Entity: erx_cfg


AW nreset clk erx_cfg_access [PW-1:0] erx_cfg_packet [31:0] edma_rdata [31:0] mailbox_rdata erx_access [PW-1:0] erx_packet [8:0] gpio_datain [15:0] rx_status mmu_access dma_access mailbox_access ecfg_access [PW-1:0] ecfg_packet mmu_enable [1:0] remap_mode [31:0] remap_base [11:0] remap_pattern [11:0] remap_sel [44:0] idelay_value load_taps test_mode mailbox_irq_en


Generic name Type Value Description
AW 32 address width


Port name Direction Type Description
nreset input async active low reset
clk input slow clock
erx_cfg_access input access from TX
erx_cfg_packet input [PW-1:0] packet
mmu_access output mmu access
dma_access output dma access
mailbox_access output mailbox access
edma_rdata input [31:0] dma readback data
mailbox_rdata input [31:0] mailbox readback data
ecfg_access output access signal for axi_slave
ecfg_packet output [PW-1:0] readback data for axi_slave
mmu_enable output enables MMU on rx path (static)
remap_mode output [1:0] remap mode (static)
remap_base output [31:0] base for dynamic remap (static)
remap_pattern output [11:0] patter for static remap (static)
remap_sel output [11:0] selects for static remap (static)
idelay_value output [44:0] tap values for erx idelay
load_taps output loads the idelay_value into IDELAY prim
test_mode output testmode blocks all rx ports to fifo
mailbox_irq_en output irq enable for mailbox
erx_access input rx raw access for debug
erx_packet input [PW-1:0] rx raw packet for debug
gpio_datain input [8:0] frame and data inputs (static)
rx_status input [15:0] etx status signals


Name Type Description
rx_cfg_reg reg [31:0] ################################################################## # BODY ################################################################## registers
rx_offset_reg reg [31:0]
rx_gpio_reg reg [8:0]
rx_status_reg reg [15:0]
rx_testdata_reg reg [31:0]
idelay reg [44:0]
load_taps reg
cfg_rdata reg [31:0]
data_out reg [AW-1:0]
dstaddr_out reg [AW-1:0]
srcaddr_out reg [AW-1:0]
write_out reg
ctrlmode_out reg [4:0]
datamode_out reg [1:0]
ecfg_access reg
rx_sel reg
dma_sel reg
mailbox_sel reg
tx_sel reg
data_mux wire [31:0]
ctrlmode_in wire [4:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
data_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
datamode_in wire [1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
dstaddr_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
srcaddr_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
write_in wire From p2e of packet2emesh.v


Name Type Value Description
PW 2*AW+40 packet width
RFAW 6 register block size


Type: always

########################### # RXCFG ###########################

Type: always

###########################1 # STATUS ###########################

Type: always

########################### # GPIO-DATAIN ###########################

Type: always

###########################1 # DYNAMIC REMAP BASE ###########################

Type: always

###########################1 # IDELAY TAP VALUES ###########################

Type: always

Type: always

############################### # TESTMODE (ADD OR/LFSR..) ###############################

Type: always

############################### # DATA READBACK MUX ###############################

Type: always

############################### # FORWARD PACKET TO OUTPUT ############################### pipeline


readback mux (should be one hot!)