Entity: edma


AW PW vdd vss clk nreset access_in [PW-1:0] packet_in wait_in reg_access_in [PW-1:0] reg_packet_in reg_wait_in irq wait_out access_out [PW-1:0] packet_out reg_wait_out reg_access_out [PW-1:0] reg_packet_out





Author: Andreas Olofsson

License: MIT (see below) #



Generic name Type Value Description
AW 32 address width
PW 104 packet width


Port name Direction Type Description
vdd input supply
vss input common ground
clk input main core clock
nreset input async active low reset
irq output interrupt output
access_in input streaming input access
packet_in input [PW-1:0] streaming input data
wait_out output pushback
access_out output output access (master/slave)
packet_out output [PW-1:0] output packet (with address)
wait_in input pushback
reg_access_in input config register access
reg_packet_in input [PW-1:0] config register packet
reg_wait_out output pushback by register read
reg_access_out output config readback
reg_packet_out output [PW-1:0] config reacback packet
reg_wait_in input pushback for readback


Name Type Description
chainmode wire From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
count wire [31:0] From edma_dp of edma_dp.v
count_reg wire [31:0] From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
ctrlmode wire [4:0] From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
curr_descr wire [15:0] From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
datamode wire [1:0] From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
dma_en wire From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
dma_state wire [3:0] From edma_ctrl of edma_ctrl.v
dstaddr wire [AW-1:0] From edma_dp of edma_dp.v
dstaddr_reg wire [63:0] From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
fetch_access wire From edma_ctrl of edma_ctrl.v
fetch_packet wire [PW-1:0] From edma_ctrl of edma_ctrl.v
manualmode wire From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
master_active wire From edma_ctrl of edma_ctrl.v
mastermode wire From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
next_descr wire [15:0] From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
srcaddr wire [AW-1:0] From edma_dp of edma_dp.v
srcaddr_reg wire [63:0] From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
stride_reg wire [31:0] From edma_regs of edma_regs.v
update wire From edma_ctrl of edma_ctrl.v
update2d wire From edma_ctrl of edma_ctrl.v