] filter_out ce_out


Module: fir_interp Generated by MATLAB(R) 9.0 and the Filter Design HDL Coder 3.0.

Generated on: 2016-07-05 15:54:12

HDL Code Generation Options:

FIRAdderStyle: tree OptimizeForHDL: on EDAScriptGeneration: off AddPipelineRegisters: on Name: fir_interp TargetLanguage: Verilog TestBenchName: fo_copy_tb TestBenchStimulus: step ramp chirp noise

GenerateHDLTestBench: off

HDL Implementation : Fully parallel Multipliers : 12

Folding Factor : 1

Filter Settings:

Discrete-Time FIR Multirate Filter (real)

Filter Structure : Direct-Form FIR Polyphase Interpolator Interpolation Factor : 2 Polyphase Length : 12 Filter Length : 24 Stable : Yes Linear Phase : Yes (Type 2)

Arithmetic : fixed

Numerator : s16,15 -> [-1 1)


Generic name Type Value Description
coeffphase1_1 signed [15:0] 16'b1111111110101001 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_2 signed [15:0] 16'b1111111101111010 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_3 signed [15:0] 16'b0000010011111111 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_4 signed [15:0] 16'b1111101010101110 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_5 signed [15:0] 16'b1111001001101000 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_6 signed [15:0] 16'b0011011010110011 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_7 signed [15:0] 16'b0101011100111111 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_8 signed [15:0] 16'b0000110010011010 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_9 signed [15:0] 16'b1111000000000010 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_10 signed [15:0] 16'b0000001110101000 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_11 signed [15:0] 16'b0000000111110010 sfix16_En15
coeffphase1_12 signed [15:0] 16'b1111111100011100 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_1 signed [15:0] 16'b1111111100011100 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_2 signed [15:0] 16'b0000000111110010 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_3 signed [15:0] 16'b0000001110101000 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_4 signed [15:0] 16'b1111000000000010 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_5 signed [15:0] 16'b0000110010011010 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_6 signed [15:0] 16'b0101011100111111 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_7 signed [15:0] 16'b0011011010110011 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_8 signed [15:0] 16'b1111001001101000 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_9 signed [15:0] 16'b1111101010101110 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_10 signed [15:0] 16'b0000010011111111 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_11 signed [15:0] 16'b1111111101111010 sfix16_En15
coeffphase2_12 signed [15:0] 16'b1111111110101001 sfix16_En15


Port name Direction Type Description
clk input
clk_enable input
reset input
filter_in input signed [15:0] sfix16_En15
filter_out output signed [35:0] sfix36_En30
ce_out output


Name Type Description
cur_count reg [1:0] ufix2
phase_1 wire boolean
delay_pipeline reg signed [15:0] sfix16_En15
product wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_1 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_1 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_2 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_2 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_3 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_3 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_4 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_4 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_5 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_5 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_6 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_6 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_7 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_7 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_8 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_8 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_9 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_9 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_10 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_10 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
product_11 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
product_mux_11 wire [15:0] sfix16_En15
sumvector1 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_signext_1 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_temp wire [32:0] sfix33_En30
add_signext_2 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_signext_3 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_temp_1 wire [32:0] sfix33_En30
add_signext_4 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_signext_5 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_temp_2 wire [32:0] sfix33_En30
add_signext_6 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_signext_7 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_temp_3 wire [32:0] sfix33_En30
add_signext_8 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_signext_9 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_temp_4 wire [32:0] sfix33_En30
add_signext_10 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_signext_11 wire [31:0] sfix32_En30
add_temp_5 wire [32:0] sfix33_En30
sumdelay_pipeline1 reg signed [35:0] sfix36_En30
sumvector2 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext_12 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext_13 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_temp_6 wire [36:0] sfix37_En30
add_signext_14 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext_15 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_temp_7 wire [36:0] sfix37_En30
add_signext_16 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext_17 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_temp_8 wire [36:0] sfix37_En30
sumdelay_pipeline2 reg signed [35:0] sfix36_En30
sumvector3 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext_18 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext_19 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_temp_9 wire [36:0] sfix37_En30
sumdelay_pipeline3 reg signed [35:0] sfix36_En30
sum4 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext_20 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_signext_21 wire [35:0] sfix36_En30
add_temp_10 wire [36:0] sfix37_En30
output_register reg signed [35:0] sfix36_En30


Type: always

Block Statements

Type: always

---------------- Delay Registers ----------------

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always

Type: always