Entity: emaxi


M_IDW PW AW DW wr_access [PW-1:0] wr_packet rd_access [PW-1:0] rd_packet rr_wait m_axi_aclk m_axi_aresetn m_axi_awready m_axi_wready [M_IDW-1:0] m_axi_bid [1 : 0] m_axi_bresp m_axi_bvalid m_axi_arready [M_IDW-1:0] m_axi_rid [63 : 0] m_axi_rdata [1 : 0] m_axi_rresp m_axi_rlast m_axi_rvalid wr_wait rd_wait rr_access [PW-1:0] rr_packet [M_IDW-1:0] m_axi_awid [31 : 0] m_axi_awaddr [7 : 0] m_axi_awlen [2 : 0] m_axi_awsize [1 : 0] m_axi_awburst m_axi_awlock [3 : 0] m_axi_awcache [2 : 0] m_axi_awprot [3 : 0] m_axi_awqos m_axi_awvalid [M_IDW-1:0] m_axi_wid [63 : 0] m_axi_wdata [7 : 0] m_axi_wstrb m_axi_wlast m_axi_wvalid m_axi_bready [M_IDW-1:0] m_axi_arid [31 : 0] m_axi_araddr [7 : 0] m_axi_arlen [2 : 0] m_axi_arsize [1 : 0] m_axi_arburst m_axi_arlock [3 : 0] m_axi_arcache [2 : 0] m_axi_arprot [3 : 0] m_axi_arqos m_axi_arvalid m_axi_rready



Generic name Type Value Description
M_IDW 12
PW 104
AW 32
DW 32


Port name Direction Type Description
wr_access input ########################EMESH INTERFACE ######################## Write request
wr_packet input [PW-1:0]
wr_wait output
rd_access input Read request
rd_packet input [PW-1:0]
rd_wait output
rr_access output Read response
rr_packet output [PW-1:0]
rr_wait input
m_axi_aclk input global clock signal.
m_axi_aresetn input global reset singal.
m_axi_awid output [M_IDW-1:0] write address ID
m_axi_awaddr output [31 : 0] master interface write address
m_axi_awlen output [7 : 0] burst length.
m_axi_awsize output [2 : 0] burst size.
m_axi_awburst output [1 : 0] burst type.
m_axi_awlock output lock type
m_axi_awcache output [3 : 0] memory type.
m_axi_awprot output [2 : 0] protection type.
m_axi_awqos output [3 : 0] quality of service
m_axi_awvalid output write address valid
m_axi_awready input write address ready
m_axi_wid output [M_IDW-1:0] Write data channel
m_axi_wdata output [63 : 0] master interface write data.
m_axi_wstrb output [7 : 0] byte write strobes
m_axi_wlast output last transfer in a write burst.
m_axi_wvalid output indicates data is ready to go
m_axi_wready input slave is ready for data
m_axi_bid input [M_IDW-1:0] Write response channel
m_axi_bresp input [1 : 0] status of the write transaction.
m_axi_bvalid input channel is a valid write response
m_axi_bready output master can accept write response.
m_axi_arid output [M_IDW-1:0] read address ID
m_axi_araddr output [31 : 0] initial address of a read burst
m_axi_arlen output [7 : 0] burst length
m_axi_arsize output [2 : 0] burst size
m_axi_arburst output [1 : 0] burst type
m_axi_arlock output lock type
m_axi_arcache output [3 : 0] memory type
m_axi_arprot output [2 : 0] protection type
m_axi_arqos output [3 : 0] quality of service info
m_axi_arvalid output valid read address
m_axi_arready input slave is ready to accept an address
m_axi_rid input [M_IDW-1:0] read data ID
m_axi_rdata input [63 : 0] master read data
m_axi_rresp input [1 : 0] status of the read transfer
m_axi_rlast input last transfer in a read burst
m_axi_rvalid input signaling the required read data
m_axi_rready output master can accept the readback data


Name Type Description
m_axi_awaddr reg [31 : 0] ######################################################################### REGISTER/WIRE DECLARATIONS #########################################################################
m_axi_awlen reg [7:0]
m_axi_awsize reg [2:0]
m_axi_awvalid reg
m_axi_wdata reg [63 : 0]
m_axi_rdata_reg reg [63 : 0]
m_axi_wstrb reg [7 : 0]
m_axi_wlast reg
m_axi_wvalid reg
awvalid_b reg
awaddr_b reg [31:0]
awsize_b reg [2:0]
awlen_b reg [7:0]
wvalid_b reg
wdata_b reg [63:0]
wstrb_b reg [7:0]
wdata_aligned reg [63 : 0]
wstrb_aligned reg [7 : 0]
rr_access reg
rr_data reg [31:0]
rr_srcaddr reg [31:0]
rr_datamode reg [3:0]
rr_ctrlmode reg [3:0]
rr_dstaddr reg [31:0]
m_axi_rdata_fifo reg [63:0]
rr_access_fifo reg
aw_go wire wires
w_go wire
readinfo_wren wire
readinfo_full wire
readinfo_out wire [40:0]
readinfo_in wire [40:0]
awvalid_in wire
wr_datamode wire [1:0]
wr_dstaddr wire [AW-1:0]
wr_data wire [DW-1:0]
wr_srcaddr wire [AW-1:0]
rd_datamode wire [1:0]
rd_ctrlmode wire [4:0]
rd_dstaddr wire [AW-1:0]
rd_srcaddr wire [AW-1:0]
rr_datamode_fifo wire [1:0]
rr_ctrlmode_fifo wire [3:0]
rr_dstaddr_fifo wire [31:0]
rr_alignaddr_fifo wire [2:0]
packet_out wire [103:0]
fifo_prog_full wire
fifo_full wire
fifo_rd_en wire
fifo_wr_en wire
sync_nreset wire Rest synchronization (for safety, assume incoming reset is async)


Type: always

generate write-address signals

Type: always

else: !if(~m_axi_aresetn) ######################################################################### Write data alignment circuit #########################################################################

Type: always

Type: always

always @ * ######################################################################### Write data channel #########################################################################

Type: always

BUG!: 1'b1 Pipeline axi transaction to account for FIFO read latency

Type: always

Alignment Mux (one cycle)


Synchronous FIFO for read transactions