Entity: erx_arbiter


AW DW PW ID RFAW erx_access [PW-1:0] erx_packet mailbox_wait edma_access [PW-1:0] edma_packet ecfg_access [PW-1:0] ecfg_packet rxwr_wait rxrd_wait rxrr_wait rx_rd_wait rx_wr_wait edma_wait ecfg_wait rxwr_access [PW-1:0] rxwr_packet rxrd_access [PW-1:0] rxrd_packet rxrr_access [PW-1:0] rxrr_packet


Generic name Type Value Description
AW 32
DW 32
PW 104
ID 12'h800 link id


Port name Direction Type Description
erx_access input from MMU
erx_packet input [PW-1:0]
rx_rd_wait output for IO
rx_wr_wait output for IO
mailbox_wait input Pushback from mailbox
edma_access input From DMA
edma_packet input [PW-1:0]
edma_wait output
ecfg_access input From ETX
ecfg_packet input [PW-1:0]
ecfg_wait output
rxwr_access output To Master Write FIFO
rxwr_packet output [PW-1:0]
rxwr_wait input
rxrd_access output To Master Read FIFO
rxrd_packet output [PW-1:0]
rxrd_wait input
rxrr_access output To Slave Read Response FIFO
rxrr_packet output [PW-1:0]
rxrr_wait input


Name Type Description
erx_write wire #################################### Splicing pakets ####################################
erx_dstaddr wire [AW-1:0]
erx_read wire